Jupiter Stationary Retrograde (November 6–7, 2013)


This turn­ing was men­tioned in my Gen­er­al
Fore­cast for 2013

Jupiter Ret­ro­grade (Novem­ber 6–7 until March 6, 2014)

who ever encour­ages you grow beyond your for­mer frames of ref­er­ence, takes you
on anoth­er inner jour­ney of growth, to explore your beliefs and truths as you
lis­ten for those whis­pers from your high­er self. This time he is in Can­cer, so
you need to reex­am­ine the root beliefs that nur­tured your begin­nings and may
still inform, inspire and guide you now. Pon­der a piece of wis­dom in this very
old say­ing, “That it is a very good for­tune to be born and brought up in a
belief…but it is a ter­ri­ble mis­for­tune to die in that belief.”  

You are here to Grow, but not all of
your growth will or should lead you to some­thing High­er, Larg­er, or Greater in

In fact, you will find that your most
impor­tant growth will take you Inwards, as you trav­el with­in and experience
those Infi­nite, Inner Worlds and more Sub­tle Dimen­sions that are the source of
all these out­ward forms. Your great­est explo­rations and dis­cov­er­ies will take
place in these realms, that lie beyond and behind this phys­i­cal­ly beau­ti­ful but
often Illu­sion­ary plane of your Earth­ly vehi­cle. For you must remem­ber, and you
should lit­er­al­ly “pinch” your­self and say, “This is not what or
who I am, this is mere­ly the form I must take to be in these worlds of

When­ev­er a Plan­et turns ret­ro­grade, its
func­tion and pur­pose for you is turned too, turned so as to bring the focus of
its Mean­ings upon your Inner Worlds, to bring more aware­ness to you regard­ing your
Sub­tle Bod­ies and High­er Nature, to bring you back to your Truth in Spirit.

In fact, because of this (or some would
add, because all Plan­ets will make their clos­est approach to Earth when retrograde),
the Pow­er and Strength of a Plan­et’s offer­ings for you are that much greater
when Ret­ro­grade, because it is now focused upon and help­ing to elic­it and bring
forth the very Noume­na of your Being, the Under­ly­ing and Undy­ing Truth of what
you tru­ly are…For you are Spir­it, who at this time hap­pens to be learn­ing and
grow­ing through and upon this mate­r­i­al plane…but you need to remem­ber from
where you came and to where your Jour­ney will take you…you need to live by
and you need to be your Truth. 

So, though many projects, functions
and activ­i­ties of your life over the next four months will con­tin­ue to grow in
and through this Mate­r­i­al Plane, of course they will and must, for you have
giv­en them Ener­gy and Form and they will con­tin­ue upon their own path of Material
Unfoldment…It is you, The Dream­er and Cre­ator, it is you who will need to
turn your inten­tion and atten­tion to con­sid­er more what is behind and within
your­self and your world.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Prin­ci­ples, Truths
and Under­stand­ing and helps to form the Atti­tudes and Inten­tions that direct
you upon your one True Path, which is to grow. This turn­ing is for you, and
being that Jupiter is in Can­cer, you are offered anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to understand
what forms the Foun­tain Source of you in this part of your Jour­ney. What are
the Spir­i­tu­al Foun­da­tions of your life, what Root Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs, Truths
or Reli­gions inform and guide your ways? What do you stand upon, Where do you
come from…and Where are you Going?

Take this time to look with­in, to
con­sid­er what forms your Foun­da­tion in Truth, what holds you to your Intention
to become and grow…

For you are ever Seek­ing, to Find your
Way, to Find your Path…

You will go here and there, ask­ing of
many Seers and Read­ers, Wise Ones and Teach­ers, Guides and Gurus, seek­ing to
know, “What should I Do, Where shall I go?”

When all along, of course, the answer
was there waiting…Within.

The ques­tion you need answered is not
Where are you Going…

The ques­tion is, Do you know from whence
you came?

For Know­ing this, you will smile, and
you will turn…

Point­ing to your Heart, as you look up to the Heav­ens, you will say…

Here is my home, there
is my Destiny”.

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