Monthly Archives: January 2014

New Moon in Capricorn & Sun Conjunct Pluto (January 1, 2014)


The Journey…The Path out of Dark­ness and into the Light.

A New Year, A New Moon…and the ongo­ing pre­quel to the Grand Cross of April 2014…

…what a way to begin the Year!

Today you mark the begin­ning of the new Civ­il Year, you turn this count you fol­low of the days, weeks, months and years of your life and won­der what will this “New Num­ber” mean…You will note this sig­nal of your pre­cious time pass­ing in this mor­tal frame, and you like so many oth­ers will seek to dis­cern what this new turn­ing of the page might hold for you, you won­der and have high hopes for what the com­ing days of your life will bring.

Of course what you are tru­ly mark­ing is your dear Earth­’s Jour­ney from the begin­ning to the end of its year­ly orbit around your star. You began 365 days ago here, and here you are again…But, of course, you are nowhere near where you were, not in Time or Space or Con­scious­ness sure­ly. For though you are mark­ing a cycle, a seem­ing cir­cle of your life mea­sured out by the Earth­’s rev­o­lu­tion around your Sun, all of the innu­mer­able Ener­gies, Forms and Lives of this Cos­mos are mov­ing in their own rev­o­lu­tions too, spi­ral­ing and swirling through the Uni­verse, like wheels with­in wheels that dance, revolve and twirl through the unimag­in­able vast­ness that is Space, and so no-thing, no Ener­gy or Mat­ter or Con­scious­ness or Spir­it is where it was or will ever be again

In the midst of all these swirling streams of Ener­gy and Mat­ter, from Mon­ads on up to Galax­ies and beyond, all of this Life, all of it is Con­scious­ness and Spir­it striv­ing to become so much more…and so real­ly what you yearn for, what you seek, per­haps now more than ever at this piv­ot point between years, is for some Reas­sur­ance, that some promise will be kept, that you will find some rea­son for being and sense of order to it all. You yearn in the midst of all these streams of Ener­gy-Mat­ter in Motion to find a Space/Place/Time that speaks of Con­stan­cy, of Per­ma­nence, of Peace…you look for some­thing that will stand and hold as you face these wheels with­in wheels, these “Tests of Time”.

So it is most won­der­ful and appro­pri­ate that today you cel­e­brate a New Year and a New Moon in Capri­corn too…for it is indeed in the Sign of Capri­corn that you are called to con­sid­er your Pur­pose and your Des­tiny, to cast a look back­wards to see from whence you have come, to won­der why you are here and to con­sid­er wise­ly where you are going.

Each New Moon is a Gift of the Spir­it, it forms a release of Inspi­ra­tion and Guid­ance for you as you seek to Mas­ter the Lessons of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. Here at the Tenth New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, you need to lis­ten to your Heart, to the One who is ever with and with­in you…For you have jour­neyed far togeth­er upon this road of Self-Becom­ing, start­ing long, long ago as a child of Spir­it, as an unself-con­scious Spark of the Divine. You were sent forth to Learn by Expe­ri­ence, to come to Under­stand these Worlds around you, and as you unfold your Spir­i­tu­al Poten­tial and dis­cov­er your Pur­pose, you ful­fill your part in this glo­ri­ous Cre­ation, and in this you have but one true les­son that you seek to mas­ter, you must learn to Mas­ter Yourself.

For this is the one path that count­less ones have fol­lowed before you, and they like you had to learn this all too. For this is “The Way”, that through Tri­al and Error, of Falling Down and Get­ting Up again you become and Earn the Reward, you Ful­fill your Spir­i­tu­al Nature which is to Grow. And that is why, why you must learn to choose what is Good and True, and by so doing you learn how it feels, you feel the Truth fill­ing your Heart with Joy and Love, and you also hear that lov­ing voice of your High­er Self say­ing yes, yes this is True, this is you.

You are part of a Rib­bon of Life and Light, a Hier­ar­chy of Con­scious­ness and Com­pas­sion with count­less souls who fol­low behind you with out­stretched hands seek­ing your help…and out ahead of you there range innu­mer­able souls too, and they look lov­ing­ly back to you, see­ing you as they once were, and they extend their hearts and hands to you, for how could they not.

And so in the end there is one thing of which you can be sure…That this, this is the Con­stant in all your lives and forms, that you are here with your Star-Born com­pan­ions on a nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of Spir­it, and all you need, all you are asked to do is to love and to help one another.

As your Two Lights align once more, as your Day-Keep­er (the Sun) embraces your Night-Watch­er (the Moon), they will also align with the Mak­er and Keep­er of your Sacred Spaces too. The Lord Plu­to keeps watch on that out­er­most perime­ter, he sweeps around the far­ther ranges of your Solar Sys­tem, and it this Avatar of Will and Pur­pose who is form­ing with Uranus, Jupiter and Mars the Grand Cross that is mere­ly hint­ed of now, but it will be this that will form the oppor­tu­ni­ty and chal­lenge you will most cer­tain­ly face in the com­ing year.

For today it is enough, that you are being shown the way, that the Sun and Moon and Plu­to align and their mes­sage to you is that you must also align your Self to them. Your own will and your own sacred space is part of them as they are part of you, and by them and with them you are aligned with the greater Will and Sacred Space of the One in which you tru­ly abide.

For as above, so it is below…and by this you will find that your own strength and secu­ri­ty is found­ed upon and is only pos­si­ble because you are not, nor will you ever be alone.

For with­in you, (and around you too) there is the One behind it all,

And that you will find your way to secu­ri­ty, com­fort and peace.

For you are formed by, and you will come to live in…

The Truth of Uncon­di­tion­al love.

Because what is with­in you sur­rounds you too,

And you will nev­er, ever be alone…

For “thou art with me”…Forever.