Full Moon in Leo (February 14, 2014)


Twelve New Moons mark your Astro­log­i­cal Year…

Twelve times a year the Sun, your Source of Light, Life and Love releas­es a new wave of Spir­i­tu­al Guid­ance and Inspi­ra­tion at the New Moon.

Dur­ing the suc­ceed­ing Lunar month, this Mes­sage of Mean­ing is inte­grat­ed into the fab­ric of your life as dear Luna weaves it into and through your world. The Moon is your inter­locu­tor, she is the Medi­a­trix of Mean­ing, and Luna is tasked with nur­tur­ing you by step­ping down and deliv­er­ing this Solar Ray of Truth as she swings high and low, as she moves out­wards and inwards in her orbit around your home here on Earth.

Two weeks after that Solar Gift, Luna is ready to give back a most pre­cious and need­ed offer­ing as well. Twelve times a year she reach­es where she is now, her far­thest point out beyond Earth­’s orbit. She is out beyond your bound­ed cir­cle of Space, stand­ing in those out­er reach­es where she is ful­ly illu­mi­nat­ed by the Sun. What she offers you today and what she lov­ing­ly gives each month is a most nec­es­sary coun­ter­point, for con­tained with­in that New Moon was this rev­e­la­tion, for each Truth is bound and informed by the oth­er, and now you will receive the fruit of mean­ing that com­pletes and com­ple­ments the Seed that was released at the pre­vi­ous New Moon.

The Sun is in Aquar­ius now and your aims and inten­tions, your heart and soul are focused through your spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment as evinced by your social aware­ness, and your path of pur­pose is found in your social con­science and con­scious­ness. Your inner peace and out­er joys are formed in and by your expe­ri­ence of belong­ing, of being with those with whom you share your hopes and dreams for a bet­ter world to come.

You and your com­pan­ions are here to bring about the New World, for your dreams of this future is what holds you to your path and to one anoth­er too. In the end you are the very sub­stance of what their dreams are made of, and they and their hap­pi­ness are what tru­ly forms your dreams too. You have been there for one anoth­er since the begin­ning, and come upon one anoth­er in life after life for you are bound to one anoth­er by Deed, Thought and Love. You have made one anoth­er what you are and you will jour­ney togeth­er in life after life, in this world and the next. For the only illu­sion is your sep­a­ra­tion, you are of one life and for one anoth­er for all time.

Yet in this time that thrills to your Truth in Com­rade­ship, of being part of a com­mu­ni­ty or cause or call­ing, there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty that you may bend to the will of these many oth­ers and find too much com­fort in con­for­mi­ty, in becom­ing less of your­self and more like one anoth­er, and that is because your self-real­iza­tion in Aquar­ius draws you towards social accep­tance and your iden­ti­ty may be over­ly found in, by and through your companions.

So it is at such a time that dear Luna offers you this gift and reminder. She is shin­ing bright­ly now, beam­ing with the Ray of Leo and remind­ing you that your truth is also to be found in your unique­ness, in your Song of Spe­cial­ness, and by the truth of your essen­tial being, that you are a pre­cious, sin­gu­lar one among many oth­er ones. For as much as you will find your mean­ing of life by, with and through one anoth­er, you and they need you to be true to your Self, to ful­fill and flower into you own unique sen­si­bil­i­ties, intel­li­gence and ways of lov­ing too.

For this is the Greater Truth, that you are part of a Shin­ing Host who have a com­mon ori­gin and des­tiny to ful­fill. But your very ori­gin and true des­tiny is also formed by each and every spark of the Divine being a unique expres­sion of this One Spir­it. There is only one of you and you are like no other…And it is this that forms and ful­fills your Trea­sure in Heav­en, this One­ness in Diversity…For out of One have come the Many, and out of this Many will form a even Greater One, for­ev­er and forever.

You are here to love one another…

And you are here to love your Self too.

Be there for one anoth­er and,

To thine own self be true. 

But above all,


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