Monthly Archives: January 2014



Major Phe­nom­e­na


The winds of the Spir­it remain strong as they sweep across your world, expe­ri­enced most pro­found­ly in the mul­ti-year Uranus/Pluto align­ment (2012–2015) and by Plu­to’s sojourn in the sign of Capri­corn (2008–2024). It is because of these two inte­gral influ­ences that you find your­self now in a time that will bring about sweep­ing changes in your world, for these sub­stan­tial effects sig­nal the end of an age and the dawn­ing of a new world.

Whether in the insti­tu­tions of Gov­ern­ment, Reli­gion and Edu­ca­tion, as wit­nessed in realms Eco­nom­ic, Polit­i­cal or Cul­tur­al, in Worlds both Tem­po­ral and Sec­u­lar, real­ly through­out all aspects of what you may have believed to be the more or less unchang­ing and hard-worn accom­plish­ments that form your present-day Civ­i­liza­tion and Real­i­ty, all of this seems in flux now and you see dis­tress and dis­or­der all around you. And so your world, this won­drous Realm that should be the play­ground for your Love and Cre­ativ­i­ty appears shad­owed and grim, and you will look upon it and won­der how it became like this, for it tru­ly seems as if it has, “been turned upside down and inside out”!

Changes such as these, as I have com­ment­ed upon for sev­er­al years now, have not been seen for over 240 years, and they have always sound­ed the end of an age when things must and will fall apart, for all things must pass when they have out­lived their pur­pos­es. But this, of course, is only the half of it, for these falling tow­ers, these tremors and dis­so­lu­tions also her­ald the birth of what will be a new­er, bet­ter World that is slow­ly com­ing into being, and you are the very instru­ment of mak­ing this happen…for this has always been so, and you have been here before.

Dur­ing the last such peri­od in the 1700’s, what I would call the “Cri­sis of King­doms”, most espe­cial­ly seen by the expe­ri­ences of the Amer­i­can and French Rev­o­lu­tions, the world that had been was torn apart by what was emerg­ing from with­in it. That old­er sys­tem of Mean­ing and Form was super­seded by a new Spir­i­tu­al-Social-Eco­nom­ic order that we call our present day “Mod­ern World”…and it is this very one, your world, that is com­ing undone in your time.

This is not a unique expe­ri­ence, not at all. It is in truth “The Way”, part of how the Jour­ney of Spir­it will man­i­fest again and again, for the one Imper­a­tive that resides at the core of Spir­it, and so at the core of you, is “to grow”. And so it was that 240 years pri­or to that time of rev­o­lu­tions in the 1700’s, turn­ing back then to the 1500’s, to when the world expe­ri­enced anoth­er Cathar­sis of Becom­ing that could be called a “Cri­sis of Faiths”, (named “The Ref­or­ma­tion”), and the Euro­pean Feu­dal sys­tem and the Ide­olo­gies and World Views that helped to form and were formed by that sys­tem fell apart.

Out of that dis­or­der, there arose the cen­tral­ized King­doms or Monar­chies, and with them there arose a new expres­sion of what it meant to be human and a new Reli­gious, Polit­i­cal, Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al world came into being too. Then 240 years lat­er, a sim­i­lar evolution/revolution of Spir­it and Human­i­ty hap­pened in the 1700’s…and now, now here you are and it is hap­pen­ing again.

The changes wrought by these Spi­ral­ing Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies, weav­ing in and through each indi­vid­ual and fam­i­ly, through vil­lages and towns and cities, seem to be most clear­ly revealed in the dis­rup­tions formed by the loss of mean­ing and func­tion in many insti­tu­tions of your world. The fail­ings and fail­ures of Reli­gion, Gov­ern­ment, Edu­ca­tion, etc., would seem to indi­cate that the prob­lems in the world and your hopes for a bet­ter future must lie out there in these “things”.

But this is not the way of it, no not at all. For in each age and time, through­out the course of your jour­ney in this Earth­ly realm, the real prob­lems to be faced and the real “soul-utions” will be found with­in, and not in or from “some-thing” “out there”. The real source of why the world is chang­ing, and why and how you must be chang­ing too, comes from the true foun­da­tion of any world, from the stir­ring of the Spir­it with­in each and every being.

This Dri­ving Force of His­to­ry aris­es in and streams forth from every Mind and Heart and Soul, it comes from one and every­one, for you are the Liv­ing Spir­it, you and your com­pan­ions are the Dreamer/Makers, and this is the world that you made, and you and this world must now be re-made together.

The dri­ving force of Evolution/Revolution is Spir­it, com­ing through and from Indi­vid­u­als, and Groups of Indi­vid­u­als, who moved by the Pow­er of Spir­it, which streams forth with a renew­al of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, brings about this trans­for­ma­tion for one and all. And it is through this Stream­ing of Spir­it, as always, it is through this that there will dawn a brighter day, com­ing in these very final fruits of the Old Order.

It is in that very “End­ing of the Old”, of what is pass­ing away, it from this Har­vest of Mean­ing and Truth that the New will rise. For it is in this time that you will strive to pre­serve and pass on what must be pro­tect­ed, to trans­form or end what will not stand, and it is in this time of chal­lenge and choice that you will find the Seeds of Promise that you are here to plant and so give birth to The New World.

You are here at this time for a rea­son, to be the bridge between a world that was and a world that is com­ing to be. You are the Har­vesters and you are the Seed­ers, and so you must look back and you must look ahead too, and then you must turn and face your awe­some duty upon this Spir­i­tu­al Razor’s Edge where Free­dom and Will meet, for you can only do your duty in the Here and Now.

This is your spe­cial and most pre­cious gift, to have this respon­si­bil­i­ty to pass on what must be pre­served and to ded­i­cate your Lives and Sacred For­tunes to the Future, which will be your Liv­ing Gift to the gen­er­a­tions that fol­low. Like those known Heroes (and of the many more unsung ones too) who brought a freer form of Spir­it-Life into being 240 years ago, you are here at a most crit­i­cal and chal­leng­ing time. It is at such moments in his­to­ry that you can take your place in this nev­er-end­ing chain of con­se­quences, and choose to make a Sac­ri­fice for those in whom you place your fond­est hopes for a bet­ter world.

Along with the ongo­ing Spir­i­tu­al Trans­for­ma­tion being elicit­ed by Uranus/Pluto, there are two oth­er pow­er­ful align­ments tak­ing place this year that will add to this ongo­ing trans­for­ma­tion. The first in April direct­ly inte­grates with and quick­ens the Uranus/Pluto chal­lenge. The sec­ond in September/October is anoth­er Gift of the Spir­it that may pro­vide Inspi­ra­tion and Hope for the great chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties you face at this time.



The Uranus-Plu­to Square (April 21 & Decem­ber 14)

The align­ment of Uranus and Plu­to has entered this third year and now bring their focal ener­gies to bear upon all those enti­ties hav­ing sig­nif­i­cant place­ments between 11 and 16 degrees of the Car­di­nal Signs of Aries, Can­cer, Libra and Capricorn…and that means many indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions will feel these effects sweep­ing through them this year, includ­ing such larg­er lev­el enti­ties as the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, Iran, France, Spain, Thai­land, Cam­bo­dia, Myan­mar and Cuba among many others.

Though charts hav­ing those car­di­nal posi­tions will be most affect­ed, these Gifts of Trans­for­ma­tion will con­tin­ue to be felt by one and all. I encour­age you to read my pre­vi­ous post­ings about the mean­ing of this most his­toric align­ment, and I have put them togeth­er and you may find them at this link below:


The effects of Uranus/Pluto will pre­vail dur­ing this year and into the next (and many years to fol­low as these effects will con­tin­ue to rever­ber­ate with their great import and impact), but there is a peri­od this year when the poten­cy and pow­er of this align­ment may be most clear­ly felt, and that will be dur­ing the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of April 2014.



The Grand Car­di­nal Cross (Plu­to, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) April 2014

Per­haps the most sig­nif­i­cant moment in the great align­ment of Uranus and Plu­to is to be found this year in this very pow­er­ful con­fig­u­ra­tion. Though you have been sub­ject to and feel­ing the pro­found effects of the Uranus/Pluto square for some time, it is tru­ly at times such as this when oth­er plan­ets form up to pro­vide a more artic­u­lat­ed, com­plete and com­plex “res­o­nance of mean­ing”, it is in such a time that you will know that the Winds of the Spir­it are blow­ing strong indeed. The time peri­od of the exact align­ment runs from about April 19 through April 23, but there will be a fore­shad­ow­ing and after-shad­ow­ing for any event of this mag­ni­tude. I will ana­lyze this align­ment in more depth in April, but I will for now offer this overview:

It is in the month of April that you will have the Avatars of Will, of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of Truth and of Desire each take up posi­tions at the “Four Cor­ners” of the Zodi­ac, or what are known as the Car­di­nal Signs of Capri­corn, Aries, Can­cer and Libra. These four signs begin and mark the four sea­sons of the year, as they also form the gate­ways for the entry or ini­ti­a­tion of the four unique ele­ments or tem­pera­ments of the Zodi­ac of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

The dynam­ics of a Grand Cross are such that you are being pre­sent­ed with Four Ways of Being/Doing and it would appear at first that you must deny, sup­press or project at least two of these and assume or live out the oth­er two. Of course this is not pos­si­ble or true, for you must instead find and hold to the Spir­i­tu­al Path that is found­ed upon the “Weav­ing-Way”, the Inte­gral Path where­by you will bring these Four Ways, these Four Ele­ments and Pur­pos­es togeth­er and cre­ate and live the com­plete you, to be Whole and Full in your Being and Doing.


At this great align­ment you will have in one cor­ner, Plu­to the Lord of Sacred Space and Will, who has brought again his trans­for­ma­tion­al pow­ers to bear upon the Capri­corn realm of Earth. Every 240 years or so, this pas­sage has brought about the cli­mat­ic end of a Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic-Cul­tur­al order as a new one was ris­ing to take its place. Capri­corn rules Respon­si­bil­i­ty, and these Insti­tu­tions and Order­ings of your world are the sub­stan­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion of what you have formed as the bear­ers and execu­tors of your most sacred trust, which is to assume your place in the Hier­ar­chy of Life and there­by ful­fill your Duty to care for one anoth­er and this Sacred Space you call the World.

The break­ing down of these insti­tu­tions has been met by indi­vid­u­als and groups in a wide range of expectable and not so expectable respons­es. Some indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions have “dou­bled-down” on the exer­cise (and often­times the abuse) of their pow­er, for they have fears about change and what they might lose, and they will try to main­tain their pow­er, posi­tion and the sta­tus quo for they see no oth­er way. While oth­ers have set their inten­tions and efforts against “the sys­tem”, and they are car­ry­ing the torch of Cre­ation by Destruc­tion, rebelling, revolt­ing and chal­leng­ing the old order in an attempt to bring down what they see as a more or less whol­ly cor­rupt and unre­deemable regime.

And then there will be those who will try to walk the mid­dle path. Some will brave­ly strive to do their duty, to keep the sys­tem work­ing by reform­ing or restor­ing it. While oth­ers, whose vision remains fixed upon that far hori­zon, work to build new sys­tems and a new order, striv­ing to inte­grate with or to super­sede the old hierarchy.

What is real­ly being called for here, what is required first by one and all, is that we ful­fill our respon­si­bil­i­ties and duties at this time of cri­sis by hav­ing each indi­vid­ual turn this Plu­ton­ian Pow­er back upon one­self first. That each Indi­vid­ual and then each Group must apply their Will to reform and restore their own sense of Duty, Hon­or and Pur­pose which will then guide their Inten­tions and Actions as they strive to reform, restore and trans­form these Instru­ments of Civ­i­liza­tion and Cul­ture. But how will you find this path, how will you know what to hold and what to let go?


There is the Guid­ance, Hope and a Chal­lenge being prof­fered by the plan­et which stands oppo­site to Plu­to at this time, and it is here that you may find part of your answer. Jupiter is mov­ing through Can­cer and offers you the gift of Water that will help you recon­nect to your Foun­da­tions. Here you will find a refresh­ing renew­al of the deep­er con­nec­tions to the Root-Truth of any per­son, group, insti­tu­tion or society.

The hope and promise offered here is that this re-con­nec­tion to what lies at the cen­ter of one and all will ulti­mate­ly resolve into that Deep­er Under­stand­ing that we are all part of one “Great Fam­i­ly”, all broth­ers and sis­ters on a jour­ney, and that what holds us to one anoth­er is Fin­er and Truer that what divides us. That we should turn to those Prin­ci­ples and Expe­ri­ences that evokes these feel­ings of being of one ori­gin, instead of being pulled into the extreme posi­tions fos­tered by our divi­sions formed by mis­un­der­stand­ings and fears which have divid­ed us one from another.

Yet, the dan­ger of this Divide is always there, and may cer­tain­ly be evoked here again, so that whether in Trib­al, Eth­nic, Reli­gious, Social or Polit­i­cal Iden­ti­ties, the Prej­u­dices found­ed by Fear and Mis­un­der­stand­ing will stream forth and may be stoked by Jupiter instead. It may take hold of var­i­ous indi­vid­u­als and groups of indi­vid­u­als, who there­by being sun­dered from the fun­da­men­tal truth that all are one, will break apart and fall into more extreme forms of divi­sive­ness, of “us” ver­sus “them”.

There are two more “cor­ners” that you must con­sid­er here, and each may help to point the way through to help you find and walk that Inte­gral Path…yet, it is equal­ly true that if mis­un­der­stood and mis­ap­plied they may only elic­it and her­ald an even greater degree of dis­ar­ray and dis­or­der for a while.


The oth­er Prin­ci­ple Car­di­nal Cor­ner here is held by the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, the Lord Uranus who is mov­ing through the first sign of Aries, and form­ing this mul­ti-year Square aspect to Plu­to in Capri­corn. Uranus will move through the sign of Aries every 84 years and stay in any sign for about 7 years, (the last two times in Aries were 1927 to 1935 and 1843–1851). This pas­sage of Uranus through Aries her­alds the release of new Seed-Ideas that accel­er­ate or quick­en the tem­po of Social, Polit­i­cal and Tech­no­log­i­cal change and inno­va­tion. Often­times indi­vid­u­als who are born in this peri­od grow up to be trail­blaz­ing pio­neers in their respec­tive fields, and are most not­ed by oth­er gen­er­a­tions for their high­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized pres­ence, actions and con­tri­bu­tions that often shake and shock their world.

Uranus in Aries is herald­ing a Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive which calls for a re-state­ment or renew­al for the man­ner in which each and every soul meets their world. For as you move through your world you meet each moment with this, with your Pres­ence, Per­sona or Vehi­cle of your Self, and through this way of Enter­ing each Space your sur­round­ing Real­i­ty changes accordingly…and it is this “Lead­ing Edge” of you, your own expe­ri­ence of Bear­ing and Char­ac­ter, of what it means to Lead (or not), that is expe­ri­enc­ing a Ide­al­is­tic Quick­en­ing by Uranus in Aries.

In more gen­er­al terms, both peri­ods pri­or to our own were wit­ness to quite dra­mat­ic erup­tions of Rev­o­lu­tion­ary and Counter-Rev­o­lu­tion­ary move­ments as the peo­ple of those eras faced their own Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing. In the late 1840’s, Europe was swept by the rise of Lib­er­al Demo­c­ra­t­ic forces chal­leng­ing the old order of Euro­pean eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal pow­er. The peri­od from 1927 to 1935, wit­nessed the rise of very extreme reac­tions to the crises that accom­pa­nied the eco­nom­ic col­lapse of the Great Depres­sion, and these var­ied reac­tions fos­tered the dra­mat­ic polar­iza­tions of Com­mu­nism and Fas­cism, and drove the strug­gle between Democ­ra­cy and Total­i­tar­i­an­ism that encom­passed the entire world and led to World War II.

It does seem eeri­ly famil­iar, the degree to which our time too is expe­ri­enc­ing this deep­en­ing polar­iza­tion between the Left and the Right, as forces of Rev­o­lu­tion and Counter-Rev­o­lu­tion play out in many coun­tries today, as for exam­ple in Egypt, Greece, Thai­land, France, Great Britain, USA and many, many more…in fact, no mat­ter where you might care to observe the state of human con­duct, of how we relate one to anoth­er, the atti­tude, tone or tenor of the debates (or clam­or or rag­ing or armed con­flict) has been grow­ing ever greater since Uranus entered Aries in 2010.

The Burn­ing-Bright Ide­al­ism of Uranus in Aries is pushing/pulling the Reactionary/Revolutionary ener­gies to an ever more fevered pitch, as the strug­gle being waged between the forces of Preser­va­tion ver­sus Trans­for­ma­tion stream through Plu­to in Capri­corn. Uranus stokes these “Fires of Free­dom”, but of course what is held as “free­dom” for one group may often be feared and/or expe­ri­enced as tyran­ny and exploita­tion by anoth­er, and vice ver­sa. These Antipo­dal Posi­tions of one side ver­sus the oth­er dri­ves the dis­course and actions of each to ever greater extremes. What remains of the Cen­ter can­not hold, and the way for­ward, of bridg­ing this divide and forg­ing a way beyond the echoes and fears that hold one and all in thrall to the Old seems to slip and fall before the clam­or of com­pet­ing claims of Free­dom and Truth.


Stand­ing oppo­site to Uranus in the Grand Square is the plan­et Mars, now mov­ing through the sign of Libra. Mars who is your Avatar of Desire and Action may pro­vide a most wel­come and need­ed coun­ter­point to these high­ly charged ener­gies ema­nat­ing from Uranus. The mes­sage of Mars in Libra sings of your need to always guide your Aims and Actions by an enlight­ened social sen­si­bil­i­ty. Your Means and Ends are to be gov­erned by the mutu­al respect you owe to one anoth­er, because in your heart of hearts you are equal to one anoth­er, for at the core of each of you is the same Divine Spark.

You are here to learn to live with one anoth­er as guid­ed by your ever-unfold­ing and ever-expand­ing Social Con­scious­ness. That by this Greater Under­stand­ing and Love for one anoth­er you will be guid­ed to the Truth. That the One Way, the one true Spir­i­tu­al Path for Self-Ful­fill­ment is found when you Act in and by Love, and exer­cise your Self-Asser­tion in Self­less ways. By this Wis­dom, your actions which serve your­self will equal­ly pro­mote, pre­serve and extend har­mo­ny, jus­tice and fair­ness for One and All.

The Ide­al­ism and Pas­sions of Uranus in Aries are counter-bal­anced here by your Spir­i­tu­al-Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties that encour­age mod­er­a­tion, tem­per­ance and above all that most exquis­ite and req­ui­site sign of Under­stand­ing and Compassion…Tolerance. You are to learn, or to remem­ber that you are to treat one anoth­er as broth­ers and sis­ters, because what is with­in you sur­rounds you too, and that you are here to learn to live by this Truth, by your Love for one another.

Yes, the var­ied beliefs, choic­es and expe­ri­ences have cre­at­ed a soci­ety of mar­velous vari­a­tions, of diverse group­ings and sub-cul­tures that range far and wide in spir­i­tu­al sen­si­bil­i­ty. And it is this very rich­ness of human spir­it that is part of the won­der and beau­ty of your world. Yet, these very diver­si­ties and dif­fer­ences may lead to mis­un­der­stand­ings and con­flict, so that indi­vid­u­als and groups may become arrayed in oppo­si­tion to one anoth­er over cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal and even spir­i­tu­al matters.

And just as with Jupiter to Plu­to, if the echoes of the past which are those fear-based shad­ows born of fail­ures forged by mis­un­der­stand­ing, if these over­whelm the Spir­it of Coop­er­a­tion that Mars in Libra should Inspire, then the neg­a­tive shad­ow-face of Mars may be elicit­ed instead. Then one side or anoth­er (or both) would claim their Aims as Right­eous and their Actions Self­less, when tru­ly their motives and means were suf­fused with Self­ish­ness and Self-Delusion. 

Let us hope that the ener­gies elicit­ed by Jupiter and Mars will be met with Wis­dom and Love dur­ing the Grand Cross. There is much more to under­stand and dis­cuss here, as each plan­et in the Grand Cross also forms a Square to two oth­ers plan­ets in the pat­tern, but I will give more atten­tion to this and oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions in April. But there is a greater ray of hope, and that will be evi­dent in the fall when the oth­er major align­ment is formed between Uranus, Jupiter and Mars.



The Grand Fire Trine (Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) Sept/Oct 2014

Tru­ly a gift of the spir­it, this beau­ti­ful pat­tern formed by these three will pro­vide a greater mea­sure of hope and inspi­ra­tion for your world. I will write more exten­sive­ly about this pat­tern in Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, but for now I will sum­ma­rize it in this overview:

Though form­ing up over the peri­od of about three weeks, you will prob­a­bly feel the fore­shad­ow­ing of this beau­ty when Mars enters into the Fire Ele­ment when he moves into Sagit­tar­ius on Sep­tem­ber 13. Then you most cer­tain­ly will feel the fuller effects when Jupiter and Uranus reach their exact trine align­ment on Sep­tem­ber 25, which is fol­lowed about a week lat­er as Mars joins the pat­tern exact­ly as he aligns first with Uranus and then with Jupiter between Octo­ber 4 and Octo­ber 8.

The Fire Ele­ment con­cerns the Ener­gies of Inspi­ra­tion, Ide­al­ism and Vision. When plan­ets are found in one of each of the three Fire Signs, and equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, they then form a most beau­ti­ful pat­tern that mir­rors or reflects the beau­ty and bal­ance found by this res­o­nance of ener­gy formed by this par­tic­u­lar ele­ment, in this case a Grand Tri­an­gle of Fire.

From their inter­play and inte­gra­tion with one anoth­er, their Fiery Mes­sage will be artic­u­lat­ed in this manner:

From Uranus in Aries, you will receive a renew­al of Inspi­ra­tion so that you may forge a Freer Pres­ence that will help you to move through your world with Grace and Adept­ness. From Jupiter in Leo, you will receive a benev­o­lent gift of renewed Ide­al­ism so that you may lead from the Truth that lies at the core of you, and so find and release your Courage in Authen­tic Per­for­mances. And from Mars in Sagit­tar­ius, you will be filled by a most vital gift of focused Inten­tion, your Desires being trans­mut­ed into ever Greater Aspi­ra­tions, as right Think­ing and Right Action com­bine to keep you upon the Noble Path of Wisdom.

These three in com­bi­na­tion bring to you a triple Gift of Spir­it so that you and your com­pan­ions may find that Bridge of Light between the Old and the New, between Left and Right, between Fear and Delusion…and find a way to the Greater Truth that there is more that we hold dear and in com­mon than sep­a­rates us from one another.

We need this reminder now more than ever, we need to recall that the guid­ing prin­ci­ple of our Inten­tions and Actions will come to be guid­ed by what binds one to one, and all to the One and that is Love.

I will in the next install­ment of the Gen­er­al Fore­cast list and briefly com­ment on the oth­er major plan­e­tary phe­nom­e­na for 2014. 

Full Moon in Cancer (January 15, 2014)


Your life unfolds in the days, weeks and months that mark your year­ly jour­ney around your star.

You have need to find an order for your­self and your world, and you find it first in these nat­ur­al rhythms of life, in the alter­ation of day and night, in the unfold­ing month­ly and sea­son­al changes of cli­mate. These pri­ma­ry cycles of your world form and hold you with­in a matrix in which you seek for the mean­ing of you, and then you weave your life activ­i­ties, rit­u­als and cul­ture upon this nat­ur­al loom formed by these celes­tial cycles.

You bring and seek to hold these two realms togeth­er, the greater and the less­er, for you notice there is an order so that “what shines above you is reflect­ed here below”, and in so doing you find some com­fort, peace and guid­ance for your jour­ney through this sacred space you call home, here on your beloved Earth.

This year your civ­il cal­en­dar began with the most pri­ma­ry of these nat­ur­al cycles, your New Year began with a New Moon. Each of the Twelve New Moons in a year mark the release of a new Mes­sage of Mean­ing, formed by the Ener­gy through which the Sun is mov­ing at that time, and this New Moon offered you the inspi­ra­tion found in the Sign of Capricorn.

About two weeks lat­er, that Gift of Spir­it reach­es a moment of rev­e­la­tion which is found in and through the rela­tion­ship formed by the inte­gral mean­ings of the Sun in one sign and the Moon in the oppo­site sign. The Full Moon today is formed by and evokes the weav­ing way you are to fol­low now, as you seek to inte­grate the mean­ing of the Sun in Capri­corn as reflect­ed by the Moon in Cancer.

The Solar themes of Capri­corn are sound­ing strong­ly now, call­ing for you to ful­fill your Respon­si­bil­i­ties and car­ry out your Duties, to know your Pur­pose and find your path of Des­tiny. But to tru­ly ful­fill your­self you have need of Guid­ance and Understanding…and dear Luna now reminds you of where it is to be found.

The Moon sings to you now the Song of Can­cer. For you need this reminder of what you stand upon, to feel the truth of where you have come from if you are to under­stand what you are tru­ly aim­ing for. This Light of Luna is to be tak­en with­in your­self, to feel what is right and true, to fol­low your intu­ition and your heart, to hon­or the feel­ings you hold for one anoth­er, and so respond to the needs of each oth­er with authen­tic­i­ty and love. 

For what must inform your Titles and Duties, what will faith­ful­ly guide your use of Pow­er and keep your Pur­pose True, will come from this Sacred Cen­ter­ing upon the core of you. For when you are tru­ly Cen­tered and Feel the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that there abides, you will remem­ber and bow before this Light who is the very Heart of you.

For in your Heart of Hearts there is but One True Light, it is Love, and this is your Spark of the Divine. It is this Divin­i­ty which lov­ing­ly binds each one to one anoth­er, and so all are held togeth­er in a great Fam­i­ly with­in this Light Divine.

This is Luna’s mes­sage to you now…

That in order for you to Ful­fill your Destiny,

In order to Live a life of Duty and Honor,

And Wield your Will and Pow­er Wisely,

You will find and ful­fill your responsibilities,

When you fol­low your Heart.

And so guid­ed by this Grace,

You will be Hum­ble in Action,

You will ful­fill your true purpose…

To be Lov­ing and Loved too.

Venus Conjunct Sun (January 11, 2014)


You have had time to reflect…

On what real­ly mat­ters, on what you val­ue most…

You have ques­tioned the very heart of you, and of those you love.

You have faced the most poignant and painful of questions…

What am I Worth, what pur­pose do I have…and am I, am I Loved?

Today your Avatar of Beau­ty has reached her halfway point,

She has come back to the Avatar of your Source of Light and of Love.

And if you are qui­et, and if you are still,

and if you are will­ing to let go of your fears as you open your heart,

Then you will find that there is an answer, wait­ing here for you.

Since Decem­ber 21, Venus has moved back in Time and Space. And you, you have also felt this need to turn with­in and ques­tion what you have, what you are here to do, and what you have made with one another.

Venus rules Val­ue, and the mea­sure of the val­ue of you is found by and through the extent to which you have come to real­ize this Essen­tial Truth: That at the core of you is a spark of the Divine. And if you know and feel this Truth, then you know that your Birthright and your Pur­pose is to Be this and Feel this, that you in your High­er Self abide in this Grace of Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

But as you have turned back and con­sid­ered your­self and your love of one anoth­er, you have most prob­a­bly found that this feeling/intuition is only dim­ly, briefly of per­haps just bare­ly expe­ri­enced by you or with one anoth­er. Why?

Because the you are a Hier­ar­chi­cal Being, rang­ing from your Core of Spir­it on down through many “souls” or vehi­cles to your fleshy form you require here on Earth. And your Per­son­al Con­scious­ness, the one you iden­ti­fy with as “me” in this life, does not exist in the full­ness of this High­er Con­scious­ness, not yet. But this Truth and Real­i­ty is there for you because it exists always in your High­er Self, and this high­er part of you will for­ev­er abide in “Heav­en”.

Your per­son­al aware­ness moves up and down through the var­i­ous realms of low­er Thought-Feel­ings and can range up at times to approach the bor­ders of this High­er Con­scious­ness. You get hints and whis­pers upon occa­sion, of a Love that is Self­less and Uncon­di­tion­al as your High­er Self reach­es out to you. And it is then that you give of your­self and receive from anoth­er the liv­ing proof of this High­er Realm of Love…and you will smile.

But more often than not you will bend this source of Light and Love to more per­son­al and often­times self­ish pur­pos­es, for you are caught in your pat­terns that spring from mis­takes and errors of long ago, of ancient Pains and Fears. These Shad­ows of the Past cast for­ward upon your present day and do mark your path with the many chal­lenges you face today.

And so you stum­ble in your Love, for your­self and for one anoth­er too, wax­ing truer and less true depend­ing upon the pre­sid­ing lev­el of Con­scious­ness that you can hold to today, tomor­row and in life after life.

From now until Octo­ber 2014, Venus resumes her role as the Ris­ing Star, the Avatar of Light and Love. She has come to the “oth­er side” of the Sun today. She is your Prometheus or Lucifer, ris­ing now as your bright­ly shin­ing Morn­ing Star, the Her­ald of the Dawn, and she sings her song of Light and Love. She sings of the Truth of you…

That you are the Light, you are the Love and your Pur­pose is to Share.

The Gift of Today is that you may approach and feel that much clos­er to your own true Source of Love and Light. For as Venus aligns with the Sun “out there” it will be as a mir­ror to you of your own sweet encounter with your Beloved, your own High­er Self that is with­in you too.

Be atten­tive and open, and blow away your fears of yes­ter­year. For your truth is with and with­in you, and if you think of this you will expe­ri­ence a heal­ing kiss of Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

There is but one Love, one Source of Light that will always be there for you…

For you are nev­er alone…

You are always loved in, by and through your High­er Self.

And all you are asked to do…

All you are here to do…

Is to pass this love along.




Major Phe­nom­e­na


The winds of the Spir­it remain strong as they sweep across your world, expe­ri­enced most pro­found­ly in the mul­ti-year Uranus/Pluto align­ment (2012–2015) and by Plu­to’s sojourn in the sign of Capri­corn (2008–2024). It is because of these two inte­gral influ­ences that you find your­self now in a time that will bring about sweep­ing changes in your world, for these sub­stan­tial effects sig­nal the end of an age and the dawn­ing of a new world.

Whether in the insti­tu­tions of Gov­ern­ment, Reli­gion and Edu­ca­tion, as wit­nessed in realms Eco­nom­ic, Polit­i­cal or Cul­tur­al, in Worlds both Tem­po­ral and Sec­u­lar, real­ly through­out all aspects of what you may have believed to be the more or less unchang­ing and hard-worn accom­plish­ments that form your present-day Civ­i­liza­tion and Real­i­ty, all of this seems in flux now and you see dis­tress and dis­or­der all around you. And so your world, this won­drous Realm that should be the play­ground for your Love and Cre­ativ­i­ty appears shad­owed and grim, and you will look upon it and won­der how it became like this, for it tru­ly seems as if it has, “been turned upside down and inside out”!

Changes such as these, as I have com­ment­ed upon for sev­er­al years now, have not been seen for over 240 years, and they have always sound­ed the end of an age when things must and will fall apart, for all things must pass when they have out­lived their pur­pos­es. But this, of course, is only the half of it, for these falling tow­ers, these tremors and dis­so­lu­tions also her­ald the birth of what will be a new­er, bet­ter World that is slow­ly com­ing into being, and you are the very instru­ment of mak­ing this happen…for this has always been so, and you have been here before.

Dur­ing the last such peri­od in the 1700’s, what I would call the “Cri­sis of King­doms”, most espe­cial­ly seen by the expe­ri­ences of the Amer­i­can and French Rev­o­lu­tions, the world that had been was torn apart by what was emerg­ing from with­in it. That old­er sys­tem of Mean­ing and Form was super­seded by a new Spir­i­tu­al-Social-Eco­nom­ic order that we call our present day “Mod­ern World”…and it is this very one, your world, that is com­ing undone in your time.

This is not a unique expe­ri­ence, not at all. It is in truth “The Way”, part of how the Jour­ney of Spir­it will man­i­fest again and again, for the one Imper­a­tive that resides at the core of Spir­it, and so at the core of you, is “to grow”. And so it was that 240 years pri­or to that time of rev­o­lu­tions in the 1700’s, turn­ing back then to the 1500’s, to when the world expe­ri­enced anoth­er Cathar­sis of Becom­ing that could be called a “Cri­sis of Faiths”, (named “The Ref­or­ma­tion”), and the Euro­pean Feu­dal sys­tem and the Ide­olo­gies and World Views that helped to form and were formed by that sys­tem fell apart.

Out of that dis­or­der, there arose the cen­tral­ized King­doms or Monar­chies, and with them there arose a new expres­sion of what it meant to be human and a new Reli­gious, Polit­i­cal, Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al world came into being too. Then 240 years lat­er, a sim­i­lar evolution/revolution of Spir­it and Human­i­ty hap­pened in the 1700’s…and now, now here you are and it is hap­pen­ing again.

The changes wrought by these Spi­ral­ing Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies, weav­ing in and through each indi­vid­ual and fam­i­ly, through vil­lages and towns and cities, seem to be most clear­ly revealed in the dis­rup­tions formed by the loss of mean­ing and func­tion in many insti­tu­tions of your world. The fail­ings and fail­ures of Reli­gion, Gov­ern­ment, Edu­ca­tion, etc., would seem to indi­cate that the prob­lems in the world and your hopes for a bet­ter future must lie out there in these “things”.

But this is not the way of it, no not at all. For in each age and time, through­out the course of your jour­ney in this Earth­ly realm, the real prob­lems to be faced and the real “soul-utions” will be found with­in, and not in or from “some-thing” “out there”. The real source of why the world is chang­ing, and why and how you must be chang­ing too, comes from the true foun­da­tion of any world, from the stir­ring of the Spir­it with­in each and every being.

This Dri­ving Force of His­to­ry aris­es in and streams forth from every Mind and Heart and Soul, it comes from one and every­one, for you are the Liv­ing Spir­it, you and your com­pan­ions are the Dreamer/Makers, and this is the world that you made, and you and this world must now be re-made together.

The dri­ving force of Evolution/Revolution is Spir­it, com­ing through and from Indi­vid­u­als, and Groups of Indi­vid­u­als, who moved by the Pow­er of Spir­it, which streams forth with a renew­al of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, brings about this trans­for­ma­tion for one and all. And it is through this Stream­ing of Spir­it, as always, it is through this that there will dawn a brighter day, com­ing in these very final fruits of the Old Order.

It is in that very “End­ing of the Old”, of what is pass­ing away, it from this Har­vest of Mean­ing and Truth that the New will rise. For it is in this time that you will strive to pre­serve and pass on what must be pro­tect­ed, to trans­form or end what will not stand, and it is in this time of chal­lenge and choice that you will find the Seeds of Promise that you are here to plant and so give birth to The New World.

You are here at this time for a rea­son, to be the bridge between a world that was and a world that is com­ing to be. You are the Har­vesters and you are the Seed­ers, and so you must look back and you must look ahead too, and then you must turn and face your awe­some duty upon this Spir­i­tu­al Razor’s Edge where Free­dom and Will meet, for you can only do your duty in the Here and Now.

This is your spe­cial and most pre­cious gift, to have this respon­si­bil­i­ty to pass on what must be pre­served and to ded­i­cate your Lives and Sacred For­tunes to the Future, which will be your Liv­ing Gift to the gen­er­a­tions that fol­low. Like those known Heroes (and of the many more unsung ones too) who brought a freer form of Spir­it-Life into being 240 years ago, you are here at a most crit­i­cal and chal­leng­ing time. It is at such moments in his­to­ry that you can take your place in this nev­er-end­ing chain of con­se­quences, and choose to make a Sac­ri­fice for those in whom you place your fond­est hopes for a bet­ter world.

Along with the ongo­ing Spir­i­tu­al Trans­for­ma­tion being elicit­ed by Uranus/Pluto, there are two oth­er pow­er­ful align­ments tak­ing place this year that will add to this ongo­ing trans­for­ma­tion. The first in April direct­ly inte­grates with and quick­ens the Uranus/Pluto chal­lenge. The sec­ond in September/October is anoth­er Gift of the Spir­it that may pro­vide Inspi­ra­tion and Hope for the great chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties you face at this time.



The Uranus-Plu­to Square (April 21 & Decem­ber 14)

The align­ment of Uranus and Plu­to has entered this third year and now bring their focal ener­gies to bear upon all those enti­ties hav­ing sig­nif­i­cant place­ments between 11 and 16 degrees of the Car­di­nal Signs of Aries, Can­cer, Libra and Capricorn…and that means many indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions will feel these effects sweep­ing through them this year, includ­ing such larg­er lev­el enti­ties as the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, Iran, France, Spain, Thai­land, Cam­bo­dia, Myan­mar and Cuba among many others.

Though charts hav­ing those car­di­nal posi­tions will be most affect­ed, these Gifts of Trans­for­ma­tion will con­tin­ue to be felt by one and all. I encour­age you to read my pre­vi­ous post­ings about the mean­ing of this most his­toric align­ment, and I have put them togeth­er and you may find them at this link below:


The effects of Uranus/Pluto will pre­vail dur­ing this year and into the next (and many years to fol­low as these effects will con­tin­ue to rever­ber­ate with their great import and impact), but there is a peri­od this year when the poten­cy and pow­er of this align­ment may be most clear­ly felt, and that will be dur­ing the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of April 2014.



The Grand Car­di­nal Cross (Plu­to, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) April 2014

Per­haps the most sig­nif­i­cant moment in the great align­ment of Uranus and Plu­to is to be found this year in this very pow­er­ful con­fig­u­ra­tion. Though you have been sub­ject to and feel­ing the pro­found effects of the Uranus/Pluto square for some time, it is tru­ly at times such as this when oth­er plan­ets form up to pro­vide a more artic­u­lat­ed, com­plete and com­plex “res­o­nance of mean­ing”, it is in such a time that you will know that the Winds of the Spir­it are blow­ing strong indeed. The time peri­od of the exact align­ment runs from about April 19 through April 23, but there will be a fore­shad­ow­ing and after-shad­ow­ing for any event of this mag­ni­tude. I will ana­lyze this align­ment in more depth in April, but I will for now offer this overview:

It is in the month of April that you will have the Avatars of Will, of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of Truth and of Desire each take up posi­tions at the “Four Cor­ners” of the Zodi­ac, or what are known as the Car­di­nal Signs of Capri­corn, Aries, Can­cer and Libra. These four signs begin and mark the four sea­sons of the year, as they also form the gate­ways for the entry or ini­ti­a­tion of the four unique ele­ments or tem­pera­ments of the Zodi­ac of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

The dynam­ics of a Grand Cross are such that you are being pre­sent­ed with Four Ways of Being/Doing and it would appear at first that you must deny, sup­press or project at least two of these and assume or live out the oth­er two. Of course this is not pos­si­ble or true, for you must instead find and hold to the Spir­i­tu­al Path that is found­ed upon the “Weav­ing-Way”, the Inte­gral Path where­by you will bring these Four Ways, these Four Ele­ments and Pur­pos­es togeth­er and cre­ate and live the com­plete you, to be Whole and Full in your Being and Doing.


At this great align­ment you will have in one cor­ner, Plu­to the Lord of Sacred Space and Will, who has brought again his trans­for­ma­tion­al pow­ers to bear upon the Capri­corn realm of Earth. Every 240 years or so, this pas­sage has brought about the cli­mat­ic end of a Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic-Cul­tur­al order as a new one was ris­ing to take its place. Capri­corn rules Respon­si­bil­i­ty, and these Insti­tu­tions and Order­ings of your world are the sub­stan­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion of what you have formed as the bear­ers and execu­tors of your most sacred trust, which is to assume your place in the Hier­ar­chy of Life and there­by ful­fill your Duty to care for one anoth­er and this Sacred Space you call the World.

The break­ing down of these insti­tu­tions has been met by indi­vid­u­als and groups in a wide range of expectable and not so expectable respons­es. Some indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions have “dou­bled-down” on the exer­cise (and often­times the abuse) of their pow­er, for they have fears about change and what they might lose, and they will try to main­tain their pow­er, posi­tion and the sta­tus quo for they see no oth­er way. While oth­ers have set their inten­tions and efforts against “the sys­tem”, and they are car­ry­ing the torch of Cre­ation by Destruc­tion, rebelling, revolt­ing and chal­leng­ing the old order in an attempt to bring down what they see as a more or less whol­ly cor­rupt and unre­deemable regime.

And then there will be those who will try to walk the mid­dle path. Some will brave­ly strive to do their duty, to keep the sys­tem work­ing by reform­ing or restor­ing it. While oth­ers, whose vision remains fixed upon that far hori­zon, work to build new sys­tems and a new order, striv­ing to inte­grate with or to super­sede the old hierarchy.

What is real­ly being called for here, what is required first by one and all, is that we ful­fill our respon­si­bil­i­ties and duties at this time of cri­sis by hav­ing each indi­vid­ual turn this Plu­ton­ian Pow­er back upon one­self first. That each Indi­vid­ual and then each Group must apply their Will to reform and restore their own sense of Duty, Hon­or and Pur­pose which will then guide their Inten­tions and Actions as they strive to reform, restore and trans­form these Instru­ments of Civ­i­liza­tion and Cul­ture. But how will you find this path, how will you know what to hold and what to let go?


There is the Guid­ance, Hope and a Chal­lenge being prof­fered by the plan­et which stands oppo­site to Plu­to at this time, and it is here that you may find part of your answer. Jupiter is mov­ing through Can­cer and offers you the gift of Water that will help you recon­nect to your Foun­da­tions. Here you will find a refresh­ing renew­al of the deep­er con­nec­tions to the Root-Truth of any per­son, group, insti­tu­tion or society.

The hope and promise offered here is that this re-con­nec­tion to what lies at the cen­ter of one and all will ulti­mate­ly resolve into that Deep­er Under­stand­ing that we are all part of one “Great Fam­i­ly”, all broth­ers and sis­ters on a jour­ney, and that what holds us to one anoth­er is Fin­er and Truer that what divides us. That we should turn to those Prin­ci­ples and Expe­ri­ences that evokes these feel­ings of being of one ori­gin, instead of being pulled into the extreme posi­tions fos­tered by our divi­sions formed by mis­un­der­stand­ings and fears which have divid­ed us one from another.

Yet, the dan­ger of this Divide is always there, and may cer­tain­ly be evoked here again, so that whether in Trib­al, Eth­nic, Reli­gious, Social or Polit­i­cal Iden­ti­ties, the Prej­u­dices found­ed by Fear and Mis­un­der­stand­ing will stream forth and may be stoked by Jupiter instead. It may take hold of var­i­ous indi­vid­u­als and groups of indi­vid­u­als, who there­by being sun­dered from the fun­da­men­tal truth that all are one, will break apart and fall into more extreme forms of divi­sive­ness, of “us” ver­sus “them”.

There are two more “cor­ners” that you must con­sid­er here, and each may help to point the way through to help you find and walk that Inte­gral Path…yet, it is equal­ly true that if mis­un­der­stood and mis­ap­plied they may only elic­it and her­ald an even greater degree of dis­ar­ray and dis­or­der for a while.


The oth­er Prin­ci­ple Car­di­nal Cor­ner here is held by the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, the Lord Uranus who is mov­ing through the first sign of Aries, and form­ing this mul­ti-year Square aspect to Plu­to in Capri­corn. Uranus will move through the sign of Aries every 84 years and stay in any sign for about 7 years, (the last two times in Aries were 1927 to 1935 and 1843–1851). This pas­sage of Uranus through Aries her­alds the release of new Seed-Ideas that accel­er­ate or quick­en the tem­po of Social, Polit­i­cal and Tech­no­log­i­cal change and inno­va­tion. Often­times indi­vid­u­als who are born in this peri­od grow up to be trail­blaz­ing pio­neers in their respec­tive fields, and are most not­ed by oth­er gen­er­a­tions for their high­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized pres­ence, actions and con­tri­bu­tions that often shake and shock their world.

Uranus in Aries is herald­ing a Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive which calls for a re-state­ment or renew­al for the man­ner in which each and every soul meets their world. For as you move through your world you meet each moment with this, with your Pres­ence, Per­sona or Vehi­cle of your Self, and through this way of Enter­ing each Space your sur­round­ing Real­i­ty changes accordingly…and it is this “Lead­ing Edge” of you, your own expe­ri­ence of Bear­ing and Char­ac­ter, of what it means to Lead (or not), that is expe­ri­enc­ing a Ide­al­is­tic Quick­en­ing by Uranus in Aries.

In more gen­er­al terms, both peri­ods pri­or to our own were wit­ness to quite dra­mat­ic erup­tions of Rev­o­lu­tion­ary and Counter-Rev­o­lu­tion­ary move­ments as the peo­ple of those eras faced their own Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing. In the late 1840’s, Europe was swept by the rise of Lib­er­al Demo­c­ra­t­ic forces chal­leng­ing the old order of Euro­pean eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal pow­er. The peri­od from 1927 to 1935, wit­nessed the rise of very extreme reac­tions to the crises that accom­pa­nied the eco­nom­ic col­lapse of the Great Depres­sion, and these var­ied reac­tions fos­tered the dra­mat­ic polar­iza­tions of Com­mu­nism and Fas­cism, and drove the strug­gle between Democ­ra­cy and Total­i­tar­i­an­ism that encom­passed the entire world and led to World War II.

It does seem eeri­ly famil­iar, the degree to which our time too is expe­ri­enc­ing this deep­en­ing polar­iza­tion between the Left and the Right, as forces of Rev­o­lu­tion and Counter-Rev­o­lu­tion play out in many coun­tries today, as for exam­ple in Egypt, Greece, Thai­land, France, Great Britain, USA and many, many more…in fact, no mat­ter where you might care to observe the state of human con­duct, of how we relate one to anoth­er, the atti­tude, tone or tenor of the debates (or clam­or or rag­ing or armed con­flict) has been grow­ing ever greater since Uranus entered Aries in 2010.

The Burn­ing-Bright Ide­al­ism of Uranus in Aries is pushing/pulling the Reactionary/Revolutionary ener­gies to an ever more fevered pitch, as the strug­gle being waged between the forces of Preser­va­tion ver­sus Trans­for­ma­tion stream through Plu­to in Capri­corn. Uranus stokes these “Fires of Free­dom”, but of course what is held as “free­dom” for one group may often be feared and/or expe­ri­enced as tyran­ny and exploita­tion by anoth­er, and vice ver­sa. These Antipo­dal Posi­tions of one side ver­sus the oth­er dri­ves the dis­course and actions of each to ever greater extremes. What remains of the Cen­ter can­not hold, and the way for­ward, of bridg­ing this divide and forg­ing a way beyond the echoes and fears that hold one and all in thrall to the Old seems to slip and fall before the clam­or of com­pet­ing claims of Free­dom and Truth.


Stand­ing oppo­site to Uranus in the Grand Square is the plan­et Mars, now mov­ing through the sign of Libra. Mars who is your Avatar of Desire and Action may pro­vide a most wel­come and need­ed coun­ter­point to these high­ly charged ener­gies ema­nat­ing from Uranus. The mes­sage of Mars in Libra sings of your need to always guide your Aims and Actions by an enlight­ened social sen­si­bil­i­ty. Your Means and Ends are to be gov­erned by the mutu­al respect you owe to one anoth­er, because in your heart of hearts you are equal to one anoth­er, for at the core of each of you is the same Divine Spark.

You are here to learn to live with one anoth­er as guid­ed by your ever-unfold­ing and ever-expand­ing Social Con­scious­ness. That by this Greater Under­stand­ing and Love for one anoth­er you will be guid­ed to the Truth. That the One Way, the one true Spir­i­tu­al Path for Self-Ful­fill­ment is found when you Act in and by Love, and exer­cise your Self-Asser­tion in Self­less ways. By this Wis­dom, your actions which serve your­self will equal­ly pro­mote, pre­serve and extend har­mo­ny, jus­tice and fair­ness for One and All.

The Ide­al­ism and Pas­sions of Uranus in Aries are counter-bal­anced here by your Spir­i­tu­al-Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties that encour­age mod­er­a­tion, tem­per­ance and above all that most exquis­ite and req­ui­site sign of Under­stand­ing and Compassion…Tolerance. You are to learn, or to remem­ber that you are to treat one anoth­er as broth­ers and sis­ters, because what is with­in you sur­rounds you too, and that you are here to learn to live by this Truth, by your Love for one another.

Yes, the var­ied beliefs, choic­es and expe­ri­ences have cre­at­ed a soci­ety of mar­velous vari­a­tions, of diverse group­ings and sub-cul­tures that range far and wide in spir­i­tu­al sen­si­bil­i­ty. And it is this very rich­ness of human spir­it that is part of the won­der and beau­ty of your world. Yet, these very diver­si­ties and dif­fer­ences may lead to mis­un­der­stand­ings and con­flict, so that indi­vid­u­als and groups may become arrayed in oppo­si­tion to one anoth­er over cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal and even spir­i­tu­al matters.

And just as with Jupiter to Plu­to, if the echoes of the past which are those fear-based shad­ows born of fail­ures forged by mis­un­der­stand­ing, if these over­whelm the Spir­it of Coop­er­a­tion that Mars in Libra should Inspire, then the neg­a­tive shad­ow-face of Mars may be elicit­ed instead. Then one side or anoth­er (or both) would claim their Aims as Right­eous and their Actions Self­less, when tru­ly their motives and means were suf­fused with Self­ish­ness and Self-Delusion. 

Let us hope that the ener­gies elicit­ed by Jupiter and Mars will be met with Wis­dom and Love dur­ing the Grand Cross. There is much more to under­stand and dis­cuss here, as each plan­et in the Grand Cross also forms a Square to two oth­ers plan­ets in the pat­tern, but I will give more atten­tion to this and oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions in April. But there is a greater ray of hope, and that will be evi­dent in the fall when the oth­er major align­ment is formed between Uranus, Jupiter and Mars.



The Grand Fire Trine (Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) Sept/Oct 2014

Tru­ly a gift of the spir­it, this beau­ti­ful pat­tern formed by these three will pro­vide a greater mea­sure of hope and inspi­ra­tion for your world. I will write more exten­sive­ly about this pat­tern in Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, but for now I will sum­ma­rize it in this overview:

Though form­ing up over the peri­od of about three weeks, you will prob­a­bly feel the fore­shad­ow­ing of this beau­ty when Mars enters into the Fire Ele­ment when he moves into Sagit­tar­ius on Sep­tem­ber 13. Then you most cer­tain­ly will feel the fuller effects when Jupiter and Uranus reach their exact trine align­ment on Sep­tem­ber 25, which is fol­lowed about a week lat­er as Mars joins the pat­tern exact­ly as he aligns first with Uranus and then with Jupiter between Octo­ber 4 and Octo­ber 8.

The Fire Ele­ment con­cerns the Ener­gies of Inspi­ra­tion, Ide­al­ism and Vision. When plan­ets are found in one of each of the three Fire Signs, and equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, they then form a most beau­ti­ful pat­tern that mir­rors or reflects the beau­ty and bal­ance found by this res­o­nance of ener­gy formed by this par­tic­u­lar ele­ment, in this case a Grand Tri­an­gle of Fire.

From their inter­play and inte­gra­tion with one anoth­er, their Fiery Mes­sage will be artic­u­lat­ed in this manner:

From Uranus in Aries, you will receive a renew­al of Inspi­ra­tion so that you may forge a Freer Pres­ence that will help you to move through your world with Grace and Adept­ness. From Jupiter in Leo, you will receive a benev­o­lent gift of renewed Ide­al­ism so that you may lead from the Truth that lies at the core of you, and so find and release your Courage in Authen­tic Per­for­mances. And from Mars in Sagit­tar­ius, you will be filled by a most vital gift of focused Inten­tion, your Desires being trans­mut­ed into ever Greater Aspi­ra­tions, as right Think­ing and Right Action com­bine to keep you upon the Noble Path of Wisdom.

These three in com­bi­na­tion bring to you a triple Gift of Spir­it so that you and your com­pan­ions may find that Bridge of Light between the Old and the New, between Left and Right, between Fear and Delusion…and find a way to the Greater Truth that there is more that we hold dear and in com­mon than sep­a­rates us from one another.

We need this reminder now more than ever, we need to recall that the guid­ing prin­ci­ple of our Inten­tions and Actions will come to be guid­ed by what binds one to one, and all to the One and that is Love.

I will in the next install­ment of the Gen­er­al Fore­cast list and briefly com­ment on the oth­er major plan­e­tary phe­nom­e­na for 2014. 





I will note and com­ment upon some of the remain­ing major astro­log­i­cal move­ments and align­ments for this year. I will offer more detailed analy­sis for when they actu­al­ly occur.

Jupiter Oppo­site Plu­to (Jan­u­ary 31 & April 20) *also August 7, 2013

This aspect was first exact in August 2013 (and you can read about that here), and con­tin­ues with two more align­ments in Jan­u­ary and April, with the lat­ter being of great­est sig­nif­i­cance since it will coin­cide with the next Uranus Plu­to Square and be part of what is known as the Grand Cross in Astrol­o­gy of 2014, (as Jupiter will be also Squar­ing Uranus the same day). I will write about this exten­sive­ly in April. The fun­da­men­tal issue artic­u­lat­ed here is to stand firm and cen­tered in your truth by the prop­er exer­cise of your Will, but in this you must know that you should nev­er seek to impose a truth upon any oth­er, for this vio­lates one of the Great­est Prin­ci­ples of Spir­it, that all spaces are Sacred and you must not trespass.

Venus Direct (Jan­u­ary 31 until July 25, 2015)

This con­cludes the Venus Ret­ro­grade, and you may now direct your atten­tion more out­ward­ly to con­sid­er the real­i­ty and truth of your lov­ing nature in the world. You have had your “40 Days in the Desert”, a most pre­cious time to seek with­in for the “trea­sure beyond mea­sure” which lies at the core of your­self, which goes by many names such as your High­er Self or the Beloved. Now you need to turn and look around you, to act upon this knowl­edge and live with the under­stand­ing that this self-same core resides in every aspect of your world, for it is this which forms the Grace, Beau­ty and Love that is behind all of this Won­drous Creation.

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (Feb­ru­ary 6 until Feb­ru­ary 28)

Mer­cury begins the first of three ret­ro­grades of the year, this time mov­ing from around 3 degrees of Pisces and back to around 18 degrees of Aquar­ius. While in Pisces you are asked to look with­in and to pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to your pow­er of Imag­i­na­tion, to con­sid­er your Dreams and face down your Fears. While in Aquar­ius, your atten­tive­ness should be drawn to the recon­sid­er­a­tion of your Social Con­scious­ness as ful­filled and made pos­si­ble in and through your Dream-Liv­ing Com­pan­ion­ships. As usu­al, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Jupiter Square Uranus (Feb­ru­ary 25–26 & April 19–20) *also August 21, 2013

This aspect is the sec­ond of three in the series and will reap­pear in its final align­ment to form the Grand Car­di­nal Cross in April. I wrote about this first in August and I will write at length about the final one in April. The mes­sage of this aspect con­cerns your need to find the inte­gral path that com­bines Jupiter and Uranus, so that each will mutu­al­ly inform one anoth­er: that Jupiter in Can­cer reminds you to hold and keep to your Truths that are found­ed upon by the deep­est roots of your life, while you equal­ly hear­ken to song of Uranus in Aries, which calls for you to break out of old and out­worn thought-forms, to free your Mind and Spir­it once more.

Mer­cury Direct (Feb­ru­ary 28 until June 7)

Mer­cury con­cludes his ret­ro­grade and you are now ready to take a renewed/refined under­stand­ing about your Faith and your Dreams and move out upon those more exter­nal spaces that form the mate­ri­al­iza­tions of your mind.

Mars Ret­ro­grade (March 1 until May 19)

The Avatar of your Desires is tak­ing you upon an inner jour­ney. You will have the next 80 days to reex­am­ine what your aims and inten­tions tru­ly are. From where do they come, and where are they tak­ing you? It is time to pause and recon­sid­er two points: Is this Goal True for you now? Is this the best path of action to take you there?

Sat­urn Ret­ro­grade (March 2 until July 20)

Sat­urn begins his year­ly ret­ro­grade, and once again he is tak­ing you inward in Scor­pio to con­sid­er what may be found there that might form the obsta­cle to a greater Union in your life. As before, the shad­ows of the past, your fears about rejec­tion or loss have to be faced and released here first, with­in your­self, for only then will you find it pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence your joy of a deep­er Union out there with one another.

Jupiter Direct (March 6 until Decem­ber 8)

Jupiter who has been ret­ro­grade since ear­ly Novem­ber moves for­ward again. You have had the last four months to con­sid­er the nature of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs. The focus of Growth and Under­stand­ing has been with­in one­self. Now with this renew­al of the way in which you relate to your world, you can move out to sub­stan­ti­ate this Greater Under­stand­ing in your build­ing of a bet­ter world.

Plu­to Ret­ro­grade (April 14 until Sep­tem­ber 22)

The Lord of Will and Sacred Space begins his annu­al peri­od of ret­ro­grade, and it is time once again to re-con­nect to the well-spring of your Sacred Space, to re-affirm one of your three Prin­ci­ple Spir­i­tu­al Gifts, the Pow­er of your Will. It is time to use this pow­er as it must and will be even­tu­al­ly mas­tered by you, to use this pow­er for what must come first, which is that you are here quite sim­ply to Mas­ter Your­self, to have Self-Con­trol and there­by Self-Deter­mi­na­tion. For only then can you com­bine with oth­er Cen­tered, Self-Con­trolled Com­pan­ions to cre­ate and build your shared Sacred Spaces together.

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse (April 14–15)

The first Eclipse of the year is a total eclipse of the Moon in Libra. The shad­ow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon, and the Mes­sage of Mean­ing you would nor­mal­ly seek and find as revealed to you by Luna is obscured by some shad­ow formed by your present cir­cum­stance (Earth­’s shad­ow being the “Present” dims the Illu­mi­na­tion of the Moon). You will have to more deeply exam­ine the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble. The West­ern Hemi­sphere, both North and South Amer­i­ca, will be able to view this eclipse.

Jupiter Square Uranus (April 19–20) last of 3

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross has arrived, and the foun­da­tions of your world will shake over the next few days, weeks and more. This align­ment of Jupiter with Uranus is the final of three con­tacts between these two; the first was in August 2013 which you can read about here, the sec­ond occurred in late Feb­ru­ary 2014. This align­ment will be ana­lyzed in depth with­in the post­ing for the Grand Cross in April.

Jupiter Oppo­site Plu­to (April 20) last of 3

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross is most exact with this align­ment of Jupiter to Plu­to (and Jupiter to Uranus just hours ear­li­er). This is the also the third align­ment of Jupiter with Plu­to, the first was in August 2013, the sec­ond being at the end of Jan­u­ary of 2014. This part of the Grand Cross was dis­cussed in the first part of this Gen­er­al Fore­cast, and will be part of a more exten­sive analy­sis in April.

Uranus Square Plu­to (April 21 & Decem­ber 15) *also March 15, 2015

Two times in 2014 this ongo­ing Song of Spir­it will form up exact­ly, as Uranus and Plu­to con­tin­ue their Square Dance (though of course giv­en the very small amount of move­ment that they have and will make in any year, this align­ment could be said to have begun as ear­ly as when Plu­to entered Capri­corn in 2008 and will cer­tain­ly be felt for sev­er­al years beyond 2015). The April align­ment is the fifth out of sev­en such exact con­tacts, and is of the great­est sig­nif­i­cance as it forms the crit­i­cal ele­ment of the Grand Cross of April. The sec­ond square in Decem­ber will not seem as potent, but it most cer­tain­ly is.

Annu­lar Solar Eclipse (April 28–29)

The sec­ond eclipse of the year is an Annu­lar Solar in Tau­rus. The annu­lar type eclipse cre­ates the effect of a “Ring of Fire” around the Sun as the Moon’s dis­tance from the Earth does not com­plete­ly cov­er the Sun, and so a small por­tion of the Sun appears around the edges of the shad­ow formed by the Moon. The term Annu­lar comes from the word annu­lus which means “bright ring”.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble. It will only be vis­i­ble in the extreme south­ern hemi­sphere, most vis­i­ble in Antarctica.

The mes­sage of the Tau­rus Solar Eclipse is cen­tered again upon the fun­da­men­tal ques­tion of val­ue: where does your under­stand­ing arise as to how you val­ue your­self and how do you val­ue this world around you? The answer is that the true source of val­ue is to be found with­in your expe­ri­ence of your High­er Self, for in your heart of hearts you are Spir­it, in your core you are sim­ply pure Love.

Mars Direct (May 19 until April 17, 2016)

The Avatar of Desire moves for­ward again until April 2016. Now that you have had your 80 days to recon­sid­er your Aims and Actions, it is time to move for­ward again. But remem­ber to fol­low the Noble Path of con­scious inten­tion, for what you must under­stand is that you are the mak­er of your real­i­ty, Right Think­ing leads to Right Action!

Jupiter Trine Sat­urn (May 24) *also July 17, 2013 and Decem­ber 12, 2013

This is the third and last trine of Jupiter to Sat­urn until August 2026, bet­ter make the most of this one! The first align­ment was in July 2013 and the sec­ond was in Decem­ber 2013. When the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples makes this beau­ti­ful align­ment with the Avatar of your Real­i­ty, then you have arrived at what is known as “the sweet spot” of your unfold­ment. You can have a most won­der­ful expe­ri­ence, a bal­ance is found between your Opti­mism and Prag­ma­tism, between your Prin­ci­ples and your Reality.

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (June 7 until July 1)

The sec­ond ret­ro­grade of 2014, this time Mer­cury goes from about 3 Can­cer back to around 24 of Gem­i­ni, and just as in the pre­vi­ous ret­ro­grade you are mov­ing back­wards from the begin­ning of a Water Sign and back into an Air Sign. Again, you are being offered a chance to forge a deep­er con­nec­tion between what you feel and how you think. To more deeply under­stand that your Secu­ri­ty and Cen­ter depend upon a Mind that is curi­ous, adapt­able and ques­tion­ing. As always with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Nep­tune Ret­ro­grade (June 9 until Novem­ber 15)

The Avatar of Intu­ition and Dreams is turn­ing your atten­tion inwards. For the next five months you will do well to lis­ten more care­ful­ly to the prompt­ings of your Intu­itive Self who whis­pers to you from and of your Immor­tal­i­ty. It is time to dream a lit­tle more, to imag­ine a bet­ter you by fol­low­ing the path of Mys­tery and your Muse. It is most tru­ly a time to look with won­der at the Cre­ation with­in and around you.

Mer­cury Direct (July 1 until Octo­ber 4)

It is time to apply those lessons and dis­cov­er­ies about your Feelings/Thoughts that you have made over the past three weeks. Know­ing bet­ter how they won­der­ful­ly influ­ence one anoth­er, you can take with you that more nuanced blend of mind/feeling now as you move out­ward­ly to bring this under­stand­ing into your con­duct and communications.

Jupiter Enters Leo (July 16 until August 11, 2015)

The Lord of Prin­ci­ples and Social Under­stand­ing enters the Regal Sign of Leo for the next 13 months. This is the time to expand or stretch your­self upon even grander stages, to slip into new and renewed roles of self-real­iza­tion. You had the last 13 months while in Can­cer to restore and recon­nect to your roots, to remem­ber and feel what lies at the heart of you. Now it is time to go forth and reveal to your­self and oth­ers what you are, to be and live a more Authen­tic Self.

Sat­urn Direct (July 20 until March 14, 2015)

The Avatar or Real­i­ty has fin­ished anoth­er jour­ney with­in, and now it is time to move with the Lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion to make more real what you wish for you and yours. You have had the past four and a half months to exam­ine your Fears regard­ing Union, of join­ing with or more deeply with one anoth­er. You need­ed this oppor­tu­ni­ty to make your­self more ready, to face the source of this fear, “the dweller on the thresh­old”. Now you both can try again to find that deep­er, sweet­er promise made by two becom­ing one with one another.

Uranus Ret­ro­grade (July 21 until Decem­ber 21)

The Lord of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is turn­ing you inwards again. Before you can co-cre­ate a more beau­ti­ful Space of Free­dom for your­self and oth­ers, you must attend now to the con­di­tions with­in your­self that may pre­vent this promise of a Freer Space of Self-Real­iza­tion for one and all. That greater space of Free­dom depends upon your efforts to lib­er­ate your­self from the famil­iar but often­times reac­tive and less than evolved pat­terns that form the way you relate with one anoth­er. Uranus is tak­ing you with­in so that you may con­tin­ue your jour­ney of Indi­vid­u­a­tion which is found and found­ed upon a Mind that is Free.

Plu­to Direct (Sep­tem­ber 22 until April 16, 2015)

The Avatar of Will and Sacred Space is bend­ing your atten­tion out­ward again to con­sid­er the nature of your Will as it relates with and through the Wills of those with whom you share your world. You have had the past five months to work more with­in your­self, to under­stand one of your most spe­cial sacred gifts, the Pow­er of your Will. The key to your Self-Becom­ing is Self-Mas­tery or Self-Con­trol. Now you need to bend your atten­tion to how you and oth­ers exer­cise your wills with one anoth­er, for your ful­fill­ment depends upon this co-cre­ation of bet­ter shared Sacred Spaces.

Jupiter Trine Uranus (Sep­tem­ber 25, March 3, 2015 and June 22, 2015)

The Avatar of Truth meets the Lord of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. This is the major ele­ment that forms one side of the Grand Trine in ear­ly Octo­ber (the oth­er two sides being Mars Trine Jupiter and Mars Trine Uranus). This is the focal ele­ment of this beau­ti­ful aspect and illus­trates one of the pre­vail­ing qual­i­ties that dri­ve or cre­ates your tru­ly unlim­it­ed poten­tial for growth. Your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty or process of Self-Becom­ing (Uranus) is the real source of Growth or Expan­sion (Jupiter). You are always unfold­ing your poten­tial, your Seed of Spir­it con­tains this germ of Indi­vid­u­a­tion as does every speck of Cre­ation, for it is from this need of the One to man­i­fest and become the many that the whole Uni­verse has come into being in all its won­drous and diverse Beauty…and you are a most essen­tial part of this spe­cial­ness that under­lies and gives mean­ing to this Cosmos.

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (Octo­ber 4 until Octo­ber 25)

The third and final ret­ro­grade of 2014 is here, and Mer­cury will move from about 2 Scor­pio back to around 17 Libra. Just as in the pre­vi­ous two ret­ro­grades, you are bridg­ing the ele­ments here as you move back out of Water and into an Air Sign. With all three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades hav­ing had this link­age of Water and Air, you have been giv­en an oppor­tu­ni­ty to form a much deep­er appre­ci­a­tion of the inte­gral con­nec­tion between the depth of your Feel­ings and the wis­dom of your Thoughts. As you will often find though with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Full Total Lunar Eclipse (Octo­ber 8)

The third Eclipse of the year is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries. As in all Lunar Eclipses, the Earth­’s shad­ow is pass­ing over the Moon. This means that the mes­sage you need from Aries is hard­er to dis­cern as it is obscured by the Earth­’s shad­ow, and the req­ui­site bal­ance you would receive to the pre­vail­ing Solar Forces in Libra may take more effort to understand.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble, which is through­out the Pacif­ic Ocean and the lands that sur­round it.

Solar Par­tial Eclipse (Octo­ber 23)

The final Eclipse of the year is a Par­tial Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Scor­pio. Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble, which begins off of Kam­chat­ka, Rus­sia and races over to Cana­da and most of the Unit­ed States.

On this first day of Scor­pio, when you again take up a most awe­some task (that you will encounter again and again in your jour­ney upon this Earth), you face the Spir­i­tu­al Neces­si­ty of over­com­ing the Illu­sion that is your expe­ri­ence of Sep­a­ra­tion. Today you now meet this moment with the added empha­sis and pow­er brought by the eclipse. A deep­er seed­ing of mean­ing will be offered to those who have the courage to look beyond appear­ances and seek for the under­ly­ing truth. 

Mer­cury Direct (Octo­ber 25 until Feb­ru­ary 6, 2015)

Mer­cury goes direct until Feb­ru­ary of 2016. You have com­plet­ed three rounds of Water/Air ret­ro­grades of Mer­cury. This three-fold dance that showed you the link­age between your Feel­ings and Thoughts ends with this reminder that for you to expe­ri­ence the pas­sion of a more per­fect Union depends upon your Con­scious­ness being guid­ed by true Jus­tice and shared Prin­ci­ples, that you must ever be guid­ed by tol­er­ance and under­stand­ing for one another.

Nep­tune Direct (Novem­ber 15 until June 11–12, 2015)

The Lord of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion leads you out­wards again. You have for the past sev­er­al months been dis­posed to be atten­tive to the whis­pers of your Intu­ition, to be turned more with­in and wan­der through your worlds of imag­i­na­tion, to seek in your dreams for those brighter days. Now it is time to take your visions of sweet tomor­rows, to take your dreams and live the future you wish to be…It is time to Dream, it is time to Believe, it is time to be an Imagineer.

Jupiter Ret­ro­grade (Decem­ber 8 until April 8, 2015)

The Lord of Truth is tak­ing you with­in for the next four months, and it is time once again to con­sid­er the nature of your prin­ci­ples and beliefs. This time Jupiter is mov­ing back through the sign of Leo, so you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go with­in to the heart-source and well-spring of your Truth. You wish to extend your space of self-real­iza­tion, to be expand your Cre­ativ­i­ty and your Lead­er­ship, but first you must go with­in and expand your under­stand­ing of the source of your Cre­ative Spir­it, you need to lis­ten and learn from your Muse.

Uranus Square Plu­to (Decem­ber 15) *and March 15, 2015

The next to last Uranus/Pluto Square is here, and though you have been through this many times by now, this piv­otal align­ment is by no means “over” as Uranus and Plu­to will stay in res­o­nance with one anoth­er for sev­er­al years to come. Though we tend to look for an instance or moment when some­thing is most “exact”, life and the dance of the plan­ets is not about dis­crete points or moments. It is about Ener­gies, Lights, Vibra­tions, Sounds that sparkle and dance and ring out like rip­ples in a pond, or chimes sound­ing in the air, and should be seen as mark­ing phas­es and peri­ods in time and space, and not as iso­lat­ed or sep­a­rate, no not at all. All of these Star­ry Com­pan­ions weave and dance and flow togeth­er with one anoth­er, they inter­twine to form a greater Song, and so we too should give our­selves some time and space to expe­ri­ence and under­stand what is being offered to us by these Won­ders sweep­ing around our world. It takes time to understand.…give your­self time, to dream, to hope, to believe…and then do.

Uranus Direct (Decem­ber 21 until July 25–26, 2015)

The Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Free­dom is lead­ing you out­wards again, and it is a most spe­cial turn­ing indeed. For this is also the day of the Sol­stice, and this win­ter begins with a New Moon. This is rec­og­nized as a most sacred event in the Spir­i­tu­al Cal­en­dar. When­ev­er a New Moon is also the begin­ning of one of the Four Sacred Sea­sons, spe­cial cer­e­monies and ini­ti­a­tions are observed and hon­ored at such at time. This is a time of Quick­en­ing, and for those who have pre­pared and are ready to accept the next sac­ri­fice, their Joy­ful Ser­vice is hon­ored and reward­ed now as they move that much clos­er to the Light of Under­stand­ing. All should bow their heads and lift their lov­ing hearts to those who live for and in the One, and find their own peace in the words of the Great Invo­ca­tion which will be said at many a cer­e­mo­ny today:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.


Sat­urn Enters Sagit­tar­ius (Decem­ber 23, back to Scor­pio June 14, 2015 and back into Sagit­tar­ius Sept 17, 2015 until Decem­ber 2017)

The Avatar of Real­i­ty is mov­ing into Sagit­tar­ius, but he will pause at the thresh­old of this sign and go back into Scor­pio from June until Sep­tem­ber of 2015, so you will be strad­dling these two signs too as he dances between them. You have faced many lessons of Union while Sat­urn was in Scor­pio, and now you will be encour­aged to take your next step…to Under­stand and move towards Wisdom.

Blog Talk Radio Show — Live Monday January 6 @ 6 pm EST


Join me live on Mon­day Jan­u­ary 6, 2014 at 6 pm EST when I talk with Suzane Northrop on her show. We will be dis­cussing what’s ahead for 2014 as we seek to under­stand the Ener­gies of Evo­lu­tion as revealed by the won­drous Dance of the Planets.

You are warm­ly invit­ed to call in and ask questions. 

Here is the link to Suzane’s Show:

And here is the link to the show on Mon­day at 6 pm: