Mars Enters Libra (December 7, 2013)


In the beginning…there was Desire.

The Unname­able, Unknow­able and Unman­i­fest which is beyond all these worlds, THAT which is behind and before this Real­i­ty of Time/Space, and which is the true Source of this Sea of Ener­gy-Forms in which you and your com­pan­ions now cre­ate and play with­in the Human King­dom of Self-Aware Spirit-Matter…Before any of this could be and become, before any of this at all, the ONE Desired To Be…

So, All of this IS because of a Fun­da­men­tal Foun­da­tion­al Force that pro­pelled Non-Being into Beingness…All of this became because of this most Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive, which is to Grow, to Become…All of this is because the Infi­nite wished or Desired to become Finite…all of this is because of Desire.

Your Avatar of Desire is chang­ing his tune…and it is going to be a long, long song indeed. Where­as nor­mal­ly Mars will “skip” through each sign of the Zodi­ac in about 40 days or so, this time (because of his ret­ro­grade that starts on March 1 and does not con­clude until May 19) Mars will remain in Libra until July 25, 2014 or for 230 days! That is almost 6 times longer than nor­mal! Evi­dent­ly, there is much learn­ing and growth that you are about to expe­ri­ence with regards your Desire and Libra!

Your own Natal posi­tion of Mars will shape and direct your pre­ferred expres­sion of how you will act on your aims and inten­tions, of how you will respond or react to oppor­tu­ni­ties and dan­ger, it reveals what you are pas­sion­ate about and/or what will make you upset or angry.

And so it is very nec­es­sary for you to know the nature of your Desires, and over time, as you grow into a greater aware­ness, you will learn to make every effort to lift your Self up by an ever more refined expres­sion of this Ener­gy. You are here to learn to live through your Per­son­al Self for some­thing more than just you, you are here to choose to lead a Trans-Per­son­al life that will draw your Desires into Aspi­ra­tions, and this will lead you home­ward to the Light.

The Liv­ing Chart of the Now reveals the ener­gies that you and every­one else are sub­ject to from moment to moment, in each and every day, day after day…For you are bathed in a ver­i­ta­ble sea of ener­gies that are con­stant­ly being mod­u­lat­ed, and these myr­i­ad streams of ener­gy will inter­act, influ­ence and elic­it from you what become your reac­tions and respons­es to the Now…

That is why it is most ben­e­fi­cial to under­stand and inte­grate these Liv­ing Lessons of Life that your Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions Sing and Dance for you, for you need to under­stand these Signs and Por­tents, you need to hear this Song of the Now in order to know what is asked of you today, of what is need­ed from you here, and so dis­cov­er how this will form into the Inte­gral Path that joins what you bring from your­self and what is offered from around you, and by this you will Become Ful­filled as you also lift into High­er Forms these worlds through which you are learn­ing to be a Mas­ter Creator.

Mars serves your Self. As you seek to real­ize your poten­tials in the world as indi­cat­ed by your Sun Sign, your Mars will show you the ways in which you seek to be or become what you are meant to be. To ful­fill your part in the great Song of Life, you need to release your true nature as ful­ly as you can, to stretch and strut and con­tribute your own unique chord to the Cho­rus of Life.

The posi­tion of Mars in the Liv­ing Chart of the Now quick­ens your own natal Desire Nature so as to inte­grate this mod­u­la­tion of Inten­tion and Action into your own life pat­terns. Remem­ber, all the Signs of the Zodi­ac are with­in you, they are just there in dif­fer­ing mix­tures and pro­por­tions. But as their influ­ences sweep around and through you from this Liv­ing Chart of the Now, you would be most wise to lis­ten, to learn and to act with the full­ness of the Spir­i­tu­al Truth you are here to fulfill.

Mars in Libra Desires Beau­ty and Bal­ance, for the aim of Libra is to make the World more Har­mo­nious in Form as well as to Strive for a Life that is Moral and Just. Wher­ev­er ugli­ness is found, there is the know­ing in the wrong­ness of this and the need to act to cor­rect the imbal­ance whether in col­or, shape or sound and to restore the world to Beau­ty. When­ev­er injus­tice is encoun­tered, there is the know­ing that this vio­lates the fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple that All Life is Sacred, and that Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty requires you to stand for Free­dom and Self-Determination.

For the next many months, Mars in Libra will make many align­ments, both in your chart as well as with his Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions in the Liv­ing Chart of the Now that sur­rounds you…

Through each and every encounter, whether with­in your­self or “out there”, the strong and steady song he will sing is this:

You are here because the One Desired this…

The One Desired to Become through you.

And so all of this, all of this mar­velous Creation, 

Is Spir­it made Man­i­fest by You.

Make it Beautiful,

Make it Fair.

And may your Desire.…

Become your Aspi­ra­tion, that will

Lead you from Darkness,

Into the Light.

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