Monthly Archives: February 2014

North Node into Libra (February 17, 2014)


The Way of your Becom­ing is shift­ing once again…

For you have made your­self and this world too…long, long ago.

Fol­low­ing ancient path­ways, and guid­ed by those who went before,

You are the Awak­en­ing Ones…

Dream Walk­ers weav­ing Ener­gies into mar­velous Matter-Forms.

Rid­ing wave upon wave, surf­ing the vast oceans of Eternity,

Your Thought-Forms thrill and res­onate through Time & Space.

You are lift­ed by Hope and Faith…bounded by Fear and Doubt.

But it is you and your com­pan­ions who have made this,

You and they have made what you were, are and will for­ev­er Be.

So be not afraid.

Though mem­o­ry fails you and much is Lost, veiled by Mys­tery and Time,

This for­get­ting is but for a while, and is a gift to you, a bless­ing in disguise…

For you begin each life anew, unbur­dened by what you can­not yet face.

But Know this, Your Future is Glo­ri­ous, wait­ing upon you and your becoming.

And, all that matters…is this moment. This most Pre­cious NOW. For this is the only space of Free­dom that will ever be, the only time that you will find that you can make a choice…and you must choose wise­ly now.

A won­drous but hid­den sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of your Jour­ney of Choic­es is made by the inter­sec­tion of two Great Cir­cles of Life, the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. These two inte­gral sym­me­tries of mean­ing meet in Space, and they form by so doing two oppo­site points where their orbits inter­sect which are called the North and South Nodes of the Moon.

These mov­ing ful­crums are the points in space at which the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned to one anoth­er with­in the same spa­tial plane, all three as one with one anoth­er. Every month as the Moon cross­es over the North Node it moves above that plane, and when­ev­er it moves over the South Node it goes below it. But twice a year, when all three bod­ies align on these points you are wit­ness to a won­drous display.

You “see” this inter­sec­tion and move­ment when­ev­er the Sun, Moon and Earth move into these nodes for it is then that you expe­ri­ence a Solar or Lunar Eclipse, as all three Lords become aligned with one anoth­er and so illus­trate quite dra­mat­i­cal­ly and beau­ti­ful­ly their inte­gral rela­tion­ship with one another.

These Nodal Points in Space move around the Zodi­ac in about 18.5 years, mov­ing “back­wards” from Aries back to Pisces back to Aquar­ius and so on. For the last 18 months the North Node has been in Scor­pio (and the South Node has been in Tau­rus). Today the North Node moves into Libra (and the South Node into Aries), until Novem­ber 2015. But of course the ques­tion you must ask is, “What does this mean for me”?

The Nodes of the Moon in an Astro­log­i­cal Chart are said to indi­cate your Karmic Point­ing for that life. They can help you dis­cern “The Way”, of how you are to receive from your past and under­stand where you have come from, and how you must look ahead and con­tin­ue your spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment by mov­ing towards devel­op­ing the oppo­site sen­si­bil­i­ty in this life­time. The South Node is said to be your Kar­ma, the North Node is your Dhar­ma. Togeth­er they show how you draw from what you have so far made of your­self, and that you will now take your next step in Spir­i­tu­al growth as you work with the oppo­site yet com­ple­men­tary sen­si­bil­i­ty. By this inte­gra­tion you redeem your past and move upon the one true path of whole­ness and Spir­i­tu­al Integration.

But there is always a chal­lenge when you walk this Karma/Dharma path, for you will often find your Past as famil­iar and easy, and the change to a new way of being as hard­er for you to mas­ter. If you allow your­self to be over­ly influ­enced by your past so that you fall under too much influ­ence from the South Node, you may fail to work towards your Dhar­ma, (you fall back into your famil­iar but less devel­oped pat­terns). You must make a con­scious effort, to work with the lessons brought to you by the North Node or your Dhar­ma, because by this you can draw upon and use the best parts of your past (Kar­ma) while cre­at­ing a bet­ter future for your­self. You actu­al­ly bequeath to your­self a bet­ter future, your Kar­ma, by main­tain­ing your aware­ness and focus upon your present Dharma.

With regards to this shift of the Tran­sit­ing Nodes, the mes­sage for you is sub­tle and pro­found. The North Node has been in Scor­pio since August 2012, and you should have been atten­tive to your rela­tion­ship and your need to con­scious­ly choose to work with this oppor­tu­ni­ty of being able to forge deep­er Unions with one anoth­er. To do this you had to face your fears of rejec­tion, of being reject­ed or of reject­ing your­self, and instead find the way to dis­cern exact­ly what you could sac­ri­fice in order to make pos­si­ble the expe­ri­ence of a greater “we”.

You should have drawn upon your Kar­ma as indi­cat­ed by Tau­rus to help you here, for it would have remind­ed you that there are some sac­ri­fices that are false, and a true sac­ri­fice means that it is sacred, it is good, it is done for and by love. For this is what makes your core, your essen­tial Val­ue is the Love of You, the love of your High­er Self for you. You must offer sac­ri­fices to join with one anoth­er, but you must for­ev­er and always hon­or and hold firm to your Heart, to who you are and to keep as sacred and true your ever abid­ing love that is your Beloved.

Now with the North Node in Libra, you are also asked to choose wise­ly as you seek for a more mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship, but here you are giv­en a dif­fer­ent oppor­tu­ni­ty and chal­lenge. The Way of Libra reminds you now to keep to the path of Bal­ance and Jus­tice, to fol­low the ways of Fair­ness and be guid­ed by the fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple formed by your one­ness in Spirit:

There will only be Jus­tice when there is Equal­i­ty for one and all.

You are here to bring about Har­mo­ny and Beau­ty in your world by forg­ing rela­tion­ships based upon this essen­tial Truth, that it is Love that holds you as one to one anoth­er, and that you need to live in and be guid­ed by a love for the oth­er that is equal to the love you have for your­self too.

For it is Libra’s way to think not of one­self, but instead to put the oth­er first, and the good of the rela­tion­ship above all else…and yet, here too one can and may prob­a­bly go too far. And so the Kar­ma of the Aries South Node is there for you, to remind you that you that a rela­tion­ship requires the equal par­tic­i­pa­tion of both as Indi­vid­u­als. To do your part to bring about a healthy rela­tion­ship requires forg­ing a dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um, where bal­ance is found by giv­ing way and hold­ing firm, for you must assert your­self in your Truth and con­tribute your unique­ness to make a rela­tion­ship of beau­ty that is formed by a One and anoth­er One who choose to grow together.

The empha­sis now will and must be upon Libra, and you will accom­mo­date and place the well­be­ing of the part­ner­ship and the part­ner above all else, and this is good. But you must equal­ly remem­ber that you are one half of any rela­tion­ship that you are in, and so your rela­tion­ship must be fair and just for you if it is to be lov­ing­ly true for the both of you.

The Weav­ing Way of Spir­it is turn­ing again…

You and your com­pan­ions upon the Path.

So many turn­ings, so many choices,

But in the end it is simple.

As it was in the beginning,

It will be in the End.

Turn towards one anoth­er, knowing

All are equal, there is no oth­er way.

Before you, is just you.

So be True to your Self, Love.

Just Love one another.

Choose Love.

Full Moon in Leo (February 14, 2014)


Twelve New Moons mark your Astro­log­i­cal Year…

Twelve times a year the Sun, your Source of Light, Life and Love releas­es a new wave of Spir­i­tu­al Guid­ance and Inspi­ra­tion at the New Moon.

Dur­ing the suc­ceed­ing Lunar month, this Mes­sage of Mean­ing is inte­grat­ed into the fab­ric of your life as dear Luna weaves it into and through your world. The Moon is your inter­locu­tor, she is the Medi­a­trix of Mean­ing, and Luna is tasked with nur­tur­ing you by step­ping down and deliv­er­ing this Solar Ray of Truth as she swings high and low, as she moves out­wards and inwards in her orbit around your home here on Earth.

Two weeks after that Solar Gift, Luna is ready to give back a most pre­cious and need­ed offer­ing as well. Twelve times a year she reach­es where she is now, her far­thest point out beyond Earth­’s orbit. She is out beyond your bound­ed cir­cle of Space, stand­ing in those out­er reach­es where she is ful­ly illu­mi­nat­ed by the Sun. What she offers you today and what she lov­ing­ly gives each month is a most nec­es­sary coun­ter­point, for con­tained with­in that New Moon was this rev­e­la­tion, for each Truth is bound and informed by the oth­er, and now you will receive the fruit of mean­ing that com­pletes and com­ple­ments the Seed that was released at the pre­vi­ous New Moon.

The Sun is in Aquar­ius now and your aims and inten­tions, your heart and soul are focused through your spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment as evinced by your social aware­ness, and your path of pur­pose is found in your social con­science and con­scious­ness. Your inner peace and out­er joys are formed in and by your expe­ri­ence of belong­ing, of being with those with whom you share your hopes and dreams for a bet­ter world to come.

You and your com­pan­ions are here to bring about the New World, for your dreams of this future is what holds you to your path and to one anoth­er too. In the end you are the very sub­stance of what their dreams are made of, and they and their hap­pi­ness are what tru­ly forms your dreams too. You have been there for one anoth­er since the begin­ning, and come upon one anoth­er in life after life for you are bound to one anoth­er by Deed, Thought and Love. You have made one anoth­er what you are and you will jour­ney togeth­er in life after life, in this world and the next. For the only illu­sion is your sep­a­ra­tion, you are of one life and for one anoth­er for all time.

Yet in this time that thrills to your Truth in Com­rade­ship, of being part of a com­mu­ni­ty or cause or call­ing, there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty that you may bend to the will of these many oth­ers and find too much com­fort in con­for­mi­ty, in becom­ing less of your­self and more like one anoth­er, and that is because your self-real­iza­tion in Aquar­ius draws you towards social accep­tance and your iden­ti­ty may be over­ly found in, by and through your companions.

So it is at such a time that dear Luna offers you this gift and reminder. She is shin­ing bright­ly now, beam­ing with the Ray of Leo and remind­ing you that your truth is also to be found in your unique­ness, in your Song of Spe­cial­ness, and by the truth of your essen­tial being, that you are a pre­cious, sin­gu­lar one among many oth­er ones. For as much as you will find your mean­ing of life by, with and through one anoth­er, you and they need you to be true to your Self, to ful­fill and flower into you own unique sen­si­bil­i­ties, intel­li­gence and ways of lov­ing too.

For this is the Greater Truth, that you are part of a Shin­ing Host who have a com­mon ori­gin and des­tiny to ful­fill. But your very ori­gin and true des­tiny is also formed by each and every spark of the Divine being a unique expres­sion of this One Spir­it. There is only one of you and you are like no other…And it is this that forms and ful­fills your Trea­sure in Heav­en, this One­ness in Diversity…For out of One have come the Many, and out of this Many will form a even Greater One, for­ev­er and forever.

You are here to love one another…

And you are here to love your Self too.

Be there for one anoth­er and,

To thine own self be true. 

But above all,


Mercury Turns Retrograde (February 6, 2014)


The first Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade is here and this is what I wrote in my Gen­er­al Forecast:

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (Feb­ru­ary 6 until Feb­ru­ary 28)

Mer­cury begins the first of three ret­ro­grades of the year, this time mov­ing from around 3 degrees of Pisces and back to around 18 degrees of Aquar­ius. While in Pisces you are asked to look with­in and to pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to your pow­er of Imag­i­na­tion, to con­sid­er your Dreams and face down your Fears. While in Aquar­ius, your atten­tive­ness should be drawn to the recon­sid­er­a­tion of your Social Con­scious­ness as ful­filled and made pos­si­ble in and through your Dream-Liv­ing Com­pan­ion­ships. As usu­al, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Your Avatar of Mind is skip­ping around for the next cou­ple of months, so you bet­ter get ready to bend along with those Mer­cu­r­ial rays. One of your great­est gifts is your Intel­li­gence, and it is cer­tain­ly nec­es­sary now to show how adept you are with this most mar­velous fac­ul­ty, it is time to show how nim­ble, agile and adapt­able you are when it comes to your Per­cep­tions and Thoughts. This World is the sub­stan­tial result, it is the con­cretized embod­i­ment of Thought-Forms that you formed and made into your Reality…For as you think so shall you become.

Mer­cury moved into the Water sign of Pisces on Jan­u­ary 31, but he will only be there for less than two weeks…why so short a time? Because today, Thurs­day Feb­ru­ary 6, he is turn­ing ret­ro­grade for three weeks. Which means Mer­cury will move back out of Water and into the Airy sign of Aquar­ius by Feb­ru­ary 12. Mer­cury will turn direct on the last day of Feb­ru­ary, and on March 17 Mer­cury will return to the sign of Pisces and remain there until April 7. Now that is a quite a lot of skip­ping and jump­ing around between the Watery Worlds of Pisces and the Airy Spaces of Aquarius…and that is pre­cise­ly the point, that is exact­ly the gift you are being offered here.

You are about to have an extend­ed invi­ta­tion to work the “weav­ing way” that leads to a more adept and nuanced sen­si­bil­i­ty. By mov­ing back and forth between Watery Pisces and Airy Aquar­ius, you will be bet­ter able to appre­ci­ate the qual­i­ties of both, and more exact­ly see how they both inform and enhance one another.

For your Feel­ings form the con­tex­tu­al back­ground upon which your Thoughts seek to con­struct your ratio­nal view of your world, and it is this which cre­ates the per­cep­tu­al frame­work of your under­stand­ing. Your Thoughts in turn form the medi­um and means of com­mu­ni­cat­ing your Feel­ings, so that you may bet­ter com­pre­hend your Intu­itive (non-ratio­nal) per­cep­tions that per­mit you to per­ceive what is beyond your con­scious know­ing. It is by weav­ing togeth­er these two ways of expe­ri­enc­ing your rela­tion­ship to your­self and of the world around you, by bal­anc­ing and blend­ing the Mental/Rational and Feeling/Intuitive that you cre­ate the expe­ri­ence of your real­i­ty that not only makes sense but feels right too.

The move­ment of Mer­cury through Pisces inclines your per­cep­tions and thoughts to the more Intu­ition­al Way of Know­ing, for it is here that the focal lens­ing of your mind seeks to slip between or tran­scend the lim­its of any one bound­ary or realm of com­pre­hen­sion. You find your­self inspired by con­sid­er­a­tions of the ulti­mate ques­tions of your Life: of Self­less­ness and Sac­ri­fice, of Com­pas­sion and Uncon­di­tion­al Love, of your Faith and your Fear, of your Ego-Lim­i­ta­tions and your Self-Transcendence.

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Pisces, you need to take time to look more deeply with­in your­self to recon­sid­er your most pre­cious gifts of Dream­ing and Imag­i­na­tion, for they form the core of the pow­er of your Ever-Becom­ing, that you are here quite sim­ply to Grow. But to tru­ly release this won­drous gift, you must nev­er cease to chal­lenge your­self to remove what might fore­stall or impede your spir­i­tu­al progress. And what is that? The shad­ow on your path is prin­ci­pal­ly formed by those haunt­ing echoes of your past fail­ures which form your present day fears, and togeth­er these weigh upon your capac­i­ty to believe in your­self or your fel­low companions.

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Pisces you are asked to lis­ten to your inner voice, your calm and steady com­pan­ion, and remem­ber what has been the source of you and of all that is around you too. That at your core you are of the Divine, and it is this lov­ing Pres­ence that pro­vides you with your Foun­tain Source of Hope. It forms your firm and unshake­able Foun­da­tion that becomes sub­stan­tial and shines forth in the Love you have and the Love that you share and is known to you as your Faith. That from this you know you can rise above any past error or mis­take, that you can learn to do and be bet­ter and that you have noth­ing what­so­ev­er to fear, “for thou art with me”. 

When Mer­cury re-enters Aquar­ius on Feb­ru­ary 12, you will find your­self drawn to reex­am­ine your­self and your world through your Rational/Reasoning Mind, for you need to bet­ter under­stand how you do this, how through your Thought-Forms you are able to cre­ate a New­er, Bet­ter World from the Old in which you abide.

For hav­ing had your Thoughts and Beliefs, your very Hopes and Dreams formed with­in the World as it is, how or from where would the Seed of the New arise, from where would come those won­der­ful­ly dis­rup­tive and free­ing Ideas of Inven­tive­ness, Orig­i­nal­i­ty and Spir­i­tu­al Progress?

Again, you must recon­sid­er and return to source, for here at the Aquar­i­an part of the Heart of you, it is here that you will find that your High­er Mind ever seeks to be as free as pos­si­ble from con­straint and con­ven­tion. That you as a fun­da­men­tal­ly Spir­i­tu­al Being, when you hold your­self with­in these High­er Thought Realms, are able to con­sid­er the world that is and the world that could be from out­side the Per­cep­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of the sta­tus quo. You can ride along with these high­er Thought-Forms which will then take you beyond the accept­ed and rea­son­able of today and show you a Brighter Tomor­row, your High­er Con­scious­ness can show you a New You and a New Earth too.

But just as your Intu­ition­al Know­ing in Pisces must be formed into Thoughts so that you might share your Faith, your Greater Know­ing in Aquar­ius is more Lov­ing­ly expressed when com­bined with those Feel­ings of Fel­low­ship that you share with one anoth­er. For this is most cer­tain­ly true, you must have Faith and you must Believe if you are to See and Know a bet­ter Way too.

This is the Dance of Mer­cury now.…

As you work the “weav­ing-way” of your Ratio­nal and your Intuitional.

You are here To Know and To Feel,

To Keep Togeth­er your Airy and Watery ways.

For In Wis­dom and by your Faith…

You are here to make…

Your Dreams come True.