Daily Archives: January 14, 2014

Full Moon in Cancer (January 15, 2014)


Your life unfolds in the days, weeks and months that mark your year­ly jour­ney around your star.

You have need to find an order for your­self and your world, and you find it first in these nat­ur­al rhythms of life, in the alter­ation of day and night, in the unfold­ing month­ly and sea­son­al changes of cli­mate. These pri­ma­ry cycles of your world form and hold you with­in a matrix in which you seek for the mean­ing of you, and then you weave your life activ­i­ties, rit­u­als and cul­ture upon this nat­ur­al loom formed by these celes­tial cycles.

You bring and seek to hold these two realms togeth­er, the greater and the less­er, for you notice there is an order so that “what shines above you is reflect­ed here below”, and in so doing you find some com­fort, peace and guid­ance for your jour­ney through this sacred space you call home, here on your beloved Earth.

This year your civ­il cal­en­dar began with the most pri­ma­ry of these nat­ur­al cycles, your New Year began with a New Moon. Each of the Twelve New Moons in a year mark the release of a new Mes­sage of Mean­ing, formed by the Ener­gy through which the Sun is mov­ing at that time, and this New Moon offered you the inspi­ra­tion found in the Sign of Capricorn.

About two weeks lat­er, that Gift of Spir­it reach­es a moment of rev­e­la­tion which is found in and through the rela­tion­ship formed by the inte­gral mean­ings of the Sun in one sign and the Moon in the oppo­site sign. The Full Moon today is formed by and evokes the weav­ing way you are to fol­low now, as you seek to inte­grate the mean­ing of the Sun in Capri­corn as reflect­ed by the Moon in Cancer.

The Solar themes of Capri­corn are sound­ing strong­ly now, call­ing for you to ful­fill your Respon­si­bil­i­ties and car­ry out your Duties, to know your Pur­pose and find your path of Des­tiny. But to tru­ly ful­fill your­self you have need of Guid­ance and Understanding…and dear Luna now reminds you of where it is to be found.

The Moon sings to you now the Song of Can­cer. For you need this reminder of what you stand upon, to feel the truth of where you have come from if you are to under­stand what you are tru­ly aim­ing for. This Light of Luna is to be tak­en with­in your­self, to feel what is right and true, to fol­low your intu­ition and your heart, to hon­or the feel­ings you hold for one anoth­er, and so respond to the needs of each oth­er with authen­tic­i­ty and love. 

For what must inform your Titles and Duties, what will faith­ful­ly guide your use of Pow­er and keep your Pur­pose True, will come from this Sacred Cen­ter­ing upon the core of you. For when you are tru­ly Cen­tered and Feel the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that there abides, you will remem­ber and bow before this Light who is the very Heart of you.

For in your Heart of Hearts there is but One True Light, it is Love, and this is your Spark of the Divine. It is this Divin­i­ty which lov­ing­ly binds each one to one anoth­er, and so all are held togeth­er in a great Fam­i­ly with­in this Light Divine.

This is Luna’s mes­sage to you now…

That in order for you to Ful­fill your Destiny,

In order to Live a life of Duty and Honor,

And Wield your Will and Pow­er Wisely,

You will find and ful­fill your responsibilities,

When you fol­low your Heart.

And so guid­ed by this Grace,

You will be Hum­ble in Action,

You will ful­fill your true purpose…

To be Lov­ing and Loved too.