You have journeyed far and wide, sweeping around…
This Circle of Life and Love.
Darker nights have been met and mastered, and
Your days are lengthening once again.
There is another Astrological Year, just ahead…
Still, it seems far away to you…for it is always darkest before the dawn.
A better world is just beyond, and somewhere out there is Spring, out there is your hope for a new beginning. You need help, you need one another to make real and true that promise you hold so dear…of brighter days, of good times and a future for you and yours.
So you come to the next Truth in your Journey. That after the trials and tribulations, beyond the successes (and so-called defeats) you need to know what comes after those rewards and responsibilities that made your time of Capricorn. You have your hard-won achievements, you fulfilled your purpose, you did your duty in your world, and you built something worth preserving and passing on…and now you come to this.
Luna returns to the Sun for yet another blessing, she passes between you and your Star to receive and bring to you this next message of meaning to guide your steps, for she is ever there to help you find the one true path that will take you out of the darkness and into the Dawn of a New Life.
You need to know, after passing over the pinnacle that is Capricorn, having made your way to the top, you need to know what was it for, what are you really here for?
You look around…and you remember. You remember it would not have been, nor would it have mattered without the love you have for one another…for you have and will never travel alone, not ever. You have always been with your fellow Stalwart Seekers without whom you would have never come this far at all.
For your dreams are made of them, your life is found in their fellowship. You are here for another, and you are made of and by one another too. For your dreams are their dreams, and theirs is yours too. You are made what you are by your companionship, you became what you are by your believing and caring for one other.
You were formed by one another in life after life, and from your beginning you have journeyed in this Grand Adventure of the Divine that is your self-becoming, each helping one another to be and become who they are. You help one another by being true to yourself, by accepting and delighting in one another for being exactly that, for being a special one among many other special ones…for you are each a unique spark of the one Divine Flame and you help one another to be that, to just be who you are.
This Eleventh Moon of your Astrological year reminds you of this, that you are here quite simply to grow…and you can only be free to do this with other free-seekers too. You dream of a better time to come, and you can brave the dark times that must be endured because you have one another, and you can hold one another, and lift one another and believe in one another for you know that together you will step into that better world that is coming with Dawn.
The New Moon in Aquarius reminds you of your Truth, that you are part of a Company of Dreamers-Makers-Creators who will bring about a New World. You are with your Constant Companions, in life after life and together you will bring about the Dawn.
You are what you are because of these ones whom you love, the ones you call “my friend”.
Gather together, celebrate your dreams and hopes…
And with a little help from your friends…
A Better Day will Dawn.
With a little help from my friends…