Mercury Enters Sagittarius (December 4, 2013)


It has been a long, long time…and you are ready for a change.

Your Avatar of Mind has been expe­ri­enc­ing an extend­ed mod­u­la­tion of mean­ing as he swept back and forth through the swirling Waters of Scorpio.

You too should have felt some­thing of this, as you ben­e­fit­ed from a height­ened state of men­tal acu­ity and pas­sion, an offer­ing and a gift of Insight that forged a deep­er sense and sen­si­bil­i­ty about your­self and your world since the end of September.

Though your own Birth Chart or Natal posi­tion of Mer­cury must and will form the pre­dom­i­nant and pre­vail­ing influ­ence in your life as regards your fac­ul­ty of Intel­li­gent Per­cep­tion (as well as indi­cate the means and man­ner of how you will con­nect with your world), you should know that your life expe­ri­ences will be informed and cir­cum­scribed by the “Chart of the Present”…

The ever-unfold­ing dance of the plan­ets mov­ing through the signs of the Zodi­ac, as well as their align­ment with one anoth­er as they form intri­cate pat­terns of mean­ing, this is the Liv­ing Chart of the Now which is the ever-present Plero­ma of the Liv­ing Spir­it, the Song and Dance of the Spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that inform, inspire and guide all life here upon your Earth.

As much as you are right­ly told that your true path to Wis­dom and Peace is “To Know Thy­self”, it is equal­ly true that you need to be able to under­stand these worlds around you too. To be able to read the signs and por­tents of what is hap­pen­ing all around you or “out there” is the com­pli­men­ta­ry and inte­gral part of this won­drous Jour­ney by which you become.

You will real­ize that, in the end, all is tru­ly One and whether you go inwards to under­stand or pre­fer to go out­wards in order to come back in again, you will find these paths are but the one Path, and they will bring you back to your Source and lead you to your Destiny. 

So as you walk upon this Earth, sur­round­ed and immersed in this ver­i­ta­ble Sea of Spir­i­tu­al Res­o­nances, you will sense these alter­nat­ing pat­terns of ener­gies which inter­sect and influ­ence your own native dis­po­si­tion­al nature. These shift­ing ener­gies of signs and align­ments can often be very sub­tle, and so they may pass unno­ticed by many who have become enam­ored by the fas­ci­na­tions of this mate­r­i­al plane.

These Gifts of the Spir­it may be dis­missed as wisps and whis­pers, for they will come upon you like the kiss of a gen­tle breeze or the brush of a feather…and so only the atten­tive and wise may dis­cern these shift­ing winds of your Cos­mos that can guide you here below…But it is also true, that some­times all will take notice, as much larg­er forces will have their way, and the clam­or and noise will awe and hum­ble, bear­ing wit­ness to the truth, “that even gods wres­tle with the Mys­tery, the Great Unknown”.

So if you wish to quick­en your pace of progress, it would wise to devel­op your atten­tive­ness and lis­ten to these whis­pers and songs from above…to hear­ken, learn and align your still awak­en­ing self to these greater realms as they sing and dance, offer­ing their Signs and Por­tents and Lov­ing guid­ance for you striv­ing here below.

As Mer­cury sails into Sagit­tar­ius for the next three weeks or so, allow your aware­ness to shift as you pon­der this influ­ence that can help to lift and focus your sen­si­bil­i­ties for a while. You have need of a greater encom­pass­ing now, to make sense and har­vest the mean­ings to the chal­lenges you have just been through. You have need of this because Greater deci­sions and Respon­si­bil­i­ties are almost upon you, and you need this time to con­sid­er from where you have come, what you have learned and to what you must now attend.

Look around your world, to oth­er cul­tures and beliefs, and to oth­er times in your his­to­ries too. For in this you will gain that spe­cial place, that Archimedean van­tage point of a less biased, more inclu­sive and lov­ing­ly hum­ble View…

The search for Truth and Mean­ing can­not be or lead to a destination.

For this is your nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of becoming…

Filled with Sto­ries and Tales that have yet to be told.

You have come far, yet have much fur­ther still to go.

Dream­ing, Lov­ing, Cre­at­ing and Becoming…

As you make your way homewards,

As you reach for the Stars.

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