Mars Opposite Uranus (December 25, 2013)


There’s some­thing hap­pen­ing here. What it is ain’t exact­ly clear…

Between and behind all the noise and dis­trac­tions of the every­day prob­lems in the world, there remains “the work” that will ever be your true task, with much larg­er forces, con­flicts and oppor­tu­ni­ties that will and must con­tin­ue to demand your Atten­tive Awareness…for you are here now, and you are here for a reason…

Between now and the end of the year, Mars is sweep­ing into align­ment with Uranus and then with Plu­to, and in so doing he will elic­it the Uranus/Pluto Square that is the over-arch­ing plan­e­tary theme now, for these two are the bearers/revealers of the pro­found mean­ing behind the world changes you must see all around you now.

For an age is end­ing, and a new one will rise…and while you find your­self in this present time and space, when many things will come undone, when you face seem­ing­ly sense­less strife and storms at every turn, you will look for answers, for some com­fort and reas­sur­ance that a bet­ter world still lies ahead. You will wait upon a brighter day, as you turn your gaze long­ing­ly East­ward, hop­ing to catch a glimpse of your New World dawn­ing through those beam­ing rays of your Ris­ing Sun.

And as always, through­out all Time and Space, you like your ances­tors before you will look up to these Sacred Spaces above, to seek and to find some mea­sure of order and mean­ing, some form of Con­stan­cy in those Stars that whirl above. And when you do take this time, you will begin to dis­cern the pat­terns that are there, you will hear­ken to your Mag­is­te­r­i­al Com­pan­ions who watch over you, and who will ever sing their Songs of Spir­it which are yours too. They will remind you of why you came here, of what this jour­ney is for. They will help you now to find your way back to your Truth, of how to a make a world that is filled with Laugh­ter, Light and Love.

For it is most true that the New World will not come to you, it will come because and from and through you…and so you must do the work, you must become this change you wish for, you must do it for this world that you love.

The first of these two elic­i­ta­tions, of Mars to Uranus, speaks to your ever present, yet now more strong­ly posit­ed, need to rec­on­cile your Desire for Social Togeth­er­ness with your Insis­tent Call­ing to extend your Inde­pen­dent Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty too. For it will seem at first that these can­not be rec­on­ciled, that these two will be found upon either side of you, each pulling and push­ing upon the oth­er, and that one part of you must give way or be sac­ri­ficed so that the oth­er may have its way.

But of course, if you lis­ten to your heart, if you fol­low the Intu­itive prompt­ings of your Spir­it, you will know that there is only one way to be who you are. You must embrace and com­bine your diver­si­ties, com­plex­i­ties and your dichotomies too, for this is what tru­ly makes the Indi­vid­ual Spir­it that is you. And so you know in your heart, you feel in your soul that each of these ways is part of you, and each with­out the oth­er will not work, nor will you be you.

You must be true to Uranus and to Mars, to be them both in order to ful­fill the truth that is you. You will remem­ber that the Way of Spir­it is always like this, for true life, true Spir­it is Para­dox­i­cal. That you are endowed with this Gift of Unfold­ing Aware­ness, you are in fact a won­drous Sacred Space, a Vibrant Field of Myr­i­ad Ener­gies where var­i­ous Sen­si­bil­i­ties, Val­ues, Know­ings and Truths all come togeth­er in a Mag­i­cal Com­bi­na­tion of Syn­the­sis and Uncom­mon Sense. You are here and will become by being both of any num­ber of these dualities/dichotomies that form the parts of you…and you will do this by find­ing and fol­low­ing Spir­it’s one true path, by walk­ing the Inte­gral Way.

Uranus is hold­ing forth from Aries, call­ing on one and all to strive for Authen­tic­i­ty in self-deter­mi­na­tions, to extend the space of self-real­iza­tion by free­ing Minds and Spir­its, to help you become unbowed and unbound by lim­its, fears and doubts. But if you too much force this Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing Ener­gy, if you for­get your “oth­er half”, if by this you cause harm to any oth­er, then your “Free­dom” will turn to ash.

Mars is Singing the song of Libra now, where he strives for Jus­tice, Equal­i­ty and Fair­ness for one and for all. But if you too much force this Har­mo­niz­ing Ener­gy, if you for­get or dis­miss the spe­cial­ness that is you, if you defer your­self because of the oth­er and always put their ways and truths before your own, then you will not be able to con­tribute that unique essence that you are, and you will bring great harm to you and all whom count on you.

There is no oth­er way, you can­not be divid­ed from your­self. The only path you will find that will take you home is this Mid­dle Road of Truth. The Way of Wis­dom, the Way of the Lone­ly Ones is to embrace the glo­ri­ous­ly com­plex and yes often­times con­fus­ing and hum­bling path of being one who under­stands that you are meant to hold it all togeth­er, and refuse the “easy” path to deny or divide.

You must become a Wis­dom Walker…

One who choos­es to accept, embrace and celebrate,

And know that your dif­fer­ences and com­plex­i­ties are your strength…

They are what makes you, you.

And that you will find the way,

The Lone­ly Ones Way of Wisdom,

By choos­ing to hold it all togeth­er by your Love.

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