Jupiter Trine Saturn (December 12, 2013)


This is the Sec­ond Act of a three-act play of Mean­ing and Manifestation.

The first align­ment hap­pened on July 17 and the final will occur on May 24, 2014. You could say that this Spir­i­tu­al Trip­tych is one of the defin­ing Spir­i­tu­al Mes­sages of this entire peri­od, but this par­tic­u­lar moment, being the sec­ond of the three should prove to be the crit­i­cal Sec­ond Act of this three act dra­ma, this could be the most spe­cial and illu­mi­nat­ing of them all.

With­in the 20 year cycle of Jupiter and Sat­urn, your Avatars of Prin­ci­ple and Pur­pose will align for two moments where your Path of Growth will reach this most per­fect align­ment between what is True and what is Pos­si­ble, where the hoped for and what is pos­si­ble can come together.

Real­ly though, it is at such a time that Jupiter and Sat­urn are there to help you under­stand “The Way”. For they are always there to guide and illus­trate that this is the only path that is true and pos­si­ble too. That this way is always avail­able to you, and you can fol­low it if you stay true to your Spir­i­tu­al Core, which you can do if you remain focused and bring this Aware­ness and your Love into every thought and action that you do. For when you are this way, when you can hold to this path, to the Way of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior, then you will always be Present in the Now, you will always seek to keep togeth­er what is Pos­si­ble and what is True, and you will live as you are, as one of the ones of the One.

For your Jour­ney is made of this, and you should ever seek to keep to this way of the Inte­gral Path, for by this you will avoid, as in this present cir­cum­stance, the twin dan­gers of Unrea­son­able Enthu­si­asms (Jupiter) or of Dark­en­ing Pes­simisms (Sat­urn). You will instead hold these two ener­gies togeth­er as they should be, in bal­ance and pro­por­tion, inte­grat­ed with one anoth­er. This is how they must be under­stood and act­ed upon, you must hold them and act as you and they are, you must be as One and act as One. For when you do, when you stay undi­vid­ed, then you live in the Light of this Greater Under­stand­ing, you fol­low the one Path, and in this case, you fol­low their lov­ing guid­ance as you hold to the path of Prag­mat­ic Idealism.

Jupiter and Sat­urn can­not make this hap­pen here on Earth, that is of course on you, but their Song and Dance of Spir­it is there to remind you of this Noble Path that is to become your way back to the Light.

Jupiter is singing from the Hearth-Song of Can­cer. Your Truth, your Prin­ci­ples have come to you from the Foun­da­tions that have formed your Life. Wher­ev­er you find your Cir­cles of Cen­ter­ing, wher­ev­er you locate your sen­si­bil­i­ties of belong­ing, whether they be from Fam­i­ly, Vil­lage, City, Nation or World, your sense of what your Truth is will anchor you and point you towards your Pur­pose and Des­tiny. For you belong to these ori­gins as much as they depend upon you for their Fulfillment..You wish to know where you are going, you have need of this. So you will need to know from whence you came, of what you stand upon, and by this you will know, you will under­stand, the why and the way of what you are here for too.

Sat­urn is singing from the Heart-Song of Scor­pio. Your Pur­pose and Test in this part of your jour­ney is to fol­low your Pas­sion and find the joy in deep­er Unions. You need to over­come your most ter­ri­ble fear, to face down the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion, of Loss and Death, the Dark­ness of Despair. You need to release the Pow­er of the Spir­it that is with­in you, the force that tru­ly binds togeth­er and pro­pels the whole of this Cre­ation. To real­ize that this most won­drous Light and Com­fort is always there, that it IS, and that it can always be expe­ri­enced as you join with one anoth­er, whether in com­bi­na­tion with that most spe­cial one, or in the forg­ing of all your many Sacred Spaces with your Com­pan­ions and Com­rades, your fel­low trav­el­ers in the Light.

For in that Fusion, in that Dance of Spir­it-Mat­ter where one and one becomes so much more than two, there­in lies the Mag­ic that pro­pels all of the Cre­ation that sur­rounds and cre­at­ed you. For when the Love that is with­in is met and joined with the Love that is “out there”, you will smile and you will laugh, and togeth­er you will real­ize that the dark­ness was the Illu­sion, and that only Light and Love is everywhere.

Jupiter in Can­cer will help you now, to hold and hon­or the roots from which you draw your essen­tial nature, and this will help you to find the strength that comes from this Foun­tain-Source of Love, you remain true and secure in these feel­ings of belong­ing and car­ing, these trea­sures of your past.

Sat­urn in Scor­pio will then help you to step beyond that space of the famil­iar, to push beyond your first home of com­fort and light. That secure in your truth and your ori­gins, you will find your courage from the love that is with­in, you will extend your hand and heart to one anoth­er, and you will forge your shared sacred spaces, your Unions that form the now.

You will forge and cre­ate what was Promised…

Build­ing Sacred Spaces Together…

Releas­ing and so increas­ing your Love…

That formed by Light, Love of the One,

This is The Eter­nal, the Now and Forever,

The Way, the One.

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