Your year begins in Aries…with the Fires of Inspiration,
You begin in Self-Awareness.
Your year ends with Pisces…in the Waters of Understanding,
You end in Wonder.
Through Fire, Earth, Air and Water you have Circled your Star once more. You have begun, held and released your Self in Spirit, Thought, Feelings and Actions through this Dodecahedron of the Divine, this Circle of Life that is the Zodiac.
Today you cross the final threshold of your Twelve-Fold Yearly journey as you pass through the precious Portal that is Pisces. For though you have been told that you are a Gemini or a Leo or a Capricorn, the truth of Life is that all of these Zodiacal Energies are part of you, for you have them all within you, for how could you not? They are the Energy-Forms of Spirit, they are the Divine Breath that breathes life into every particle, speck and mote of Creation.
You have this entire Zodiac within you as much as it surrounds you too, and so each of you is formed by wondrously differing combinations of these Twelve Energy-Forms. You have them all, blended in such a manner so as to form individualized expressions, finely nuanced integrations, and it is precisely this complex blending that makes your Individuality, it is precisely this that makes you special.
This Time of Pisces is your Final Moment in the Astrological Year, and it is when you can and should bring all of the strands of your Life together from this past year and weave them into a whole and beautiful story of you. This is when you are more able to see and understand the Arc of your Story, this is your Time for seeing the Big Picture. This is how you reap your Harvest of Truth, and it is from this that you will make your Treasure in Heaven.
You need to pause and consider from where you began, to see what Triumphs you had and what Stumbles you made, and so to see what lessons you have learned as you moved through each sign, month by month. Though you will be attached to your successes, for you earned them and they are fine…You must also accept that you learned nothing by them at all. They are the result of your errors of yesteryear made right in this year.
Rather, your precious harvest will be found in the meanings and lessons of your less than perfect moments, for it is then that you learned how not to be or not to do that…and so you let go of the lesser and grew into something greater. There is your treasure, not in your success but in, by and through your humbling acceptance of your imperfection which opened the door to your growth. This is what you are here for, you are here to Grow, to become Self-Masterful…you are here to Shine.
Having come through all the previous signs you are receptive to the meanings and messages of them all, and this is why Pisces is your time for Compassion. You can connect more deeply to the joys and pain of others because in your own way, in your own time, you have been there too. This is the Gift of Feeling that comes out of Water, for it is in the Water Signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces that you experience the Truth of Connectedness, it is in them that you dwell in the Truth of Feelings, it is here that you are made Whole.
In Cancer you Connect and are Nurtured by the security that comes from the refreshing renewal bestowed by Centering yourself in the Truth that is found in the Roots of your Life. For in Truth you are part of One Great Family of Spirit, and “We are all related”.
In Scorpio you Connect and are Embraced by the mystery and joy that comes from Two becoming One as you break beyond the illusion that is separation and forge your Sacred Unions with one another. For in Truth you are already Joined as One, for all are ones of the One Divine Spirit.
In Pisces you experience the Wonder of Wonders, for here you sacrifice your Ego to your Self. You see the Light and Love in the other as your own true Self reflected back to you. You Connect to the Greater Reality and find the one true and only Treasure is your Life in Spirit. For in truth, the Highest part of you will always abide in the One, you will always be in Heaven for you never left, and you can Feel this Truth that the whole of Creation is the Love of the One for all of you.
You have walked the Path of Awakening, moving your awareness from point to point, weaving together your inner sensibilities with your outer understandings…spanning Inner Worlds and Outer Realms as you were called by your Higher Self to release and unfold your Greater Understanding.
You have taken yet another step upon the Pathway of Compassion,
You walk the Pathway of Peace, The Path of Love.
You are drawing closer, to the mystery of the ages…
That what is within you surrounds you too.
You are a Shining One…
Filled with Wonder.
And all you need do,
Is be what you are,
Remember who you are,
You are Love.