Daily Archives: November 4, 2013

Venus Enters Capricorn (November 5, 2013)


Well…you best take a deep breath and
sit down, get com­fort­able now because this is going to be a rather long journey
for you and Venus. Your Avatar of Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love will nor­mal­ly skip
through a sign in about 3 weeks, but this sojourn in Capri­corn is going to last
over 4 Months!

Of course, there is a very good reason
for this, as Venus will be turn­ing ret­ro­grade just before she makes it to the
next sign of Aquar­ius. Then she will “back up” into the mid­dle of Capricorn,
as she moves from her posi­tion as your Evening Star (Hes­pe­rus) to become the Bringer
of Light as your Morn­ing Star (Lucifer), before she moves for­ward again. She
will final­ly enter Aquar­ius on March 5, 2014, all in all that is a very long
time for Venus to abide in the Realm where Sat­urn rules…

You have had your time in Sagit­tar­ius to
pre­pare for this, to extend your sen­si­bil­i­ties, stretch your under­stand­ing and
enhance your appre­ci­a­tion for art and beau­ty, all so that you might bring new
growth to your life and new depth to your love.

But after every soar­ing moment in those
realms of Fire, the Cir­cle of Life must bring you back and through another
Earthy Realm. For it is not enough to be inspired by visions, to dream great
dreams and pon­der greater truths…You are here on this Plane of Sub­stance to
bring this all into man­i­fes­ta­tion, to take your Val­ues, Beau­ties and Loves, to
bring them into Mat­ter, to make them Tan­gi­ble and Real, to make and leave a
lega­cy of your Love.

Venus in Capri­corn is about your
Respon­si­bil­i­ty to Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love, for you are part of a marvelous
col­umn of Lives that stretch back beyond imag­in­ing, and you and they have fashioned
and formed your selves and your world for a very long while indeed. 

You need to
hon­or what has been passed down to you, for it has stood the tests of time. Know­ing this, your aware­ness will lift and so guide you to this moment with Grat­i­tude and Rev­er­ence, for it is the time, in the here and now, you shall take up your Duty once again and add a lit­tle something

For The Work is far from over, your
Des­tiny too dis­tant to see or under­stand. But you can dis­cern “The Way” in this
moment, of what is asked of you, always…You will extend a help­ing hand below to one
who needs you now, as you reach with your oth­er to clasp the hand which is lovingly
offered to you from just above. For you are here to be Faith­ful to one anoth­er, you are here to be Respon­si­ble for one another…You are here because of Love.

For this Unbro­ken Chain of Cre­ation is
formed and forged by one and all…

You are one anoth­er’s Keep­er, steadfast
and hold­ing True.

You are com­ing out of the Fire-Mists, with Singing and Burn­ing Love,

You are com­ing to this Earthy Realm again,

To Bring Light and Love,

For One and for all.