There is but one path…
That wondrously Luminous, self-unfolding Spiral,
Of Light, Love and Being that is
Living in your fullness, through this Circle of Life,
By flowing, blending, combining, transforming and transmuting,
You and all of your companions will find yourself to be,
A unique experience/expression of the One Spirit.
Yet you will equally find yourself as being one,
Who finds their own song with and through the many,
For all together form and are formed by,
This Living Host of the Divine.
You are the Self-Becoming, the Shining Ones to be…
The Self-Illuminated Light-Bearers of,
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
All Twelve Forms of Matter-Energy make you what you are. Though you may be “born” into a particular sign, and may have various Planetary placements in any number of other signs, the Greater Truth is that within you and around you All of these Signs are Present and Purposing your life…and you must Master them All to fulfill your Destiny.
You should know as well that you abide within a “Living Chart of the Now”, and all these Twelve-Fold Energies stream around and through you day after day, for they guide, inspire and form the very Energy-Matter of your Spiritual Journey here below.
And so month by month, as the Zodiacal year moves you through the Seasons of your Life, you need to Align yourself to the Meaning and Messages that shine through at that time. For there is a part of you, perhaps greater, sometimes lesser, there is a most precious part of you that has need of these gifts offered to you in the Now.
Today your Star moves into the Sign of Aquarius and you will do well to bend your attention/intentions to this Song that is being sung for you. For you have turned yet another corner, climbed a little higher in your quest for Self-Mastery in the Sign that you are taking leave of, dear resolute Capricorn.
Now your Star sings of matters that will take you beyond those substantial fulfillments, of preserving and protecting, of holding to those tried and true ways…For Aquarius Dreams of something more, beyond the here and now…and you wonder, maybe we can do better. Perhaps this preservation and holding on to what we have so far, that this is not enough, no not nearly enough if you are to become who you truly are.
And so in your Self-Becoming you wander far and wide, you seek for clearer Nights, you dream of a Brighter Dawn. You realize that the whole journey, your whole purpose is exactly this…to just be who you are! To understand and to live your Freer Self, to Sing your Song of Spirit as clearly and purely as it was meant to be. For it was always there inside of you, like a Luminous Loving Diamond, your wondrous Spark of the Divine endows you with your most precious gift, your uniqueness, your distinction…your Individuality.
Yet, it is not enough nor possible for you to do this by yourself. For how could you sing your song of you without your fellow dreamers? You can only be yourself with, by and through your companions, your Brothers and Sisters, who form with you a shining Host of Harmonies. For together you are the Circle of Light and Love, you are one made of many ones into this Greater Life.
Your True Self is made possible by the Freedom you form with one another, for in this shared space you create for one another the Song of Life and Love.
You are one and you are many, all companions in the Light.
Your dream is made of their dreams, their fulfillment yours.
For truly what you dream, for yourself and for one another,
Is to Love and be Loved.
All you ever wanted,
Is to be Exactly what you are,