Daily Archives: November 20, 2013

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2013)



The Way of Truth 

You have sung for the joy of Union,

and wept heart­felt tears for your Loss­es too.

You have sought that sweet promise, the Self-Transcendent,

For though Immor­tal, you still struggle…

To Under­stand and Mas­ter this Mor­tal Way.

Hav­ing scaled the heights and plumbed the Depths of your Feel­ings for one anoth­er, you have need to see all of this now in a more super­nal light, you look for some way to make sense, you search for greater clar­i­ty in the joy and solace for your pain…you seek the way that leads to Peace.

You must ever strive to reach a high­er, more encom­pass­ing view…And, if you wish to Under­stand, you will need to let go of what you think you know, for only by this will you find a way to a more accept­ing and inclu­sive path…Only by this will you find an answer…and if you assent and if you accept… well, then you will tru­ly Grow.

You must take your leave of Water now, and enter this last of the Realms of Fire, you will enter this Sanc­tum of Seren­i­ty, the way that is known as Sagittarius.

Now you will walk in the Halls of Wis­dom, and you will bow down before Sages and Seers. For though your jour­ney is your own sweet song of Spir­it, and you are here to make it authen­tic and true, you should know that many have come this way before and they sought what you long for too…

These ques­tions of life are the ever-return­ing reminders that in your essence you are a Sparkling Star of unfold­ing, awak­en­ing Self-Aware­ness. That your jour­ney is encom­passed with­in an ever-evolv­ing Hier­ar­chi­cal Host, seen as a won­drous Rib­bon of Light, in which you are as a drop in a con­tin­u­ous stream of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…And because this is the Jour­ney of Spir­it, a spi­ral­ing and nev­er-end­ing pro­ces­sion through time and space, count­less ones have come before you as they sought and won their way to a Greater Understanding…and because of this, because of what and who they became, you will find their Gift of the Spir­it, their offer­ing of Solace and Seren­i­ty for you.

Whether in the Halls of Sci­ence or Phi­los­o­phy, or in the Cat­a­combs of Reli­gion or Law, there abides behind them all the Ancient Teach­ings which form the true Foun­tain Source of Under­stand­ing. These teach­ings are revered and pre­served by those who form the Van­guard of Wis­dom and Love, for it is they who hold and pass on these Peren­ni­al Teach­ings that have been the hid­den Trea­sure, the Pearl of Great Price for count­less Ages.

It is your time to dip your cup of seek­ing into this Well of Wis­dom, to bet­ter explain and under­stand what you have expe­ri­enced thus far in your jour­ney. For you have need to har­vest the mean­ing of your expe­ri­ences so that you can accept and pre­pare for what is yet to come…

Yet, it is equal­ly true and won­drous that you are here to add your mea­sure of truth to this Well of Wis­dom too. For every sto­ry is a trea­sure that must be told, every hard-earned les­son should be shared to help anoth­er upon their path…For the core of the Teach­ing is that you are nev­er alone and that as you have been helped, so must you offer what help you can too.

You will expand your frames of ref­er­ence, find­ing much delight in those so-called for­eign ways. Though remind­ing you of your com­mon needs and nature and yet how you dif­fer in the way those needs are met, you will be giv­en by these con­trast­ing views a clear­er sense of your own ways of being, and how this forms and informs the way of you. 

The Wis­dom you seek is found in many forms and in many spaces. In halls of learn­ing and with those wise ones, yes. But also in the sim­ple yet ele­gant exam­ples found in the beau­ties of Nature, in Forests and Fields, in the rhythms of the Sea­sons, and the cycling of the Sun and Moon and Stars…and in that sim­ple neces­si­ty of learn­ing to live in har­mo­ny with your world.

The Wis­dom you seek is all around, and resides deep with­in you too…

And, if you sin­cere­ly seek for this guidance…

Then a way will open…

Your answer will come,

In the Light of a Dawn­ing Day.