Daily Archives: December 23, 2013

Mercury Enters Capricorn (December 24, 2013)


In this Cos­mos you call Cre­ation, which is full of and formed by a Host of Beings endowed with vary­ing degrees of Con­scious­ness, there exists an Order­ing that forms a Hier­ar­chy of Man­i­fes­ta­tion for all of these Spir­i­tu­al Enti­ties. Each Mon­ad “Descends” from the realm Divine to realms Spir­i­tu­al, from Men­tal Planes to Worlds of Feel­ing, and that pro­gres­sion con­tin­ues “down” into ever more mate­ri­al­ized forms of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, which in your present-day Human expe­ri­ence results in the Skin-Walk­er form you require here on Earth. In all these realms you exist and have an Ener­gy-Form that is required and present on that plane, but you also exist in and upon all these planes at the same time too.

You do not “leave” the realm of Spir­it to “descend” and so “arrive” in your fleshy form here on Earth. It is more that a part of you is extend­ed into each suc­ceed­ing form so that you can exist in that realm, and then the next form is extend­ed from that one, so by this series of “self-pro­jec­tions” and “self-embod­i­ments” you can be active and par­tic­i­pate in each and every realm. But for­ev­er and always the high­est part of you will remain in the Super­nal Realms of Light, for the core of you will ever abide in “Heav­en” as a spark of the Divine, for this is who you are, a unique instance of the One True Spirit.

And so it is with Mind as well, as part of you and a great part of this Cre­ation is of “The Mind” and will always remain in this form. There are vary­ing degrees with­in each realm, and this is also true for the realms of Thought, rang­ing from the sim­plest and low­est of Thought-Forms to those which pro­vide the very bridge between and to the next realm of the Intuitive/Spiritual part of the Cos­mos. There are no “harsh” bound­aries between realms, as ener­gies move through and between all of these realms, bind­ing one and all togeth­er in the One Life of Spirit.

In each earth­ly life, you have been endowed with a cer­tain type of Men­tal­i­ty, a unique blend of Thought­ful Sen­si­bil­i­ties as indi­cat­ed by a num­ber of fac­tors in your Astro­log­i­cal Birth Chart, not the least of which is your Zodi­a­cal posi­tion of Mer­cury. From these var­i­ous indi­ca­tions you will form a par­tic­u­lar indi­vid­u­at­ed man­ner in which to per­ceive, rea­son and com­mu­ni­cate in this life.

Yet you like every­thing else also abide in what I like to call the “Liv­ing Chart of the Present”, the dynam­ic unfold­ing inter­play of posi­tions and cycles that all the plan­ets form with one anoth­er in each and every moment, and this cre­ates the Liv­ing Song of Spir­it in the Realms of Above. You and your com­pan­ions in your expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er con­tribute your own unique melody to this Super­nal Cho­rus, as you sing your own sweet Liv­ing Songs of Spir­it on Earth below. 

In this Hier­ar­chi­cal for­ma­tion of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, you are influ­enced by and need to under­stand the guid­ance that is lov­ing­ly illus­trat­ed and offered by your Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions sweep­ing through the heav­ens above. When there is a change in their song, you need to take note, lis­ten and learn to mod­u­late your own song too.

Today Mer­cury, the Avatar of your Mind, has shift­ed and the Sen­si­bil­i­ties of your Know­ing will respond now to a dif­fer­ent melody in the Song of Spirit…and so you too should adjust, in your own spe­cial way, and try to mod­u­late your thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions like­wise. No mat­ter what your own pre­dis­po­si­tion might be, you would do well to bring into your obser­va­tions and con­sid­er­a­tions a greater degree of that strong Capri­corn gift of Prac­ti­cal Sense and Responsibility.

It is time to emu­late a qual­i­ty of Mind that is focused through the Lens of Tra­di­tion, to con­sid­er that which has been proven to be true through rig­or­ous and time-test­ed use, and to know that this is worth­while and should be pre­served, hon­ored and passed on to future gen­er­a­tions. Yes, do not for­get the Expan­sive Ideals and Visions stirred by your recent sojourn in Sagit­tar­ius, but to take those now and under­stand that a Great Idea must also be prac­ti­cal, use­ful and sound.

From now until Jan­u­ary 11, you will be wise to fol­low in the foot­steps of fleet-foot­ed Mer­cury, who is Her­mes your Mes­sen­ger of the Gods, and ful­fill your own Pur­pose by endeav­or­ing to main­tain what is Good and True in Thought as has been proven over time, which will then guide you into the prop­er approach, con­duct and con­se­quence for your life. For as it has been said, the key to life is: Right Think­ing which forms Right Action which leads to Right Results…and you will accom­plish this now when you per­ceive crit­i­cal­ly, think prac­ti­cal­ly and offer your con­tri­bu­tion humbly.

Mer­cury in Capri­corn calls for you to take care…

For as you Think so shall your Life become.

You have made your present life today…

By the char­ac­ter of your thought long, long ago.

A bet­ter Future will be your prize…

By Thought­ful Mind­ful­ness in the Now.

Be a Dream-Mak­er, a Wisdom-Walker…

Think Respon­si­bly, Respect­ful­ly and Humbly…

Think as a Capri­corn now.