Daily Archives: December 1, 2013

New Moon in Sagittarius (December 2, 2013)


Your Spir­it Weaver has come around once more…

And it is time to pause, and con­sid­er your path once again…

Every New Moon should be approached as sacred and pre­cious, for it is your time to pre­pare the way, to take this seed which is an offer­ing of inspi­ra­tion and hope as you look to a brighter day.

Each Luna­tion is a gift; It is a renew­al in the Cycle of Life and a chance for you to draw upon the Guid­ance her­ald­ed in the mean­ings and mes­sages that are formed by the align­ment of the Moon with the Sun.

Through each Sign of this jour­ney as you cir­cle around your Star, day after day and in month after month, you expe­ri­ence a spi­ral­ing Cir­cle of Self-Becom­ing as you move through the Twelve Man­sions of Life in each and every year.

For though you may believe that you are but one sign, whether a Libra, a Pisces or a Leo, the truth is that what streams in, through and all around you is One Spir­it expressed through these Twelve-Fold Ener­gy-Forms. They are all a part of you as you are a liv­ing crys­tal chal­ice of them, and you need each and every one of them to be and become who you are, and this is why you must come to know and mas­ter them all if you are to live in Peace and Beau­ty and Love.

At each New Moon you are giv­en anoth­er gift of this quick­en­ing of spir­i­tu­al ener­gies, which will lift your intent and actions a lit­tle high­er. Each gift answers to the need that you face now, for it both flows from what you have just expe­ri­enced as it equal­ly helps you to pre­pare for your next step that will come in the dawn­ing day.

The Sagit­tar­i­an New Moon is the answer to the joys and tribu­la­tions that you felt in Scor­pio, for there you were drawn to the deep­est lay­ers of your feel­ing nature so that you might reach cross the appar­ent divide between yourselves…to expe­ri­ence the bliss of Union yet equal­ly face the agony of Sep­a­ra­tion that comes from being an Immor­tal who walks in these mor­tal frames…

You have felt these high­er highs, and these low­est of lows, and you need to encom­pass them now with a Greater Under­stand­ing. So Spir­it answers with the Teach­ings that have been passed down to you from the begin­ning of your jour­ney here. Appear­ing in many forms and guis­es, some­times obscured and hid­den to but a few, some­times bright­ly beam­ing and resound­ing clear­ly for one and all to view, whether woven into the Fab­rics of Phi­los­o­phy or Reli­gion, into Meta­physics or Sci­ence too, all speak to your need to have this con­text of under­stand­ing, so that you might explain and accept your expe­ri­ence, as well as add your truth to this well of wis­dom too…

You need these Pil­lars of Pur­pose, these guid­ing lights because greater tasks still lie ahead and you must not waver in your need to ful­fill your­self and your duty in this world too. You need to under­stand where you have come from, why you are here, what pur­pose do you fol­low and how you will make you way out of this dim lit world and into the Light.

The truths are all around you, in Rock and Wind, and Fire and Water, in Books and Teach­ers too…but most of all you can rest assured the truth is with­in you too..For you are made of this and this is why and how you can come to this Under­stand­ing at all, because you and the Truth are One…for as above so here below…Whenever you seek to find your way, an answer will come to you…For your path is found in this one Truth that ris­es above them all:

Know Thy­self and you will find the Way.

As a great mas­ter once said…

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heav­en in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infin­i­ty in the palm of your hand

And Eter­ni­ty in an hour…

…God appears, and God is light, 

To those poor souls who dwell in night;

But does a human form display 

To those who dwell in realms of day.”

WILLIAM BLAKE Auguries of Innocence

You need but wait in still­ness, to find a qui­et space, to open your soul through a hum­ble mind and a gen­tle heart and by the love that is One, true wis­dom will come your way.