Daily Archives: February 28, 2014

New Moon in Pisces (March 1, 2014)


It is the time between…

Between the Dark­ness and the Light,

All is still, all is quiet.

Your World, this Earth, holds its breath,

As you wait for your next Gift of Spirit.

The Twelfth and Con­clud­ing New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year is here. Your year is mea­sured by Twelve. Twelve Signs, Twelve Months and the Twelve New Moons by which to find your way.

At each New Moon the Sun imparts to Luna a new Mes­sage of Mean­ing for you. It is a Gift of Inspi­ra­tion to lift your spir­it and guide your steps as you seek to find your way on this beau­ti­ful orb you call home. But there is some­thing spe­cial about the Final Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, for it is both a Begin­ning, (as are all New Moons), but it is most tru­ly an End­ing too. How can this be, why is this so?

The Sign of Pisces is the final moment in this pro­gres­sive series of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies that Unfold, Pro­pel and Guide your jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing. Each Sign inter­re­lates and inte­grates with all the oth­ers, they depend upon one anoth­er for mean­ing and ful­fill­ment. In one sense, each Sign builds upon those which came “before” and nat­u­ral­ly unfolds to lead to those which will come “after”. But in truth, all Signs are active all the time, both with­in you and in real time (as in the “Liv­ing Chart of the Now”). They thrill and res­onate in vary­ing pro­por­tions and com­bi­na­tions to pro­duce the many Songs of Spir­it, to form the innu­mer­able Indi­vid­u­al­i­ties of Spir­it that make up this Cos­mos from the small­est speck or mote to the grand­est Galaxy.

But Pisces is most spe­cial, for how could it not be…Because here at the end of the Astro­log­i­cal Year you must pull it all in and make it as One. To gath­er all the threads of your expe­ri­ences togeth­er and so weave your Gold­en Cloth of Mean­ing­ful­ness, to form your Trea­sure in Heav­en and har­vest the sweet Nec­tar that feeds your Soul and brings you Home.

You begin by this End­ing, by tak­ing in this Har­vest of your Life just lived. You need to spend some time today, tomor­row and maybe a lit­tle longer, to gath­er togeth­er and see as one sto­ry your Aspi­ra­tions and Actions, your Feel­ings and Thoughts of the year just past.

You will trea­sure your tri­umphs and suc­cess­es, for you earned these rewards and so you should smile. But you should pay even more atten­tion to where you stum­bled and fell, to those errors of com­mis­sion or omis­sion that haunt you still. For there is some­thing even greater there…

And it is here that the Gift of Pisces and the New Moon will com­fort you, to remind you that you will be okay, that you are in fact Loved uncon­di­tion­al­ly and for all time by your High­er Self. For the bless­ing of Pisces is the Gift of Com­pas­sion and Under­stand­ing, and through this Great Love you are able to do what you can and must do: You need and you will for­give yourself.

You will come to real­ize and under­stand that these mis­steps are real­ly in truth your most pre­cious moments, for in them you will find that your bright Future is tru­ly held. For you only advance, you can only grow and become the Won­drous Being of Light that you are by mak­ing these mistakes…and by accep­tance and learn­ing and choos­ing to do bet­ter, you will rise.

You are here to Grow, you are here to learn, and by tri­al and error you will learn to turn away from less­er ways of being-feel­ing-think­ing. You will learn to do bet­ter as you fol­low the gen­tle, reas­sur­ing voice of your Self with­in who will show you that your errors have formed for you the next Gift of that Hum­bling Wis­dom that forms the path to your Future.

That in for­give­ness and under­stand­ing, in the love of the One with­in, your soul will sigh and smile, for you able to let go of the less­er you and draw that much lit­tle clos­er to the Won­der that is within. 

In this pre­cious moment…

In this Cross­ing, between the Dark­ness and the Light…

Be not afraid, for you are nev­er alone.

You are filled with a Lumi­nous Light,

Formed and Forged in the Love of the One for one and all.

Bring your har­vest home, reap what you have sowed…

Then turn and be a Light.