Daily Archives: January 31, 2014

Venus Direct (January 31, 2014)


I wrote of this turn­ing of Venus in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast:

Venus Direct (Jan­u­ary 31 until July 25, 2015)

This con­cludes the Venus Ret­ro­grade, and you may now direct your atten­tion more out­ward­ly to con­sid­er the real­i­ty and truth of your lov­ing nature in the world. You have had your “40 Days in the Desert”, a most pre­cious time to seek with­in for the “trea­sure beyond mea­sure” which lies at the core of your­self, which goes by many names such as your High­er Self or the Beloved. Now you need to turn and look around you, to act upon this knowl­edge and live with the under­stand­ing that this self-same core resides in every aspect of your world, for it is this which forms the Grace, Beau­ty and Love that is behind all of this Won­drous Creation.

Since Decem­ber 21, you have had this most pre­cious oppor­tu­ni­ty to turn back upon your­self, to look more deeply with­in and con­sid­er again the ques­tion of val­ue in your life. For this is one of the foun­da­tion­al prin­ci­ples of your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney. If you are to have the right rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er (and to oth­er life-forms), if you are to have right rela­tion­ships to the “things” in this world too, then you must mas­ter this les­son of Value.

Your moral and social sens­es by which you live out your love for one anoth­er, and your aes­thet­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties by which you live out your love for the beau­ty found and made by you in this world, and most cer­tain­ly the under­stand­ing that have for your own Divine Essence, (the same essence which you share equal­ly with your fel­low trav­el­ers upon this great jour­ney of Spirit)…All of this comes down to one sim­ple but pro­found truth, all of this depends upon your under­stand­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing the one essen­tial Truth that is the Core of you…That you are a spark of the Divine, and Love is sim­ply what makes you You. 

These past “40 Days in the Desert” have been a time for dis­cov­ery, of peel­ing back and delv­ing into the core of what you were, have and can become…for this time your attune­ment was focused through the Ray that is Capricorn.

It is through Capri­corn that you per­ceive the Hier­ar­chy that is Cre­ation: That this entire Cos­mos is like a Lad­der of Life that stretch­es back beyond reck­on­ing through Time and Space, span­ning count­less eons and made up of infi­nite expres­sions of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. It extends from the Incon­ceiv­able Infin­i­tes­i­mals that form the count­less Inner Worlds to the Incom­pre­hen­si­ble Infin­ites that form the Out­er Planes that stand beyond any sim­ple or sin­gu­lar Dimen­sion of Space-Time…all of it is “That”. All of this puls­ing, stream­ing, surg­ing, unfold­ing Won­der is the Lov­ing Cre­ation of the One True Spir­it that is the Val­ue that forms one and all…and forms you too.

You have real­ized some­thing of this, that some­how you feel or intu­it this as you look out upon the wheel­ing won­ders of the cos­mos above you. Then you turn and you gaze into your dear beloved’s eyes…and then you see, and you under­stand that what looks back at you is you, it is you with­in one anoth­er, you see­ing one anoth­er behind the illu­sion of this form in which you abide. You feel the love that is there with­in, and that is to be found all around you, because this is the ener­gy that binds every speck and mote, every being, plan­et, star and sys­tem into this one Great Life of Spirit.

The Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is pierced through at once as you mar­vel at the Love that stands behind it all, that fills you and yours with the ever-unfold­ing poten­tial to become and be so much more…and you will.

The only thing you need to become what you were meant to be…

To make man­i­fest your won­drous Apotheosis…

The only thing you need to do…

Is to Love one Another.

All you need to be,

Is Love.