Daily Archives: December 16, 2013

Full Moon in Gemini, The Galactic Center & Uranus Direct (December 17, 2013)

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Luna has reached her “Far Point” once again, for she is your Spir­it Weaver draw­ing the threads of life between you and your Star…She sweeps back and forth, link­ing the inner spaces to the out­er realms, point­ing to those spaces of Space which you will even­tu­al­ly explore as you seek what lies beyond these famil­iar worlds that you call home.

Tru­ly Luna is mark­ing a spe­cial place for you today, for if you look tonight just to her left you will see dear Jupiter beam­ing bright­ly there. And if you then turn to look just to her right, to the right and above Jupiter and also direct­ly above the beau­ty that is Ori­on’s Belt, well there you will find your­self star­ing into the “Great Mys­tery”, for you are then gaz­ing upon the point that is oppo­site to your Galaxy’s Cen­ter. You are look­ing to that which is beyond your own local part of the bound­less spaces of Space. You are look­ing out into the Won­der that is Cre­ation, you look upon what is beyond your fath­om­ing, you are gaz­ing into the Majesty of the Infi­nite, to beyond the beyond.

Yes, it is at this time of year that the Sun is aligned with the Galac­tic Cen­ter, around which all in this part of the Uni­verse revolve. This Full Moon then fea­tures the Sun aligned with your Ori­gin while the Moon stands oppo­site at her far “far point”, for it is at this time that she points the way to the Infini­ties of Space beyond your Galaxy.

But of course this is all rel­a­tive, for Infin­i­ty is to be found as much in look­ing to the Cen­ter of your Galaxy as look­ing out away from it. Even more, the true nature of the “spaces of Space” include the realms of the Infin­i­tes­i­mal that lie with­in and behind all of Cre­ation as much as the Infini­ties that are all around you too.

The true nature of Cre­ation is that it is Hier­ar­chi­cal. and that there are many, many ranges of Dimen­sion­al or Vibra­tional Realms of Ener­gy-Forms (eso­ter­i­cal­ly there are 12 with­in each Divi­sion), and that each of these Divi­sions or Realms in turn end­less­ly divide into fur­ther 12-fold Divi­sions both inward­ly and outwardly…For this is the Nature of Spir­it and of Cre­ation, to Grow and Become, and there is no-thing that is Finite or Fixed, no-thing that is not chang­ing, mov­ing, becoming…There is no “begin­ning”, and there can be no “end”. So that Time, Space, Ener­gy-Mat­ter unfold cease­less­ly, from Plane to Plane, Dimen­sion through Dimension…and so do you.

This is the Greater Mys­tery of Spir­it, of the One in whom and by whom you have your exis­tence. That you exist in, of and by this One, who is your Father-Moth­er and of whom it is said can be imag­ined by you as “The One who is that Cir­cle of Infin­i­ty whose cen­ter is every­where and cir­cum­fer­ence nowhere”. Just try and get your head and heart around that, you may stretch and strive but you can­not, but it is in your nature to try…because this is your nature, for you are Spir­it and you are here quite won­der­ful­ly and beau­ti­ful­ly to grow.

So it is right and most prop­er that at such a time, here just before one of the four Sacred Points in the Wheel of Life known as the Sol­stice of Win­ter, that you should pause and con­sid­er. To stop and look up at Luna arch­ing there above, for she is there to remind you of your Infin­i­ty, that you are part of this bound­less­ness, this won­der that is your Cre­ation too. Yes you should stop and con­sid­er for a moment the jour­ney you are part of, to think about how and why you came to be here, to pon­der the mean­ing of your jour­ney and how you shall find your way, as you move out from the Inner­most realms to the Cos­mos above, as you jour­ney from Infin­i­tes­i­mal to the Infi­nite, from here and out to the great beyond.

The Sun is arch­ing now through Sagit­tar­ius, where­in are held those Teach­ings, Truths and Faiths that have through­out the Ages been held with Rev­er­ence and Awe, offered as the hard-worn assur­ance by those who came before, to help you stay the course and find your way. This Well of Wis­dom is for you, to help you find some Truth, to help you keep your feet upon the path, to help you find your way.

The Full Moon is shin­ing bright­ly in Gem­i­ni, and as always she is there to pro­vide the nec­es­sary bal­ance to the Solar Ener­gies that pre­vail at this time. Where­as Sagit­tar­ius seeks for Truth, for that elu­sive Final Answer which will help you hold and keep to the Noble Path, Gem­i­ni reminds you that there are many ways to find “The Way”, and that you must not ever stop or become self-sat­is­fied, that you should know that you have yet to find “the truth” let alone “The Truth” to this mys­tery that is your jour­ney through Time and Space.

You are what you are, spir­it of Spir­it, a Child filled with Won­der, and part of you will always be as Gem­i­ni, and so you will con­tin­ue your seek­ing and ques­tion­ing, endowed with your essen­tials of curios­i­ty and con­trari­ness, and you will remain ever faith­ful to what is your abid­ing truth…that you are here to Grow, and that there is more, so much more, still more for you to dis­cov­er and under­stand …and you must con­tin­ue to ques­tion, and to learn, and to grow.

As if the mes­sen­gers of the Cos­mos thought you might miss their gifts for you today, there is the added bless­ing of anoth­er shift to accom­pa­ny this align­ment of your Cen­ter with Cir­cum­fer­ence, with Sun and Full Moon too, there is anoth­er shift today that can help you and remind you that you are here for one thing tru­ly, you are here to be you.

For today Uranus, The Awak­en­er, is turn­ing direct and bring­ing to the out­ward realms what he brought to your inner worlds since mid July. Here is what I wrote about this shift in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2013:

Uranus Direct (Decem­ber 17 until July 21, 2014)

The Lord of Indi­vid­u­a­tion, of you becom­ing more tru­ly you, takes you out there to cre­ate bet­ter spaces of free­dom for your­self and your com­pan­ions. You have spent the last sev­er­al months free­ing your­self from your own pat­terns of self-denial…Now it is time to go out and expe­ri­ence a truer you, a freer world for you and your friends.

For the past five months you have had these Uran­ian ener­gies sweep through your inner worlds, help­ing you to shake off and rise above those self-lim­i­ta­tions that you, unknow­ing­ly in most cas­es, placed upon your­self. They were formed in your past by less than per­fect efforts to be true to your­self, and now man­i­fest in your fears of being dif­fer­ent from oth­ers, your fears of not belong­ing and being part of the com­pa­ny of your peers…when all along, what you and they need­ed, what you both want­ed was for you and for them to be true to who you are.

Now, with Uranus mov­ing for­ward until July 2014 you can turn your atten­tions out­ward again to bring a greater range to your self-ful­fill­ment in and through your shared spaces of self-real­iza­tion. It is time to make a greater ded­i­ca­tion to treat oth­ers as you wished be treat­ed and expe­ri­enced, to be authen­tic and spe­cial in your unique­ness and accord the same to them in theirs.

To do this you will seek to help cre­ate, pro­tect and expand those shared spaces of Free­dom for them and for you. For by so doing you will sing your Songs of Spir­it as they were meant to be sung, where each is able to be true to their own spe­cial melody, for each could only real­ize this and have it made pos­si­ble by being har­mon­i­cal­ly com­bined with and inte­gral­ly made true through this one Greater Song that is sung by your com­pan­ions with you.

Bow to the Majesty of Infinity…

Remain true, a child at heart…

Sing loud, sing together,

Your Cre­ation song.