Daily Archives: November 12, 2013

Neptune Turns Direct (November 13, 2013)


You are the Dreamer…

You are the Creator…

You are the Archi­tect and the Builder,

You are the Cause and the Effect,

You are the Sleep­er who is Waking…

To the Dawn of your New Day.

I wrote about this shift of sub­lime ener­gies in the 2013 Fore­cast:

Nep­tune Direct (Novem­ber 13 until June 9, 2014)

The Lord of Faith and Imag­i­na­tion bids you bring your dreams into Reality…You have been trav­el­ling upon those inner path­ways of Inspi­ra­tion, but now Nep­tune will show you the ways in which you can weave those numi­nous webs of what might be into your Real­i­ty. 

You have dreamed and imag­ined much in the past 5 months, as Nep­tune in ret­ro­grade encour­aged you to turn your awe­some pow­ers of Clear-See­ing Illu­mi­na­tion back upon your­self. This was so that you might re-con­sid­er the ways in which you per­ceive your­self, to dis­cern and grow in wis­dom, to pierce beyond the Illu­sion and be hum­bled by the Insight of your true nature.

For it is only from this Greater Self-Aware­ness, only by remov­ing anoth­er lay­er formed by your Assump­tions and Mis­per­cep­tions, only by approach­ing your High­er Self with Greater Humil­i­ty and Faith, only in this Path­way of Self-Per­fec­tion can you pre­pare your­self for what you are meant to be. For by Seek­ing, Striv­ing and Gain­ing this Self-Knowl­edge you are then pre­pared to address with Brighter Beams of Illu­mi­nat­ing Wis­dom these Won­drous but Illu­sion­ary Worlds through which you must travel.

Clear­er now, wis­er now…Lord Nep­tune, your Avatar of Illu­mi­na­tion who helps you to dis­solve the Illu­sions of Sep­a­ra­tion, your Blue Orbed Mys­ti­cal Muse is call­ing upon you now to turn more of your Dream­ing-Clear-See­ing pow­ers upon the world around you. For as much if not more than your mis­con­cep­tions of your­self, those shift­ing pat­terns of appear­ances are great­ly mag­ni­fied by the myr­i­ad con­fu­sions that will be encoun­tered when you attempt to under­stand one another.

Nep­tune, as before, will offer aid and com­fort here. For as much as you need­ed to for­give your­self, to let go of your mis­un­der­stand­ings about your true nature, you must equal­ly approach the ques­tion of the one before you with even greater Humil­i­ty and Grace. Nep­tune reminds you that what divides you from one anoth­er is so much less than what holds you to each other.

For Nep­tune is the Avatar of Spir­i­tu­al Love, found­ed upon the Awe­some Truth that you are of One Spir­it, you are of and for one anoth­er, and that the Source of Light and Truth in this Uni­verse, what holds all of Cre­ation togeth­er is this Love, this force that Binds one and all to the One Everlasting.

You must lead with Nep­tune now, you will lead with Com­pas­sion and Kind­li­ness, for this is the only path you can take if you are to tru­ly meet one anoth­er as it was, is and will always be, in Spir­it and Truth. You must humbly look beyond your mis­con­cep­tions and lit­tle dif­fer­ences and see the Greater that is there before you, for what you behold is but a Mir­ror and Muse of your own true nature.

You must look with Nep­tune, to look through and beyond this Veil of Mat­ter, you must step into the Light and the Shad­ows will fall, these Veils of Earth­ly Fin­ery will be swept away to reveal the Glo­ry that is before you.

And if you do, if you look with no expec­ta­tion, no preconception…

If you look upon one anoth­er as you were made to do,

With Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Understanding…

Then, you will gasp and you will bow…

You will drop down on bend­ed knee and declare,

Oh, what a won­der, what beauty…

This Pres­ence, This Joy,

This Divin­i­ty”!