Monthly Archives: December 2013

Sun Enters Capricorn & Venus Retrograde (December 21, 2013)


Alignment…Attunement…Atonement…The Path

Four Por­tals on this path of Light,

That spi­ral Cir­cle of Spirit,

Your Path­way of Becoming.

You go round and around,

Seek­ing, striv­ing, reaching.

At each Por­tal, an End­ing and Beginning,

As Sea­sons Pass Away.

A time to Pause, Con­sid­er and Remember,

That there is but one way.

For the Path of Light is found by,


For you are endowed with Self-Aware­ness, you have the pow­er of choice…and you will choose, for you must learn to choose what is true, to know what is good, and you will learn to choose love.

You will walk for a while upon that seem­ing­ly eas­i­er way, to take your time and be pushed and pulled along a more slow­ly wind­ing path by the Winds of Fate, and in this you will ascribe what befalls you as chance or acci­dent or the will of some “high­er” being, that “luck” or bad “luck” is all there is, that life is what just happens.

But even so, as you walk in that dim-lit, shad­owed realm of fate and fear, as you stum­ble and fall again and again, as you pick your­self up time after time, you will slow­ly begin to per­ceive a “dawn­ing”, a hint of your greater self-aware­ness. You will begin to appre­hend an order to the way you are, and the way the world is too (for they are the same), and moments will come when beyond all chance, you find your­self at a con­ver­gence of cir­cum­stances, some­thing mag­i­cal or mys­te­ri­ous “hap­pens” and time and space will come togeth­er, and you feel that chill come over you, the hair on your body ris­es form­ing goose bumps upon this fleshy form you move in now.

And there you will be, at a Ful­crum of Free Will and Fate, and in your remem­brance and con­nec­tiv­i­ty between one time and anoth­er, you will begin to real­ize that there is more to this jour­ney and you than just “accident”…You will begin to know/remember who you tru­ly are, to take the mea­sure of what you are tru­ly capa­ble of, of why you are here and how it is pos­si­ble for you to become more through this jour­ney that leads to a Greater Aware­ness and Pur­pose­ful Intention.

Even­tu­al­ly, there will come a time for you to take the next step in self-aware/­self-deter­mi­na­tion, and who can say when or why (or indeed in what life you did), but at some moment you will resolve to climb upon the steep­er path. Usu­al­ly it comes upon you as a feeling/knowing, that you have begun to intu­it the pur­pose and mean­ing behind your life, and so you turn and you choose to ded­i­cate your­self to some­thing greater, for you are now deter­mined to abide with­in a High­er Plane of Dream­ing, Cre­at­ing and Being.

You begin to make your way upon that Noble Path which has been fol­lowed by many, many before you. They have walked this path long ago, but they too were helped along the way, they did not for­get nor will they ever turn away from you now, for this too is part of “The Way”. For once you have set your­self upon this Pur­pose­ful Path, once you have felt the call­ing to be Aligned with­in, you will also become Attuned to what is around you too…You will come to under­stand the pur­pos­es and path­way of this Cre­ation Jour­ney you have been upon. Your lov­ing Self-Aware Con­nect­ed­ness to all of that which is around you will help you to more quick­ly become what you were des­tined for, to be a Lov­ing Co-Cre­ator of your world and of one anoth­er too.

You will join the com­pa­ny of those elders who have come this way before, and you will know that they are there, extend­ing their lov­ing hearts and hands to you now, (for they have always been there help­ing in what­ev­er way the Law of Kar­ma would both per­mit and demand of them too). They are fur­ther along the path and already abide in the Know­ing-Way, the One Way which is Love, and so they will always answer and reach out to those who fol­low and now wish to serve, and they will help you now to find “The Way”…

But as always, you will have to choose, you must learn for this is the way, to learn over and over again how to do what is bet­ter, to choose to do what is good and lov­ing, and to let go of the rest.

In every day you face this most awe­some and fate­ful choice…To take what­ev­er comes to you, whether it was good or bad, to take it and then to Intel­li­gent­ly, Lov­ing­ly and Spir­i­tu­al­ly pass it on…If good has come to you, then you will release and pass on the same; if pain or hurt or anger came, you will know that it is just ener­gy, formed into this impulse of neg­a­tiv­i­ty (that has prob­a­bly been passed from soul to soul caus­ing untold suf­fer­ing, per­haps for many, many years), and that now you are giv­en this oppor­tu­ni­ty and chal­lenge, and you must choose wise­ly. For you are Self-Aware Spir­it and you must learn to use your Love and Wis­dom to redeem what was dark­ness and pain, to under­stand your pur­pose and be the Cre­ator who turns Dark­ness into Light. You will take what is dark and in pain, and you will turn it back into Love & Light.

Four Por­tals stand with­in this Cir­cle of Life, Four Great Moments of Choice, Four Begin­nings to mark your Sacred Sea­sons of Spir­it. They will also be met when you reach some­what high­er, they will be faced as the Four Great Ini­ti­a­tions that mark your Jour­ney into a Ful­ly Illu­mined Life.

For now, in this jour­ney of your Self that is Becom­ing, you will meet at the East­ern Por­tal the Equinox of Aries, where you face the Test and reap the Reward of your renew­al of your Pres­ence and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. At the North­ern Por­tal that is the Sol­stice of Can­cer, you face the Test and reap the Reward of your renew­al with your Source and Cen­ter. At the West­ern Por­tal of the Equinox of Libra, you face the Test and reap the Reward of your renew­al of Join­ing with the Beloved in the Love that you share. And now, at the South­ern Por­tal that is the Sol­stice of Capri­corn, you face the Test and reap the Reward of your renew­al of Pur­pose, for you must choose to be Respon­si­ble, to Ful­fill your Duty and claim your Des­tiny to be part of the Gold­en Chord that holds all of this Cre­ation togeth­er in One Great Life.

Today you are remind­ed, that even in the dark­est hour, there remains a Light that will not go out, a Love that will not fail, and a Promise that will be Ful­filled. It is all because you stand with­in a shin­ing Hier­ar­chy of Light that stretch­es from the Heart of Cre­ation to the fur­thest reach­es of this Cos­mos, that every being with­in this Com­pa­ny of Brave Souls is Aligned and Attuned to one anoth­er, joined in At-One­ment by the Love which holds all in the Truth that there is but One in whom all are encom­passed by the Light.

And so it is most fit­ting and won­der­ful that on this spe­cial day that Venus, your Avatar of Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love is Stand­ing Still. She is turn­ing to move across the heav­ens and take up her posi­tion in the New Year as the Bright­ly Shin­ing One, to be your Light Bear­er herald­ing the Dawn as you move into this next sea­son of your life. Here is what I wrote about this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2013:

Venus Ret­ro­grade in Capri­corn (Decem­ber 21 until Jan­u­ary 31, 2014)

 The year con­cludes with the plan­et of Love and Beau­ty going ret­ro­grade until the end of Jan­u­ary. Yes, it is time again to re-con­sid­er what you have, what you want and the nature of Love in your life…

At this most sacred moment of the Spir­i­tu­al Cal­en­dar, your Avatar of Love is turn­ing and so must you…it is time once to renew your under­stand­ing of the why and what of your love. You need to go with­in again and con­sid­er the Nature of Love, where does it come from, why do you have this feel­ing, and what is it for. 

Venus in Capri­corn speaks to you now of this Hier­ar­chy of Cre­ation that stretch­es back into the mists of time, and like­wise ahead into the Infini­ties of Dimen­sions and Space. Yet all of it, from the small­est mote to the might­i­est of Galax­ies and beyond, all of it is encom­passed in the one Abid­ing Ener­gy, the One Abid­ing Love from the Moth­er-Father that gave birth to us all.

You love one anoth­er, you love the world around you and those stars and galax­ies too, because quite sim­ply but pro­found­ly, it is all a part of you. The Illu­sion is Sep­a­ra­tion, from which dark­ness, pain and despair did come…But the Hope and Promise is held by this Truth that all is of One Spir­it, all held togeth­er by One Sacred Love. There is noth­ing to fear, the dark­ness will not stay and the Light that will nev­er fail is there and will shine bright­ly through one and All.

In Love, from Love and by Love,

The Pur­pose of this whole Jour­ney is so that Spir­it can be through you and you and you…

And all you are asked to do,

Is Love.

Full Moon in Gemini, The Galactic Center & Uranus Direct (December 17, 2013)

click on the image to see more detail

Luna has reached her “Far Point” once again, for she is your Spir­it Weaver draw­ing the threads of life between you and your Star…She sweeps back and forth, link­ing the inner spaces to the out­er realms, point­ing to those spaces of Space which you will even­tu­al­ly explore as you seek what lies beyond these famil­iar worlds that you call home.

Tru­ly Luna is mark­ing a spe­cial place for you today, for if you look tonight just to her left you will see dear Jupiter beam­ing bright­ly there. And if you then turn to look just to her right, to the right and above Jupiter and also direct­ly above the beau­ty that is Ori­on’s Belt, well there you will find your­self star­ing into the “Great Mys­tery”, for you are then gaz­ing upon the point that is oppo­site to your Galaxy’s Cen­ter. You are look­ing to that which is beyond your own local part of the bound­less spaces of Space. You are look­ing out into the Won­der that is Cre­ation, you look upon what is beyond your fath­om­ing, you are gaz­ing into the Majesty of the Infi­nite, to beyond the beyond.

Yes, it is at this time of year that the Sun is aligned with the Galac­tic Cen­ter, around which all in this part of the Uni­verse revolve. This Full Moon then fea­tures the Sun aligned with your Ori­gin while the Moon stands oppo­site at her far “far point”, for it is at this time that she points the way to the Infini­ties of Space beyond your Galaxy.

But of course this is all rel­a­tive, for Infin­i­ty is to be found as much in look­ing to the Cen­ter of your Galaxy as look­ing out away from it. Even more, the true nature of the “spaces of Space” include the realms of the Infin­i­tes­i­mal that lie with­in and behind all of Cre­ation as much as the Infini­ties that are all around you too.

The true nature of Cre­ation is that it is Hier­ar­chi­cal. and that there are many, many ranges of Dimen­sion­al or Vibra­tional Realms of Ener­gy-Forms (eso­ter­i­cal­ly there are 12 with­in each Divi­sion), and that each of these Divi­sions or Realms in turn end­less­ly divide into fur­ther 12-fold Divi­sions both inward­ly and outwardly…For this is the Nature of Spir­it and of Cre­ation, to Grow and Become, and there is no-thing that is Finite or Fixed, no-thing that is not chang­ing, mov­ing, becoming…There is no “begin­ning”, and there can be no “end”. So that Time, Space, Ener­gy-Mat­ter unfold cease­less­ly, from Plane to Plane, Dimen­sion through Dimension…and so do you.

This is the Greater Mys­tery of Spir­it, of the One in whom and by whom you have your exis­tence. That you exist in, of and by this One, who is your Father-Moth­er and of whom it is said can be imag­ined by you as “The One who is that Cir­cle of Infin­i­ty whose cen­ter is every­where and cir­cum­fer­ence nowhere”. Just try and get your head and heart around that, you may stretch and strive but you can­not, but it is in your nature to try…because this is your nature, for you are Spir­it and you are here quite won­der­ful­ly and beau­ti­ful­ly to grow.

So it is right and most prop­er that at such a time, here just before one of the four Sacred Points in the Wheel of Life known as the Sol­stice of Win­ter, that you should pause and con­sid­er. To stop and look up at Luna arch­ing there above, for she is there to remind you of your Infin­i­ty, that you are part of this bound­less­ness, this won­der that is your Cre­ation too. Yes you should stop and con­sid­er for a moment the jour­ney you are part of, to think about how and why you came to be here, to pon­der the mean­ing of your jour­ney and how you shall find your way, as you move out from the Inner­most realms to the Cos­mos above, as you jour­ney from Infin­i­tes­i­mal to the Infi­nite, from here and out to the great beyond.

The Sun is arch­ing now through Sagit­tar­ius, where­in are held those Teach­ings, Truths and Faiths that have through­out the Ages been held with Rev­er­ence and Awe, offered as the hard-worn assur­ance by those who came before, to help you stay the course and find your way. This Well of Wis­dom is for you, to help you find some Truth, to help you keep your feet upon the path, to help you find your way.

The Full Moon is shin­ing bright­ly in Gem­i­ni, and as always she is there to pro­vide the nec­es­sary bal­ance to the Solar Ener­gies that pre­vail at this time. Where­as Sagit­tar­ius seeks for Truth, for that elu­sive Final Answer which will help you hold and keep to the Noble Path, Gem­i­ni reminds you that there are many ways to find “The Way”, and that you must not ever stop or become self-sat­is­fied, that you should know that you have yet to find “the truth” let alone “The Truth” to this mys­tery that is your jour­ney through Time and Space.

You are what you are, spir­it of Spir­it, a Child filled with Won­der, and part of you will always be as Gem­i­ni, and so you will con­tin­ue your seek­ing and ques­tion­ing, endowed with your essen­tials of curios­i­ty and con­trari­ness, and you will remain ever faith­ful to what is your abid­ing truth…that you are here to Grow, and that there is more, so much more, still more for you to dis­cov­er and under­stand …and you must con­tin­ue to ques­tion, and to learn, and to grow.

As if the mes­sen­gers of the Cos­mos thought you might miss their gifts for you today, there is the added bless­ing of anoth­er shift to accom­pa­ny this align­ment of your Cen­ter with Cir­cum­fer­ence, with Sun and Full Moon too, there is anoth­er shift today that can help you and remind you that you are here for one thing tru­ly, you are here to be you.

For today Uranus, The Awak­en­er, is turn­ing direct and bring­ing to the out­ward realms what he brought to your inner worlds since mid July. Here is what I wrote about this shift in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2013:

Uranus Direct (Decem­ber 17 until July 21, 2014)

The Lord of Indi­vid­u­a­tion, of you becom­ing more tru­ly you, takes you out there to cre­ate bet­ter spaces of free­dom for your­self and your com­pan­ions. You have spent the last sev­er­al months free­ing your­self from your own pat­terns of self-denial…Now it is time to go out and expe­ri­ence a truer you, a freer world for you and your friends.

For the past five months you have had these Uran­ian ener­gies sweep through your inner worlds, help­ing you to shake off and rise above those self-lim­i­ta­tions that you, unknow­ing­ly in most cas­es, placed upon your­self. They were formed in your past by less than per­fect efforts to be true to your­self, and now man­i­fest in your fears of being dif­fer­ent from oth­ers, your fears of not belong­ing and being part of the com­pa­ny of your peers…when all along, what you and they need­ed, what you both want­ed was for you and for them to be true to who you are.

Now, with Uranus mov­ing for­ward until July 2014 you can turn your atten­tions out­ward again to bring a greater range to your self-ful­fill­ment in and through your shared spaces of self-real­iza­tion. It is time to make a greater ded­i­ca­tion to treat oth­ers as you wished be treat­ed and expe­ri­enced, to be authen­tic and spe­cial in your unique­ness and accord the same to them in theirs.

To do this you will seek to help cre­ate, pro­tect and expand those shared spaces of Free­dom for them and for you. For by so doing you will sing your Songs of Spir­it as they were meant to be sung, where each is able to be true to their own spe­cial melody, for each could only real­ize this and have it made pos­si­ble by being har­mon­i­cal­ly com­bined with and inte­gral­ly made true through this one Greater Song that is sung by your com­pan­ions with you.

Bow to the Majesty of Infinity…

Remain true, a child at heart…

Sing loud, sing together,

Your Cre­ation song.

Jupiter Trine Saturn (December 12, 2013)


This is the Sec­ond Act of a three-act play of Mean­ing and Manifestation.

The first align­ment hap­pened on July 17 and the final will occur on May 24, 2014. You could say that this Spir­i­tu­al Trip­tych is one of the defin­ing Spir­i­tu­al Mes­sages of this entire peri­od, but this par­tic­u­lar moment, being the sec­ond of the three should prove to be the crit­i­cal Sec­ond Act of this three act dra­ma, this could be the most spe­cial and illu­mi­nat­ing of them all.

With­in the 20 year cycle of Jupiter and Sat­urn, your Avatars of Prin­ci­ple and Pur­pose will align for two moments where your Path of Growth will reach this most per­fect align­ment between what is True and what is Pos­si­ble, where the hoped for and what is pos­si­ble can come together.

Real­ly though, it is at such a time that Jupiter and Sat­urn are there to help you under­stand “The Way”. For they are always there to guide and illus­trate that this is the only path that is true and pos­si­ble too. That this way is always avail­able to you, and you can fol­low it if you stay true to your Spir­i­tu­al Core, which you can do if you remain focused and bring this Aware­ness and your Love into every thought and action that you do. For when you are this way, when you can hold to this path, to the Way of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior, then you will always be Present in the Now, you will always seek to keep togeth­er what is Pos­si­ble and what is True, and you will live as you are, as one of the ones of the One.

For your Jour­ney is made of this, and you should ever seek to keep to this way of the Inte­gral Path, for by this you will avoid, as in this present cir­cum­stance, the twin dan­gers of Unrea­son­able Enthu­si­asms (Jupiter) or of Dark­en­ing Pes­simisms (Sat­urn). You will instead hold these two ener­gies togeth­er as they should be, in bal­ance and pro­por­tion, inte­grat­ed with one anoth­er. This is how they must be under­stood and act­ed upon, you must hold them and act as you and they are, you must be as One and act as One. For when you do, when you stay undi­vid­ed, then you live in the Light of this Greater Under­stand­ing, you fol­low the one Path, and in this case, you fol­low their lov­ing guid­ance as you hold to the path of Prag­mat­ic Idealism.

Jupiter and Sat­urn can­not make this hap­pen here on Earth, that is of course on you, but their Song and Dance of Spir­it is there to remind you of this Noble Path that is to become your way back to the Light.

Jupiter is singing from the Hearth-Song of Can­cer. Your Truth, your Prin­ci­ples have come to you from the Foun­da­tions that have formed your Life. Wher­ev­er you find your Cir­cles of Cen­ter­ing, wher­ev­er you locate your sen­si­bil­i­ties of belong­ing, whether they be from Fam­i­ly, Vil­lage, City, Nation or World, your sense of what your Truth is will anchor you and point you towards your Pur­pose and Des­tiny. For you belong to these ori­gins as much as they depend upon you for their Fulfillment..You wish to know where you are going, you have need of this. So you will need to know from whence you came, of what you stand upon, and by this you will know, you will under­stand, the why and the way of what you are here for too.

Sat­urn is singing from the Heart-Song of Scor­pio. Your Pur­pose and Test in this part of your jour­ney is to fol­low your Pas­sion and find the joy in deep­er Unions. You need to over­come your most ter­ri­ble fear, to face down the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion, of Loss and Death, the Dark­ness of Despair. You need to release the Pow­er of the Spir­it that is with­in you, the force that tru­ly binds togeth­er and pro­pels the whole of this Cre­ation. To real­ize that this most won­drous Light and Com­fort is always there, that it IS, and that it can always be expe­ri­enced as you join with one anoth­er, whether in com­bi­na­tion with that most spe­cial one, or in the forg­ing of all your many Sacred Spaces with your Com­pan­ions and Com­rades, your fel­low trav­el­ers in the Light.

For in that Fusion, in that Dance of Spir­it-Mat­ter where one and one becomes so much more than two, there­in lies the Mag­ic that pro­pels all of the Cre­ation that sur­rounds and cre­at­ed you. For when the Love that is with­in is met and joined with the Love that is “out there”, you will smile and you will laugh, and togeth­er you will real­ize that the dark­ness was the Illu­sion, and that only Light and Love is everywhere.

Jupiter in Can­cer will help you now, to hold and hon­or the roots from which you draw your essen­tial nature, and this will help you to find the strength that comes from this Foun­tain-Source of Love, you remain true and secure in these feel­ings of belong­ing and car­ing, these trea­sures of your past.

Sat­urn in Scor­pio will then help you to step beyond that space of the famil­iar, to push beyond your first home of com­fort and light. That secure in your truth and your ori­gins, you will find your courage from the love that is with­in, you will extend your hand and heart to one anoth­er, and you will forge your shared sacred spaces, your Unions that form the now.

You will forge and cre­ate what was Promised…

Build­ing Sacred Spaces Together…

Releas­ing and so increas­ing your Love…

That formed by Light, Love of the One,

This is The Eter­nal, the Now and Forever,

The Way, the One.

Mars Enters Libra (December 7, 2013)


In the beginning…there was Desire.

The Unname­able, Unknow­able and Unman­i­fest which is beyond all these worlds, THAT which is behind and before this Real­i­ty of Time/Space, and which is the true Source of this Sea of Ener­gy-Forms in which you and your com­pan­ions now cre­ate and play with­in the Human King­dom of Self-Aware Spirit-Matter…Before any of this could be and become, before any of this at all, the ONE Desired To Be…

So, All of this IS because of a Fun­da­men­tal Foun­da­tion­al Force that pro­pelled Non-Being into Beingness…All of this became because of this most Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive, which is to Grow, to Become…All of this is because the Infi­nite wished or Desired to become Finite…all of this is because of Desire.

Your Avatar of Desire is chang­ing his tune…and it is going to be a long, long song indeed. Where­as nor­mal­ly Mars will “skip” through each sign of the Zodi­ac in about 40 days or so, this time (because of his ret­ro­grade that starts on March 1 and does not con­clude until May 19) Mars will remain in Libra until July 25, 2014 or for 230 days! That is almost 6 times longer than nor­mal! Evi­dent­ly, there is much learn­ing and growth that you are about to expe­ri­ence with regards your Desire and Libra!

Your own Natal posi­tion of Mars will shape and direct your pre­ferred expres­sion of how you will act on your aims and inten­tions, of how you will respond or react to oppor­tu­ni­ties and dan­ger, it reveals what you are pas­sion­ate about and/or what will make you upset or angry.

And so it is very nec­es­sary for you to know the nature of your Desires, and over time, as you grow into a greater aware­ness, you will learn to make every effort to lift your Self up by an ever more refined expres­sion of this Ener­gy. You are here to learn to live through your Per­son­al Self for some­thing more than just you, you are here to choose to lead a Trans-Per­son­al life that will draw your Desires into Aspi­ra­tions, and this will lead you home­ward to the Light.

The Liv­ing Chart of the Now reveals the ener­gies that you and every­one else are sub­ject to from moment to moment, in each and every day, day after day…For you are bathed in a ver­i­ta­ble sea of ener­gies that are con­stant­ly being mod­u­lat­ed, and these myr­i­ad streams of ener­gy will inter­act, influ­ence and elic­it from you what become your reac­tions and respons­es to the Now…

That is why it is most ben­e­fi­cial to under­stand and inte­grate these Liv­ing Lessons of Life that your Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions Sing and Dance for you, for you need to under­stand these Signs and Por­tents, you need to hear this Song of the Now in order to know what is asked of you today, of what is need­ed from you here, and so dis­cov­er how this will form into the Inte­gral Path that joins what you bring from your­self and what is offered from around you, and by this you will Become Ful­filled as you also lift into High­er Forms these worlds through which you are learn­ing to be a Mas­ter Creator.

Mars serves your Self. As you seek to real­ize your poten­tials in the world as indi­cat­ed by your Sun Sign, your Mars will show you the ways in which you seek to be or become what you are meant to be. To ful­fill your part in the great Song of Life, you need to release your true nature as ful­ly as you can, to stretch and strut and con­tribute your own unique chord to the Cho­rus of Life.

The posi­tion of Mars in the Liv­ing Chart of the Now quick­ens your own natal Desire Nature so as to inte­grate this mod­u­la­tion of Inten­tion and Action into your own life pat­terns. Remem­ber, all the Signs of the Zodi­ac are with­in you, they are just there in dif­fer­ing mix­tures and pro­por­tions. But as their influ­ences sweep around and through you from this Liv­ing Chart of the Now, you would be most wise to lis­ten, to learn and to act with the full­ness of the Spir­i­tu­al Truth you are here to fulfill.

Mars in Libra Desires Beau­ty and Bal­ance, for the aim of Libra is to make the World more Har­mo­nious in Form as well as to Strive for a Life that is Moral and Just. Wher­ev­er ugli­ness is found, there is the know­ing in the wrong­ness of this and the need to act to cor­rect the imbal­ance whether in col­or, shape or sound and to restore the world to Beau­ty. When­ev­er injus­tice is encoun­tered, there is the know­ing that this vio­lates the fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple that All Life is Sacred, and that Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty requires you to stand for Free­dom and Self-Determination.

For the next many months, Mars in Libra will make many align­ments, both in your chart as well as with his Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions in the Liv­ing Chart of the Now that sur­rounds you…

Through each and every encounter, whether with­in your­self or “out there”, the strong and steady song he will sing is this:

You are here because the One Desired this…

The One Desired to Become through you.

And so all of this, all of this mar­velous Creation, 

Is Spir­it made Man­i­fest by You.

Make it Beautiful,

Make it Fair.

And may your Desire.…

Become your Aspi­ra­tion, that will

Lead you from Darkness,

Into the Light.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (December 4, 2013)


It has been a long, long time…and you are ready for a change.

Your Avatar of Mind has been expe­ri­enc­ing an extend­ed mod­u­la­tion of mean­ing as he swept back and forth through the swirling Waters of Scorpio.

You too should have felt some­thing of this, as you ben­e­fit­ed from a height­ened state of men­tal acu­ity and pas­sion, an offer­ing and a gift of Insight that forged a deep­er sense and sen­si­bil­i­ty about your­self and your world since the end of September.

Though your own Birth Chart or Natal posi­tion of Mer­cury must and will form the pre­dom­i­nant and pre­vail­ing influ­ence in your life as regards your fac­ul­ty of Intel­li­gent Per­cep­tion (as well as indi­cate the means and man­ner of how you will con­nect with your world), you should know that your life expe­ri­ences will be informed and cir­cum­scribed by the “Chart of the Present”…

The ever-unfold­ing dance of the plan­ets mov­ing through the signs of the Zodi­ac, as well as their align­ment with one anoth­er as they form intri­cate pat­terns of mean­ing, this is the Liv­ing Chart of the Now which is the ever-present Plero­ma of the Liv­ing Spir­it, the Song and Dance of the Spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that inform, inspire and guide all life here upon your Earth.

As much as you are right­ly told that your true path to Wis­dom and Peace is “To Know Thy­self”, it is equal­ly true that you need to be able to under­stand these worlds around you too. To be able to read the signs and por­tents of what is hap­pen­ing all around you or “out there” is the com­pli­men­ta­ry and inte­gral part of this won­drous Jour­ney by which you become.

You will real­ize that, in the end, all is tru­ly One and whether you go inwards to under­stand or pre­fer to go out­wards in order to come back in again, you will find these paths are but the one Path, and they will bring you back to your Source and lead you to your Destiny. 

So as you walk upon this Earth, sur­round­ed and immersed in this ver­i­ta­ble Sea of Spir­i­tu­al Res­o­nances, you will sense these alter­nat­ing pat­terns of ener­gies which inter­sect and influ­ence your own native dis­po­si­tion­al nature. These shift­ing ener­gies of signs and align­ments can often be very sub­tle, and so they may pass unno­ticed by many who have become enam­ored by the fas­ci­na­tions of this mate­r­i­al plane.

These Gifts of the Spir­it may be dis­missed as wisps and whis­pers, for they will come upon you like the kiss of a gen­tle breeze or the brush of a feather…and so only the atten­tive and wise may dis­cern these shift­ing winds of your Cos­mos that can guide you here below…But it is also true, that some­times all will take notice, as much larg­er forces will have their way, and the clam­or and noise will awe and hum­ble, bear­ing wit­ness to the truth, “that even gods wres­tle with the Mys­tery, the Great Unknown”.

So if you wish to quick­en your pace of progress, it would wise to devel­op your atten­tive­ness and lis­ten to these whis­pers and songs from above…to hear­ken, learn and align your still awak­en­ing self to these greater realms as they sing and dance, offer­ing their Signs and Por­tents and Lov­ing guid­ance for you striv­ing here below.

As Mer­cury sails into Sagit­tar­ius for the next three weeks or so, allow your aware­ness to shift as you pon­der this influ­ence that can help to lift and focus your sen­si­bil­i­ties for a while. You have need of a greater encom­pass­ing now, to make sense and har­vest the mean­ings to the chal­lenges you have just been through. You have need of this because Greater deci­sions and Respon­si­bil­i­ties are almost upon you, and you need this time to con­sid­er from where you have come, what you have learned and to what you must now attend.

Look around your world, to oth­er cul­tures and beliefs, and to oth­er times in your his­to­ries too. For in this you will gain that spe­cial place, that Archimedean van­tage point of a less biased, more inclu­sive and lov­ing­ly hum­ble View…

The search for Truth and Mean­ing can­not be or lead to a destination.

For this is your nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of becoming…

Filled with Sto­ries and Tales that have yet to be told.

You have come far, yet have much fur­ther still to go.

Dream­ing, Lov­ing, Cre­at­ing and Becoming…

As you make your way homewards,

As you reach for the Stars.