New Moon in Aquarius (January 30, 2014)


You have jour­neyed far and wide, sweep­ing around…

This Cir­cle of Life and Love.

Dark­er nights have been met and mas­tered, and

Your days are length­en­ing once again.

There is anoth­er Astro­log­i­cal Year, just ahead…

Still, it seems far away to you…for it is always dark­est before the dawn.

A bet­ter world is just beyond, and some­where out there is Spring, out there is your hope for a new begin­ning. You need help, you need one anoth­er to make real and true that promise you hold so dear…of brighter days, of good times and a future for you and yours.

So you come to the next Truth in your Jour­ney. That after the tri­als and tribu­la­tions, beyond the suc­cess­es (and so-called defeats) you need to know what comes after those rewards and respon­si­bil­i­ties that made your time of Capri­corn. You have your hard-won achieve­ments, you ful­filled your pur­pose, you did your duty in your world, and you built some­thing worth pre­serv­ing and pass­ing on…and now you come to this.

Luna returns to the Sun for yet anoth­er bless­ing, she pass­es between you and your Star to receive and bring to you this next mes­sage of mean­ing to guide your steps, for she is ever there to help you find the one true path that will take you out of the dark­ness and into the Dawn of a New Life.

You need to know, after pass­ing over the pin­na­cle that is Capri­corn, hav­ing made your way to the top, you need to know what was it for, what are you real­ly here for?

You look around…and you remem­ber. You remem­ber it would not have been, nor would it have mat­tered with­out the love you have for one another…for you have and will nev­er trav­el alone, not ever. You have always been with your fel­low Stal­wart Seek­ers with­out whom you would have nev­er come this far at all.

For your dreams are made of them, your life is found in their fel­low­ship. You are here for anoth­er, and you are made of and by one anoth­er too. For your dreams are their dreams, and theirs is yours too. You are made what you are by your com­pan­ion­ship, you became what you are by your believ­ing and car­ing for one other.

You were formed by one anoth­er in life after life, and from your begin­ning you have jour­neyed in this Grand Adven­ture of the Divine that is your self-becom­ing, each help­ing one anoth­er to be and become who they are. You help one anoth­er by being true to your­self, by accept­ing and delight­ing in one anoth­er for being exact­ly that, for being a spe­cial one among many oth­er spe­cial ones…for you are each a unique spark of the one Divine Flame and you help one anoth­er to be that, to just be who you are.

This Eleventh Moon of your Astro­log­i­cal year reminds you of this, that you are here quite sim­ply to grow…and you can only be free to do this with oth­er free-seek­ers too. You dream of a bet­ter time to come, and you can brave the dark times that must be endured because you have one anoth­er, and you can hold one anoth­er, and lift one anoth­er and believe in one anoth­er for you know that togeth­er you will step into that bet­ter world that is com­ing with Dawn.

The New Moon in Aquar­ius reminds you of your Truth, that you are part of a Com­pa­ny of Dream­ers-Mak­ers-Cre­ators who will bring about a New World. You are with your Con­stant Com­pan­ions, in life after life and togeth­er you will bring about the Dawn.

You are what you are because of these ones whom you love, the ones you call “my friend”.

Gath­er togeth­er, cel­e­brate your dreams and hopes…

And with a lit­tle help from your friends…

A Bet­ter Day will Dawn.

With a lit­tle help from my friends…

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