Mercury Turns Direct (February 28, 2014)


Your atten­tion is turn­ing out­wards again…

The meld­ing of Watery and Airy ways with­in your Mind,

Was for your Bridg­ing, Blend­ing, Becoming…

As you walk upon the Inte­gral Path of Spirit.

You wove them togeth­er, the Intu­ition­al and Rational,

To hold togeth­er your Head and your Heart.

You sought to Feel Thought­ful­ly, and

To Think Lov­ing­ly too.

And this has brought you a lit­tle closer,

To the One True Way Home, The Way of Understanding…

The Path of Wisdom.

Now Mer­cury Turns, and you must too. Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Mind, and he leads you toward the Know­ing of your Truth and your Path. For you are a Self-Con­scious­ly, Self-Unfold­ing Being, and the Thoughts that you Think will lead you into the Life that you Create.

Today Mer­cury moves for­ward in Aquar­ius, and your Mind is focused upon your Fel­low­ships, your Com­pan­ion­ships and the Hopes and Dreams your share with them for a bet­ter world. For you will find that in your Heart you know this: that your Dreams are made of one anoth­er, your ful­fill­ment is their promise met as well, because their Hopes and Dreams are yours too.

For you nev­er walk alone, your life is filled with hosts upon hosts of fel­low trav­el­ers, both seen and unseen, known and unknown to you. You and they yearn for that bet­ter world in your dreams, a world that could be, if there were some way to make it so.

Mer­cury the Mes­sen­ger has done his part, in his dance between Water and Air, between Intu­ition and Rea­son, he has led you to the path by which you can become more than what you were… 

You have gone back with­in your­self, to touch the essence of your Spir­i­tu­al Self. For at the heart of you is your most pre­cious Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, and when­ev­er you expe­ri­ence this quick­en­ing con­tact you are able to accom­plish a most mar­velous feat. You are able to self-tran­scend, to go beyond the thought-forms of your ordi­nary mind.

By lis­ten­ing to that qui­et but steady voice of your soul you draw clos­er to your High­er Self and the freer mind of Spir­it. You are able to break the self-made bounds of the thought-forms that formed you, to see beyond the world you came from. You can lay aside and pass beyond the sta­tus quo of the old cer­tain­ties, and there it is before you, the New Earth.

Embrace your new­er, freer thought-forms. Turn with Mer­cury and share with one anoth­er the gift of cre­at­ing a New World together.

Lis­ten to one another,

Believe in one another,

Think Well of one another,

And you will do this, you will

Build a New Earth.


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