Daily Archives: February 18, 2014

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2014)


Your year begins in Aries…with the Fires of Inspiration,

You begin in Self-Awareness.

Your year ends with Pisces…in the Waters of Understanding,

You end in Wonder.

Through Fire, Earth, Air and Water you have Cir­cled your Star once more. You have begun, held and released your Self in Spir­it, Thought, Feel­ings and Actions through this Dodec­a­he­dron of the Divine, this Cir­cle of Life that is the Zodiac.

Today you cross the final thresh­old of your Twelve-Fold Year­ly jour­ney as you pass through the pre­cious Por­tal that is Pisces. For though you have been told that you are a Gem­i­ni or a Leo or a Capri­corn, the truth of Life is that all of these Zodi­a­cal Ener­gies are part of you, for you have them all with­in you, for how could you not? They are the Ener­gy-Forms of Spir­it, they are the Divine Breath that breathes life into every par­ti­cle, speck and mote of Creation.

You have this entire Zodi­ac with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you too, and so each of you is formed by won­drous­ly dif­fer­ing com­bi­na­tions of these Twelve Ener­gy-Forms. You have them all, blend­ed in such a man­ner so as to form indi­vid­u­al­ized expres­sions, fine­ly nuanced inte­gra­tions, and it is pre­cise­ly this com­plex blend­ing that makes your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, it is pre­cise­ly this that makes you special.

This Time of Pisces is your Final Moment in the Astro­log­i­cal Year, and it is when you can and should bring all of the strands of your Life togeth­er from this past year and weave them into a whole and beau­ti­ful sto­ry of you. This is when you are more able to see and under­stand the Arc of your Sto­ry, this is your Time for see­ing the Big Pic­ture. This is how you reap your Har­vest of Truth, and it is from this that you will make your Trea­sure in Heaven.

You need to pause and con­sid­er from where you began, to see what Tri­umphs you had and what Stum­bles you made, and so to see what lessons you have learned as you moved through each sign, month by month. Though you will be attached to your suc­cess­es, for you earned them and they are fine…You must also accept that you learned noth­ing by them at all. They are the result of your errors of yes­ter­year made right in this year.

Rather, your pre­cious har­vest will be found in the mean­ings and lessons of your less than per­fect moments, for it is then that you learned how not to be or not to do that…and so you let go of the less­er and grew into some­thing greater. There is your trea­sure, not in your suc­cess but in, by and through your hum­bling accep­tance of your imper­fec­tion which opened the door to your growth. This is what you are here for, you are here to Grow, to become Self-Masterful…you are here to Shine.

Hav­ing come through all the pre­vi­ous signs you are recep­tive to the mean­ings and mes­sages of them all, and this is why Pisces is your time for Com­pas­sion. You can con­nect more deeply to the joys and pain of oth­ers because in your own way, in your own time, you have been there too. This is the Gift of Feel­ing that comes out of Water, for it is in the Water Signs of Can­cer, Scor­pio and Pisces that you expe­ri­ence the Truth of Con­nect­ed­ness, it is in them that you dwell in the Truth of Feel­ings, it is here that you are made Whole.

In Can­cer you Con­nect and are Nur­tured by the secu­ri­ty that comes from the refresh­ing renew­al bestowed by Cen­ter­ing your­self in the Truth that is found in the Roots of your Life. For in Truth you are part of One Great Fam­i­ly of Spir­it, and “We are all related”.

In Scor­pio you Con­nect and are Embraced by the mys­tery and joy that comes from Two becom­ing One as you break beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and forge your Sacred Unions with one anoth­er. For in Truth you are already Joined as One, for all are ones of the One Divine Spirit.

In Pisces you expe­ri­ence the Won­der of Won­ders, for here you sac­ri­fice your Ego to your Self. You see the Light and Love in the oth­er as your own true Self reflect­ed back to you. You Con­nect to the Greater Real­i­ty and find the one true and only Trea­sure is your Life in Spir­it. For in truth, the High­est part of you will always abide in the One, you will always be in Heav­en for you nev­er left, and you can Feel this Truth that the whole of Cre­ation is the Love of the One for all of you.

You have walked the Path of Awak­en­ing, mov­ing your aware­ness from point to point, weav­ing togeth­er your inner sen­si­bil­i­ties with your out­er understandings…spanning Inner Worlds and Out­er Realms as you were called by your High­er Self to release and unfold your Greater Understanding.

You have tak­en yet anoth­er step upon the Path­way of Compassion,

You walk the Path­way of Peace, The Path of Love.

You are draw­ing clos­er, to the mys­tery of the ages…

That what is with­in you sur­rounds you too.

You are a Shin­ing One…


Filled with Wonder.

And all you need do,

Is be what you are, 

Remem­ber who you are,

You are Love.