Daily Archives: January 30, 2014

Jupiter Opposite Pluto (January 31, 2014)


I wrote of this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Oppo­site Plu­to (Jan­u­ary 31 & April 20) *also August 7, 2013

This aspect was first exact in August 2013 (and you can read about that here), and con­tin­ues with two more align­ments in Jan­u­ary and April, with the lat­ter being of great­est sig­nif­i­cance since it will coin­cide with the next Uranus Plu­to Square and be part of what is known as the Grand Cross in Astrol­o­gy of 2014, (as Jupiter will be also Squar­ing Uranus the same day). I will write about this exten­sive­ly in April. The fun­da­men­tal issue artic­u­lat­ed here is to stand firm and cen­tered in your truth by the prop­er exer­cise of your Will, but in this you must know that you should nev­er seek to impose a truth upon any oth­er, for this vio­lates one of the Great­est Prin­ci­ples of Spir­it, that all spaces are Sacred and you must not trespass.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Prin­ci­ples and Beliefs. Mov­ing through Can­cer now, Jupiter is help­ing you to more deeply con­nect to the root sources of your foun­da­tion­al truths. For where you stand now in your under­stand­ing is formed by numer­ous streams of life expe­ri­ences. Your fam­i­ly, your cul­ture and your spir­i­tu­al tra­di­tions among many oth­er influ­ences have formed in and through you to cre­ate a sense of the mean­ings of your life. From these you have some notion or belief of where you have come from, of why you are here…and per­haps an idea of where you may or should be going.

It is from these beliefs, which then form your inten­tions and way of relat­ing in your world, that you find your­self in a world-view, par­a­digm or real­i­ty that you share with oth­er mem­bers of your fam­i­ly, tribe, sub-cul­ture and cul­ture. It binds you to one anoth­er in these shared sen­si­bil­i­ties of what you believe to be true for you and yours.

Plu­to is your Avatar of the Will, which is the third Prin­ci­ple abid­ing in your Spir­i­tu­al Core, and is the means by which you come to mas­ter your­self by slow­ly learn­ing to exer­cise your self-con­trol, lead­ing to your ever-expand­ing pow­er of self-deter­mi­na­tion. It is this which allows you to form the sacred space in which you will abide, the sacred space of your­self. As much as you must learn to exer­cise this pow­er of self-deter­mi­na­tion with­in, you will equal­ly learn to mas­ter your Will with regards to all those around you, who equal­ly exist in their sacred spaces too.

Then each from their own more or less cen­tered sacred space, seek­ing to live, love and cre­ate with one anoth­er as you must if you are to ful­fill your­self, each will­ing­ly may choose to form with one anoth­er those shared sacred spaces of per­son­al, pro­fes­sion­al and oth­er unions…and it is here in the spaces you make with one anoth­er that the “mag­ic” of com­bi­na­tion, of “two becom­ing one” can happen.

The Oppo­si­tion of Jupiter and Plu­to sings to you about a most impor­tant les­son that you are learn­ing with regard to your Beliefs and your Will. The prop­er inte­gral rela­tion­ship here between your Truth and your Sacred Space should hold you to the path of being true to your­self, of hold­ing and abid­ing in your Beliefs, Faith, Sci­ence and Phi­los­o­phy so that you may direct your life upon the path that is true for you while you abide in your own sacred space.

But you must nev­er seek to impose upon anoth­er your Truth, to force them to believe or fol­low what they do not under­stand or agree to. Even for the most of so-called noblest of pur­pos­es, if you force anoth­er to go against their own con­science or lev­el of under­stand­ing you break this most fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al law, that each per­son­’s space is sacred. And, if you vio­late that space by break­ing their will and impos­ing your own upon them, you do great dam­age to them, and to yourself.

Even if you are con­vinced, or “know” that your way or belief is high­er or bet­ter or truer, it gives you no right to impose it, for that is a greater untruth. You may cer­tain­ly engage with them, dis­cuss and debate and see how each oth­er’s par­tic­u­lar view­points or posi­tions leads to cer­tain out­comes, and then see what may be shown by this. You may end up chang­ing their mind, or they yours. You may end up agree­ing to disagree.

But no mat­ter what you can­not impose truth. You can only elic­it it, draw it out from with­in them…just as it was drawn out from you.

For that is where Truth resides, in each and every soul’s core there is the High­er Self, there is The Truth of the One in which all do share, and some­day it will be released…but you can­not make this hap­pen by force.

You must and will become as you are in your core…

You will find your way by being true to your Spirit.

You will find your way by this…

Hon­or your three Spir­i­tu­al Principles…

A Free Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Sacred Space.

This is your Truth, this is The Way.