Daily Archives: December 28, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Sun & Mercury Square Uranus (December 29, 2013)


An answer is offered as the Avatars of Self and Mind align…

There was a Gift of Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion released for you dur­ing the last ret­ro­grade of Mer­cury in October/November 2013, for that is when the Sun and Mer­cury aligned while Mer­cury was ret­ro­grade and a seed was plant­ed that will bear its fruit for you now.

That is the way of this, the Cycling of Ener­gies and Forms, of the World and you unfold­ing and becom­ing so much more. A seed is plant­ed at a “New Moon” or begin­ning of any cycle, ger­mi­na­tion fol­lows and then con­tin­ues to unfold, as the pure poten­tial becomes real­ized with the devel­op­ment of var­i­ous sub­stan­ti­a­tions until a rev­e­la­tion of mean­ing is realized/released at the “Full Moon” moment, which is where you find Mer­cury and the Sun at this time.

The seed in Novem­ber con­cerned the themes of Scor­pio, and it was a gift to help you reach towards a deep­er union upon which all your hopes and dreams depend. The inspi­ra­tion offered by Mer­cury and the Sun was to remind you that in order to forge or rein­force those deep­er con­nec­tions with one anoth­er, you need to remem­ber that you are to approach these sacred spaces of We with Humil­i­ty, Self-Reflec­tion and Courage.

When you enter into these great mys­ter­ies of Union, with regard to both your­self and the beloved, as you draw clos­er togeth­er you will real­ize that there is still so much more to learn about your­self and about the oth­er, and you will grow togeth­er only by sur­ren­der­ing your ego and pride…so be Humble. 

The sec­ond gift was that you need to main­tain your self-aware/­self-reflec­tiv­i­ty, that all you are here to mas­ter and “con­trol” tru­ly is your­self, so you must try to under­stand what echoes are with­in you that cre­ate your doubts and fears. You must do what you can to step beyond your self-cast shad­ows, and so do your part to help cre­ate a sacred space for the oth­er to enter in with you…so be Self-Aware.

The third gift was the most pre­cious reminder, that you have with­in you a spark of the Divine, which is the Foun­tain-Source of this entire and won­drous Cre­ation itself. That in order to reach out to one anoth­er you can rise above those very doubts and fears because of this great lega­cy. You are endowed with won­drous pow­ers beyond your know­ing, and that these will slow­ly become more and more avail­able to you as you mas­ter yourself…so be Fearless. 

From this seed­ing in Scor­pio you find your­self now betwixt and between the Truths of Can­cer and Capri­corn in your mind. And you will often find your­self at such times, when faced with one way of being or anoth­er, that you may stum­ble and fall into error, of feel­ing or believ­ing that you must choose between the two, to hold to one and deny or project the other…but this is not the path, this is not the Way of Wisdom.

You are shown these two ways to under­stand that they both are inte­gral to one anoth­er, they only can work togeth­er, for they arise and find mean­ing from and through one anoth­er. You are being shown that though your mind is sen­si­tized to the Capri­corn Way now, that that is why, pre­cise­ly why, you need now to be remind­ed of this “oth­er way” of Can­cer too.

You will know when you lis­ten to your Heart and feel with your Head, that you real­ly could not choose any­way. For how could you “choose” between Can­cer and Capri­corn, between your Home and your Des­tiny. How could you choose between fol­low­ing your feel­ings of the moment and yet fail in your hon­or-bound duty to one another…For in the end, they are the same.

The Dichoto­my of Truth here is that needs will arise and be met at first in a more nat­ur­al and spon­ta­neous man­ner, but that over time these respons­es will grow into struc­tures, roles and forms of inter­ac­tion that become the very sub­stance and fab­ric of ful­fill­ing your respon­si­bil­i­ty and pur­pose in your world. Yet, it is also true that over time that those very struc­tures of duty, if not kept refreshed by the waters of authen­tic feel­ings and sen­si­bil­i­ties will turn into dust and ash, they become mere for­mal­i­ties or habits with­out true car­ing, lack­ing true love.

Yes you must stand betwixt and between and be the ful­crum of the weav­ing way of Spir­it, you must hold in your mind both Capri­corn and Can­cer too…

But there is anoth­er Song of Spir­it singing today. Mer­cury is align­ing with what forms his own high­er expres­sion, for Uranus is your Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Free­dom, and finds his most supreme expres­sion in these realms of Con­scious­ness. Uranus is the very Elic­i­tor of your High­er Mind, he is the true Source and Sub­stance of your Inspired Mind and those won­drous Thought-Forms too.

Today Mer­cury is Squar­ing Uranus, and so there is a need to under­stand this mes­sage that is brought to your “Low­er” mind of Mer­cury by your more Intu­ition­al Mind of Uranus. The well-won knowl­edge and teach­ings that Mer­cury in Capri­corn is guid­ed by, that have been proven true and most wor­thy and wise, will nec­es­sar­i­ly face chal­lenges because of the nature of who and what you are. For Spir­it must grow, and you will there­fore seek to for­ev­er expand beyond the known and famil­iar, to encom­pass a Greater Under­stand­ing. This larg­er sphere of know­ing may arise from Intu­ition­al prompt­ings, or through the dawn­ing recog­ni­tion that the present expla­na­tions and thought-forms do not so won­der­ful­ly reflect the expe­ri­ences you are encoun­ter­ing in your jour­ney here below.

Whether aris­ing from with­in, or through dis­so­nances from with­out, you will have need of Uranus’ gift of bend­ing thought into ever greater and more sub­tle spaces of com­pre­hen­sion, to take you from old but out­worn cer­tain­ties and help you to recov­er your sense of won­der, to see anew your world and your­self too. For this is tru­ly how those old­er teach­ings did at some point arise, that some­one at some point ques­tioned the rea­son and know­ing of their day and won­dered, “Could there be more than this, could there be some oth­er know­ing to explain and show the way?”

This is the Gift of Uranus, to shake up your complacency…to make you ques­tion and won­der again, and find new beams of light that will illu­mi­nate and show you a bet­ter way.

When all are in agree­ment, when every­one is of one mind, then Uranus will sure­ly come, he will stir Men­tal Path­ways and raise the Ques­tions that must be asked…and that is most true today.

This a time to Question…

It is a time to break free of your Certainties.

It is time to be who you are, Spirit…

It is time to Think Anew,

It is time to Won­der and Dare.