Daily Archives: November 9, 2013

Mercury Turns Direct (November 10, 2013)


to Turn…

next shift in your Inward/Outward Web of Con­nec­tiv­i­ty is here as Hermes
piv­ots and so must you. Now is your time of oppor­tu­ni­ty to apply the lessons learned
over the past three weeks, now is your moment to renew your unions with one

wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2013:

Mer­cury Direct (Novem­ber 10 until Feb­ru­ary 6, 2014)

third and final of the three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades is over. Time to put into
motion the pur­pos­es and plans that you had to put on hold for the last three
weeks. You have cleared the way for deep­er, truer Unions and it is time to see
how much more you can grow…together. 

For three weeks you have peered within.
You were giv­en this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er once again what qualities,
con­di­tions and pat­terns have their hold on you and might hold you back,
con­scious­ly and uncon­scious­ly, from the Union you seek, have or wish to preserve.
You quite sim­ply but pro­found­ly had to face your fears…

You are endowed with this pow­er of
Self-Reflec­tion because of your Spir­i­tu­al core, the Spark of the Divine, that ceaselessly
urges you to grow and become. You can and should use this won­drous gift at any
time, but it is dur­ing these Mer­cu­r­ial pass­es between you and the Sun that you
are giv­en this greater pow­er to per­ceive your shadowed-self.

For your present self-aware­ness is a dim
reflec­tion of the Self that abides at your cen­ter, the one who is The Watcher.
Your human or devel­op­ing self, who is being ever guid­ed by this High­er Self, is
still bound and caught by many reac­tionary pat­terns, those ener­gy-actions formed
by the echoes of your past that hold you in thrall to your anx­i­eties and fears. 

You had anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty, in the last
three weeks, to make some small or greater effort towards remov­ing those
shad­ows that might pre­vent or harm your unions with one anoth­er. You found a deep­er Truth about your Fear of Rejection. 

For when act­ing on the basis of this fear, the Fear that you will be reject­ed, you end­ed up cre­at­ing self-pro­tec­tive, reac­tive pat­terns that brought about the very thing you were attempt­ing to avoid. By act­ing in Fear, you could only bring about the very thing you were most try­ing to avoid, Rejec­tion and Loss…for Fear begets Fear.

You learned that it was about fac­ing down this fear that you real­ly hold with­in your­self. You learned to trans­form that reac­tionary pat­tern through accep­tance and Love…of Your­self. You moved clos­er to what is your Truth, clos­er to Uncon­di­tion­al love. You let go of Fear, and you chose not to reject yourself. 

And now you must move for­ward again…

you must apply your new-found wisdom…

And, if by chance the one before you has
done their work…

Well then a bet­ter, brighter day will dawn for you two.