An answer is offered as the Avatars of Self and Mind align…
There was a Gift of Spiritual Inspiration released for you during the last retrograde of Mercury in October/November 2013, for that is when the Sun and Mercury aligned while Mercury was retrograde and a seed was planted that will bear its fruit for you now.
That is the way of this, the Cycling of Energies and Forms, of the World and you unfolding and becoming so much more. A seed is planted at a “New Moon” or beginning of any cycle, germination follows and then continues to unfold, as the pure potential becomes realized with the development of various substantiations until a revelation of meaning is realized/released at the “Full Moon” moment, which is where you find Mercury and the Sun at this time.
The seed in November concerned the themes of Scorpio, and it was a gift to help you reach towards a deeper union upon which all your hopes and dreams depend. The inspiration offered by Mercury and the Sun was to remind you that in order to forge or reinforce those deeper connections with one another, you need to remember that you are to approach these sacred spaces of We with Humility, Self-Reflection and Courage.
When you enter into these great mysteries of Union, with regard to both yourself and the beloved, as you draw closer together you will realize that there is still so much more to learn about yourself and about the other, and you will grow together only by surrendering your ego and pride…so be Humble.
The second gift was that you need to maintain your self-aware/self-reflectivity, that all you are here to master and “control” truly is yourself, so you must try to understand what echoes are within you that create your doubts and fears. You must do what you can to step beyond your self-cast shadows, and so do your part to help create a sacred space for the other to enter in with you…so be Self-Aware.
The third gift was the most precious reminder, that you have within you a spark of the Divine, which is the Fountain-Source of this entire and wondrous Creation itself. That in order to reach out to one another you can rise above those very doubts and fears because of this great legacy. You are endowed with wondrous powers beyond your knowing, and that these will slowly become more and more available to you as you master yourself…so be Fearless.
From this seeding in Scorpio you find yourself now betwixt and between the Truths of Cancer and Capricorn in your mind. And you will often find yourself at such times, when faced with one way of being or another, that you may stumble and fall into error, of feeling or believing that you must choose between the two, to hold to one and deny or project the other…but this is not the path, this is not the Way of Wisdom.
You are shown these two ways to understand that they both are integral to one another, they only can work together, for they arise and find meaning from and through one another. You are being shown that though your mind is sensitized to the Capricorn Way now, that that is why, precisely why, you need now to be reminded of this “other way” of Cancer too.
You will know when you listen to your Heart and feel with your Head, that you really could not choose anyway. For how could you “choose” between Cancer and Capricorn, between your Home and your Destiny. How could you choose between following your feelings of the moment and yet fail in your honor-bound duty to one another…For in the end, they are the same.
The Dichotomy of Truth here is that needs will arise and be met at first in a more natural and spontaneous manner, but that over time these responses will grow into structures, roles and forms of interaction that become the very substance and fabric of fulfilling your responsibility and purpose in your world. Yet, it is also true that over time that those very structures of duty, if not kept refreshed by the waters of authentic feelings and sensibilities will turn into dust and ash, they become mere formalities or habits without true caring, lacking true love.
Yes you must stand betwixt and between and be the fulcrum of the weaving way of Spirit, you must hold in your mind both Capricorn and Cancer too…
But there is another Song of Spirit singing today. Mercury is aligning with what forms his own higher expression, for Uranus is your Avatar of Individuality and Freedom, and finds his most supreme expression in these realms of Consciousness. Uranus is the very Elicitor of your Higher Mind, he is the true Source and Substance of your Inspired Mind and those wondrous Thought-Forms too.
Today Mercury is Squaring Uranus, and so there is a need to understand this message that is brought to your “Lower” mind of Mercury by your more Intuitional Mind of Uranus. The well-won knowledge and teachings that Mercury in Capricorn is guided by, that have been proven true and most worthy and wise, will necessarily face challenges because of the nature of who and what you are. For Spirit must grow, and you will therefore seek to forever expand beyond the known and familiar, to encompass a Greater Understanding. This larger sphere of knowing may arise from Intuitional promptings, or through the dawning recognition that the present explanations and thought-forms do not so wonderfully reflect the experiences you are encountering in your journey here below.
Whether arising from within, or through dissonances from without, you will have need of Uranus’ gift of bending thought into ever greater and more subtle spaces of comprehension, to take you from old but outworn certainties and help you to recover your sense of wonder, to see anew your world and yourself too. For this is truly how those older teachings did at some point arise, that someone at some point questioned the reason and knowing of their day and wondered, “Could there be more than this, could there be some other knowing to explain and show the way?”
This is the Gift of Uranus, to shake up your complacency…to make you question and wonder again, and find new beams of light that will illuminate and show you a better way.
When all are in agreement, when everyone is of one mind, then Uranus will surely come, he will stir Mental Pathways and raise the Questions that must be asked…and that is most true today.
This a time to Question…
It is a time to break free of your Certainties.
It is time to be who you are, Spirit…
It is time to Think Anew,
It is time to Wonder and Dare.