North Node into Libra (February 17, 2014)


The Way of your Becom­ing is shift­ing once again…

For you have made your­self and this world too…long, long ago.

Fol­low­ing ancient path­ways, and guid­ed by those who went before,

You are the Awak­en­ing Ones…

Dream Walk­ers weav­ing Ener­gies into mar­velous Matter-Forms.

Rid­ing wave upon wave, surf­ing the vast oceans of Eternity,

Your Thought-Forms thrill and res­onate through Time & Space.

You are lift­ed by Hope and Faith…bounded by Fear and Doubt.

But it is you and your com­pan­ions who have made this,

You and they have made what you were, are and will for­ev­er Be.

So be not afraid.

Though mem­o­ry fails you and much is Lost, veiled by Mys­tery and Time,

This for­get­ting is but for a while, and is a gift to you, a bless­ing in disguise…

For you begin each life anew, unbur­dened by what you can­not yet face.

But Know this, Your Future is Glo­ri­ous, wait­ing upon you and your becoming.

And, all that matters…is this moment. This most Pre­cious NOW. For this is the only space of Free­dom that will ever be, the only time that you will find that you can make a choice…and you must choose wise­ly now.

A won­drous but hid­den sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of your Jour­ney of Choic­es is made by the inter­sec­tion of two Great Cir­cles of Life, the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. These two inte­gral sym­me­tries of mean­ing meet in Space, and they form by so doing two oppo­site points where their orbits inter­sect which are called the North and South Nodes of the Moon.

These mov­ing ful­crums are the points in space at which the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned to one anoth­er with­in the same spa­tial plane, all three as one with one anoth­er. Every month as the Moon cross­es over the North Node it moves above that plane, and when­ev­er it moves over the South Node it goes below it. But twice a year, when all three bod­ies align on these points you are wit­ness to a won­drous display.

You “see” this inter­sec­tion and move­ment when­ev­er the Sun, Moon and Earth move into these nodes for it is then that you expe­ri­ence a Solar or Lunar Eclipse, as all three Lords become aligned with one anoth­er and so illus­trate quite dra­mat­i­cal­ly and beau­ti­ful­ly their inte­gral rela­tion­ship with one another.

These Nodal Points in Space move around the Zodi­ac in about 18.5 years, mov­ing “back­wards” from Aries back to Pisces back to Aquar­ius and so on. For the last 18 months the North Node has been in Scor­pio (and the South Node has been in Tau­rus). Today the North Node moves into Libra (and the South Node into Aries), until Novem­ber 2015. But of course the ques­tion you must ask is, “What does this mean for me”?

The Nodes of the Moon in an Astro­log­i­cal Chart are said to indi­cate your Karmic Point­ing for that life. They can help you dis­cern “The Way”, of how you are to receive from your past and under­stand where you have come from, and how you must look ahead and con­tin­ue your spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment by mov­ing towards devel­op­ing the oppo­site sen­si­bil­i­ty in this life­time. The South Node is said to be your Kar­ma, the North Node is your Dhar­ma. Togeth­er they show how you draw from what you have so far made of your­self, and that you will now take your next step in Spir­i­tu­al growth as you work with the oppo­site yet com­ple­men­tary sen­si­bil­i­ty. By this inte­gra­tion you redeem your past and move upon the one true path of whole­ness and Spir­i­tu­al Integration.

But there is always a chal­lenge when you walk this Karma/Dharma path, for you will often find your Past as famil­iar and easy, and the change to a new way of being as hard­er for you to mas­ter. If you allow your­self to be over­ly influ­enced by your past so that you fall under too much influ­ence from the South Node, you may fail to work towards your Dhar­ma, (you fall back into your famil­iar but less devel­oped pat­terns). You must make a con­scious effort, to work with the lessons brought to you by the North Node or your Dhar­ma, because by this you can draw upon and use the best parts of your past (Kar­ma) while cre­at­ing a bet­ter future for your­self. You actu­al­ly bequeath to your­self a bet­ter future, your Kar­ma, by main­tain­ing your aware­ness and focus upon your present Dharma.

With regards to this shift of the Tran­sit­ing Nodes, the mes­sage for you is sub­tle and pro­found. The North Node has been in Scor­pio since August 2012, and you should have been atten­tive to your rela­tion­ship and your need to con­scious­ly choose to work with this oppor­tu­ni­ty of being able to forge deep­er Unions with one anoth­er. To do this you had to face your fears of rejec­tion, of being reject­ed or of reject­ing your­self, and instead find the way to dis­cern exact­ly what you could sac­ri­fice in order to make pos­si­ble the expe­ri­ence of a greater “we”.

You should have drawn upon your Kar­ma as indi­cat­ed by Tau­rus to help you here, for it would have remind­ed you that there are some sac­ri­fices that are false, and a true sac­ri­fice means that it is sacred, it is good, it is done for and by love. For this is what makes your core, your essen­tial Val­ue is the Love of You, the love of your High­er Self for you. You must offer sac­ri­fices to join with one anoth­er, but you must for­ev­er and always hon­or and hold firm to your Heart, to who you are and to keep as sacred and true your ever abid­ing love that is your Beloved.

Now with the North Node in Libra, you are also asked to choose wise­ly as you seek for a more mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship, but here you are giv­en a dif­fer­ent oppor­tu­ni­ty and chal­lenge. The Way of Libra reminds you now to keep to the path of Bal­ance and Jus­tice, to fol­low the ways of Fair­ness and be guid­ed by the fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple formed by your one­ness in Spirit:

There will only be Jus­tice when there is Equal­i­ty for one and all.

You are here to bring about Har­mo­ny and Beau­ty in your world by forg­ing rela­tion­ships based upon this essen­tial Truth, that it is Love that holds you as one to one anoth­er, and that you need to live in and be guid­ed by a love for the oth­er that is equal to the love you have for your­self too.

For it is Libra’s way to think not of one­self, but instead to put the oth­er first, and the good of the rela­tion­ship above all else…and yet, here too one can and may prob­a­bly go too far. And so the Kar­ma of the Aries South Node is there for you, to remind you that you that a rela­tion­ship requires the equal par­tic­i­pa­tion of both as Indi­vid­u­als. To do your part to bring about a healthy rela­tion­ship requires forg­ing a dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um, where bal­ance is found by giv­ing way and hold­ing firm, for you must assert your­self in your Truth and con­tribute your unique­ness to make a rela­tion­ship of beau­ty that is formed by a One and anoth­er One who choose to grow together.

The empha­sis now will and must be upon Libra, and you will accom­mo­date and place the well­be­ing of the part­ner­ship and the part­ner above all else, and this is good. But you must equal­ly remem­ber that you are one half of any rela­tion­ship that you are in, and so your rela­tion­ship must be fair and just for you if it is to be lov­ing­ly true for the both of you.

The Weav­ing Way of Spir­it is turn­ing again…

You and your com­pan­ions upon the Path.

So many turn­ings, so many choices,

But in the end it is simple.

As it was in the beginning,

It will be in the End.

Turn towards one anoth­er, knowing

All are equal, there is no oth­er way.

Before you, is just you.

So be True to your Self, Love.

Just Love one another.

Choose Love.

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