Sun Conjunct Neptune (February 23, 2014)


Dream a lit­tle dream…of you.

The Avatar of your Self and your Imag­i­na­tion meet today, and your Door­way to a more encom­pass­ing Real­i­ty will open a lit­tle wider.

Today is a day to Dream, to Imag­ine what you might Become…Today is a day to Believe.

You are here quite sim­ply for one thing: To grow. You are Spir­it. You are here to for­ev­er and ever become some­thing more than before, to reach more deeply into your High­er Self, where you may receive Inspi­ra­tion from this most pre­cious Well­spring of your Faith and Dreams…For then you are able by this Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing to turn around and reach beyond this world you have so far made and accept­ed as being the only reality.

This is how you grow: By let­ting go of assump­tions, bias­es, prej­u­dices and your will­ful blind­ness to the Greater Real­i­ty in which you actu­al­ly reside. For you can­not see what you do not believe. You are able with this Inspi­ra­tion from your High­er Self to lift the veil between this less­er world and what lies beyond and behind it. You are per­mit­ted to be more Clear-See­ing, as the shades fall from your under­stand­ing and you gaze with won­der upon the pos­si­bil­i­ties of a life beyond this world of shad­ows and half-lights.

You step into a more encom­pass­ing Space and Time that is filled with Sounds and Sights more super­nal. You see a realm filled with a Numi­nous Light that is formed by the Hopes, Dreams and Spir­i­tu­al Imag­i­na­tion of your fel­low com­pan­ions who also walk this path of Becoming…For you are here to lift one anoth­er out of the dark­ness as you all reach for and become that very Light.

Nep­tune is known as the “Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent”, for it offers you this gift of Spir­i­tu­al Tran­scen­dence. It helps to dis­solve the Bound­aries of Cer­tain­ty, the Par­a­digm of the World that you nec­es­sar­i­ly formed when you and so many oth­ers shaped the world as it is today. For you have been doing this for a very long time. You dreamed long ago and it came to this. The present real­i­ty is the prod­uct of your Faith (but also of your Fears) of long, long ago. But in this Truth you also have your Hope.

For as much as you made this world you can and will re-make it.

The Change that you seek “out there” however,

Must begin where it begun, with­in yourself.

Let the Gift of Nep­tune open your Heart and Mind.

Lis­ten for that qui­et, lov­ing voice of your High­er Self,

Who whis­pers to you of Com­pas­sion, Self­less­ness and Wonder.

May it show you the Greater Real­i­ty with­in yourself,

May you Dream of a Bet­ter You,

May you have Faith in a more Lov­ing Life,

May a bet­ter World come to be.

All you need do,

Is Believe and Become.


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