In the beginning…there was Desire.
The Unnameable, Unknowable and Unmanifest which is beyond all these worlds, THAT which is behind and before this Reality of Time/Space, and which is the true Source of this Sea of Energy-Forms in which you and your companions now create and play within the Human Kingdom of Self-Aware Spirit-Matter…Before any of this could be and become, before any of this at all, the ONE Desired To Be…
So, All of this IS because of a Fundamental Foundational Force that propelled Non-Being into Beingness…All of this became because of this most Spiritual Imperative, which is to Grow, to Become…All of this is because the Infinite wished or Desired to become Finite…all of this is because of Desire.
Your Avatar of Desire is changing his tune…and it is going to be a long, long song indeed. Whereas normally Mars will “skip” through each sign of the Zodiac in about 40 days or so, this time (because of his retrograde that starts on March 1 and does not conclude until May 19) Mars will remain in Libra until July 25, 2014 or for 230 days! That is almost 6 times longer than normal! Evidently, there is much learning and growth that you are about to experience with regards your Desire and Libra!
Your own Natal position of Mars will shape and direct your preferred expression of how you will act on your aims and intentions, of how you will respond or react to opportunities and danger, it reveals what you are passionate about and/or what will make you upset or angry.
And so it is very necessary for you to know the nature of your Desires, and over time, as you grow into a greater awareness, you will learn to make every effort to lift your Self up by an ever more refined expression of this Energy. You are here to learn to live through your Personal Self for something more than just you, you are here to choose to lead a Trans-Personal life that will draw your Desires into Aspirations, and this will lead you homeward to the Light.
The Living Chart of the Now reveals the energies that you and everyone else are subject to from moment to moment, in each and every day, day after day…For you are bathed in a veritable sea of energies that are constantly being modulated, and these myriad streams of energy will interact, influence and elicit from you what become your reactions and responses to the Now…
That is why it is most beneficial to understand and integrate these Living Lessons of Life that your Planetary Companions Sing and Dance for you, for you need to understand these Signs and Portents, you need to hear this Song of the Now in order to know what is asked of you today, of what is needed from you here, and so discover how this will form into the Integral Path that joins what you bring from yourself and what is offered from around you, and by this you will Become Fulfilled as you also lift into Higher Forms these worlds through which you are learning to be a Master Creator.
Mars serves your Self. As you seek to realize your potentials in the world as indicated by your Sun Sign, your Mars will show you the ways in which you seek to be or become what you are meant to be. To fulfill your part in the great Song of Life, you need to release your true nature as fully as you can, to stretch and strut and contribute your own unique chord to the Chorus of Life.
The position of Mars in the Living Chart of the Now quickens your own natal Desire Nature so as to integrate this modulation of Intention and Action into your own life patterns. Remember, all the Signs of the Zodiac are within you, they are just there in differing mixtures and proportions. But as their influences sweep around and through you from this Living Chart of the Now, you would be most wise to listen, to learn and to act with the fullness of the Spiritual Truth you are here to fulfill.
Mars in Libra Desires Beauty and Balance, for the aim of Libra is to make the World more Harmonious in Form as well as to Strive for a Life that is Moral and Just. Wherever ugliness is found, there is the knowing in the wrongness of this and the need to act to correct the imbalance whether in color, shape or sound and to restore the world to Beauty. Whenever injustice is encountered, there is the knowing that this violates the fundamental Principle that All Life is Sacred, and that Spiritual Integrity requires you to stand for Freedom and Self-Determination.
For the next many months, Mars in Libra will make many alignments, both in your chart as well as with his Planetary Companions in the Living Chart of the Now that surrounds you…
Through each and every encounter, whether within yourself or “out there”, the strong and steady song he will sing is this:
You are here because the One Desired this…
The One Desired to Become through you.
And so all of this, all of this marvelous Creation,
Is Spirit made Manifest by You.
Make it Beautiful,
Make it Fair.
And may your Desire.…
Become your Aspiration, that will
Lead you from Darkness,
Into the Light.