Monthly Archives: March 2014

New Moon in Aries (March 30, 2014)


So it begins…

The Die is Cast,

The Seed is Sown,

And it is time to meet your Destiny.

The Astro­log­i­cal Year began 10 days ago, and as this Month of March Mad­ness ends you will now enter a most por­ten­tous and pre­cip­i­tous time. The Earth is at the Cen­ter of a Great Align­ment form­ing in the Heav­ens, and King­doms and Princes will clash over the old order that is pass­ing away…

And so you need to be Cen­tered and True to who and what you real­ly are. Beware of the Illu­sions of these Fad­ing Pow­ers and be not drawn into their twi­light dra­ma, their time is past. It is your time to believe in The One, to be Cen­tered in your Spir­it and the Love that is the Prime Mover of this mar­velous Cre­ation. It is time to man­i­fest a New World for the 21st Century.

This New World is not to be found in some exot­ic land or cor­ner of the known world, it is not here nor there. The New World is the Ever-Present True Real­i­ty, it is the Peren­ni­al Resur­gent Spir­it of Truth and Love. The New World is the Alpha and Omega, it is the First World and Last Word, it is “of, by and for the Spir­it”. The New World was, is and will always be here, at the cen­ter of the Uni­verse, here in your heart.

Your New Earth is always with you for it will always be there in your Heart. The New World is every­where, it is both imma­nent and tran­scen­dent, for it is real­ly all about you and this jour­ney of Spir­it. For it is you and all of count­less Seek­ers who are the Dream­ers and Mak­ers of the New Earth…and it will be so, for­ev­er and ever, amen.

At this moment in your jour­ney, in the Spaces of Space around you, a Plan­e­tary is hold­ing fast at each of the Four Direc­tions from which the Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies of Life and Con­scious­ness flow into your Uni­verse. At each “cor­ner” of your life there stand these Four Sen­tinels of Spir­it: Mars blaz­ing in the West, Jupiter secur­ing in the South, Uranus ris­ing in the East and Plu­to, rul­ing over one and all, holds the North. Great Chal­lenges await you and your world, for Awe­some Oppor­tu­ni­ties and Over­whelm­ing Dan­gers will be met on this path of des­tiny, for this is the moment when you and your world will rise or fall again.

For this New Moon of Aries is the har­bin­ger of the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014, the sig­na­ture event of this year and real­ly for many years to come. But do not be afraid, for you have met this chal­lenge before, many times before. This is not a unique nor is this an iso­lat­ed event, it is part of your Sto­ry of Becom­ing. But make no mis­take, this time and place is more impor­tant than many oth­er “moments” you will live through in this life.

This Ren­dezvous with Des­tiny holds and binds you to the past as it calls for you to make a bet­ter future. You live in a time that res­onates with the pains and promis­es of the 1930’s, when Uranus and Plu­to last squared one anoth­er. It is filled with the strug­gles and resur­gence of Spir­it that stirred souls in the 1960’s when Uranus and Plu­to formed their last con­junc­tion. These past align­ments cast for­ward the echoes of the tri­umphs and tragedies of then to now, that how those oth­er moments of mean­ing were under­stood and act­ed upon by you and your fore­bears is brought into what you face today. For it is those past Feel­ings, Thoughts and Actions which have cre­at­ed the Kar­ma and Real­i­ty that now is to be faced by you in this time of reck­on­ing. The ques­tion for you today is will you rise to the chal­lenge of Spir­i­tu­al Truth, do you under­stand what is hap­pen­ing, and what will you choose to do?

For all that mat­ters is here and now, for today is your Time. In truth the only time that real­ly mat­ters, the only Free­dom you will ever expe­ri­ence is in the NOW. This is your time to stand at the Cen­ter of the Four Direc­tions and choose to hold to the Sacred Truths that hold all of Cre­ation togeth­er in the One. It is always time, but nev­er more than now, to be cen­tered and at peace and choose to be a Con­scious Cre­ator of this New World, the New Earth that you will make as Moth­er-Father, just as you have done many times before. You are Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you cre­ate this Life and many Lives through your Dreams, your Feel­ings, your Thoughts and your Actions.

The Ancient Teach­ings, the Foun­tain-Source for all Reli­gions, Philoso­phies and Sci­ences, holds this as one of the most fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of this Jour­ney of Spir­it: That All of this Cre­ation is Alive, from the small­est mote to the Galax­ies and beyond, all of THAT is Con­scious­ness in Motion. All are at the core a Mon­ad, a Cen­ter of Con­scious­ness, and so Spir­it is found every­where as Con­scious­ness Cen­ters that are wend­ing their way through these Mat­ter-Forms. All that is seen and unseen by you is self-unfold­ing Life, and all of these count­less indi­vid­ual lives and com­bi­na­tions of  lives, which of course is what you are (for you are your own host of beings don’t you know), all these life forms which include your Beau­ti­ful Blue world, and the Galax­ies and even greater Enti­ties that lie beyond, all of IT is alive and each mon­ad only varies from the oth­er in terms of its degree of devel­op­ment of Consciousness.

All of Cre­ation is formed by this innu­mer­able host of “Ensouled Beings”. This is in fact where the very term “Zodi­ac” comes from. The Zodi­ac lit­er­al­ly means the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the ones who are “ani­mate”, that are filled with life as are you and all that sur­rounds you is the Liv­ing Spir­it too. From the least to the great­est, all are “alive”, includ­ing the Stars, the Suns and Plan­ets. They like you are Spir­it mov­ing through and up the Lad­der of Life…And this is why, since you and they are “broth­ers and sis­ters”, this is why they watch over and influ­ence you, as you too influ­ence them as well…Oh yes, you do have your effects upon them too, just ask your dear Moth­er Earth. For all are part of the One Great Life, and so it is the Law of this One­ness of Life that it fol­lows: “As above, so Below”.

So, what are you to do today, what are you to make of this New Moon in Aries today?

Yes it is just like any New Moon. It is a time to appre­ci­ate this Gift of Spir­it offered by the Union of your Star and your Moon. It is a time to receive and be grate­ful for the guid­ance and inspi­ra­tion that is there for you. So take some time today to pause, to con­sid­er your “Pres­ence” in your world.

Aries is the Les­son and Pow­er of Atti­tude and Inten­tion. That it is by the prop­er cre­ation of a “Per­sona of Pur­pose” that you may stride through your world in the most effec­tive and mean­ing­ful man­ner. To nei­ther Under­whelm or Over­reach but to hit the mark and be a con­sid­er­ate, lov­ing pres­ence in each space you enter into. For upon each turn­ing of a cor­ner, as you move into any space what­so­ev­er it will change. What change did you bring about, what was the effect of your pas­sage in this space? The ques­tion that will be asked of you as your life is weighed when you reach your end in this one: Did you con­tribute to the bet­ter­ment of your world or not? Did you bring Light to the Dark, Kind­ness to those in Pain, Strength to those who were Weak, Love to those who were Lost? 

But this New Moon is the her­ald of greater mat­ters that you must also take into con­sid­er­a­tion. For in the next sev­er­al days the Sun will align with all of the afore­men­tioned Watch­ers at the Cor­ners of your por­tion of Space. On April 1 the Sun will square Jupiter. On April 2 he will con­junct with Uranus. On April 3 he will square Plu­to. And on April 8 the Sun will oppose Mars.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross  of 2014 will become acti­vat­ed and made ready and so should you. You will need to stand in your cen­ter and face these Four Direc­tions, to lis­ten to the Truth of each and be the Self-Aware Con­scious­ness that can hold all four truths as One.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014 is here, and your world and you will face this Kar­ma. The Chal­lenges before you were put in motion long ago, and you are mere­ly reap­ing what you have sown, the Good and the less good. You and many oth­ers set this all in motion long ago…and that is your sal­va­tion too. For it is your Cre­ation and you can change what is and what might yet be by how you act in the NOW.

How and what you face today, tomor­row and over the next many weeks, months and even years to come is what you must under­stand. That is what you must decide, you need to con­sid­er how you will Act with right Inten­tion in this Time of Des­tiny. You must stand in the Cen­ter, you must look to the Four Direc­tions and lis­ten to what each Watch­er of the Way has to offer you:

From Mars in Libra you are to Act to restore Beau­ty and Justice,

From Jupiter in Can­cer you are to stand Cen­tered in the Truths that you Share,

From Uranus in Aries you are to Free your Mind and to Act with­out Fear,

From Plu­to in Capri­corn you are to Ful­fill your Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Be what you Are.

You are Spirit,

You are Light,

You are Love,

Be that.

Sun Enters Aries — The Spring Equinox (March 20, 2014)


Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

You and your Earth have come around once more…

Through Twelve Man­sions of Spir­i­tu­al Energy.

You have walked The Cir­cle of Life that is your Becoming.

Through Four Rays of Being, by Fire-Earth-Air-Water,

In Three Ways of Mov­ing, of Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable,

By these Four and Three, Spir­it ever weaves the mean­ings of your Journey.

By these Twelve Ways, in these Twelve Lessons, and from these Twelve Truths,

You will Find and Ful­fill yourself. 

These are your Songs of Spir­it, these the Dances of your Life.

Today marks a New Beginning…

A New Sea­son of Life is here.

You and Nature poised and balanced,

Between Ener­gy and Mat­ter, between Spir­it and Form.

It is the Tip­ping Point of the Divine, and you are at

The Razor’s Edge between the Dark­ness and the Light.

Aries is here and your new Dawn of Days is full of the Promise of Joy­ful Beginnings…But before you can sal­ly forth, before you set off upon your New Adven­tures, chas­ing your Dreams, Singing your Songs and Lov­ing with all your Heart…Before you can do that, or any­thing what­so­ev­er, you must stand before the Mir­ror of Mean­ing. You need to look beyond the forms and veils and see exact­ly what it is that looks back upon you from in there.

Here in the Man­sion of Aries, in the First House of Spir­it, you must answer the Peren­ni­al Pri­mal Question…Do you know what and who you are? What do you see there look­ing back at you? Is it just a vehi­cle of flesh and bones, a col­lec­tion of ele­ments and com­pounds, fired by elec­tro-chem­i­cal impuls­es that ener­gize these earthy mate­ri­als to pro­duce a sen­sa­tion of “liv­ing mat­ter”, the bones-mus­cles-organs being pulled and pushed by tran­sient feel­ings and thought-forms? Is that what you are?

Look more deeply, beyond this vehi­cle of illu­sion, beyond the Veil of Earth that you required and took up as a cloak to wear while in this Realm of Mat­ter. Look beyond your­self, look beyond any life-form or object, beyond the small­est mote or the grand­est of galaxies…and what will you find? Open your Heart, lis­ten to the Voice of the Silence, what is there?

It is Spir­it, the Spark of the Divine, the Jew­el in the Lotus…That is what you will find, that is what you feel, that is what you will know. You will sense the Won­der and Love at the heart of Cre­ation. That there at the Heart of you and of all of Cre­ation is “The Pres­ence”, the Aware­ness that is Father-Moth­er, that behind and at the utter­most core of every and all there is quite sim­ply ONE.

There is no name, it is far beyond words or under­stand­ing, you per­ceive the Mys­tery that is there, for THAT is there…and you need to bow your head and acknowl­edge the Truth, I am THAT. I am the Pres­ence and that what is with­in me and in all of Cre­ation is this ONE. And so you will know, for it must sure­ly be, that from the begin­ning, and through all Forms, Lives, Worlds and Times, all is of this ONE and this ONE is all, and you and all are held by this ONE in LOVE…that is who you are.

And so from this Cen­ter of Cre­ation, being one of the ones of the ONE, you have sal­lied forth on your Jour­ney of Becom­ing. A Spark of the Divine, mov­ing from form to form, life to life, world to world as you unfold from with­in your Divin­i­ty and so lift your aware­ness by Tri­al and Error, by Learn­ing to Choose to Be what is Right and Good, as you unfold from unself­con­scious­ness to Cos­mic Con­scious­ness and Co-Cre­ator with your fel­low com­pan­ions in the Light.

Who are you? You are your own Cre­ation, you are your Kar­ma. By your thoughts and deeds, your Suc­cess­es and Tri­umphs, your Sins of Omis­sion and Com­mis­sion, what you are here today is what you have made of your­self over count­less lives and through innu­mer­able worlds. You are ancient and yet you are still as a child learn­ing how to play in these Fields of Fan­ta­sy. You are a Co-Cre­ator in the mak­ing, learn­ing to grasp the sim­ple but pro­found truth that you have made you what you are, and now you are mak­ing what you are to become.

And so now you need to face this brand new Day, this pre­cious New Year, this gift of Life…and what will you do, what will you become? What Dreams will you fol­low, what seeds will you sow, what paths will be blazed, how far will you reach…or will you stum­ble and fall? 

What mat­ters now is but one thing…Intention. First Things First, all else will fol­low. If you under­stand, if even but a lit­tle bit, the import and arc of your sto­ry, then you should know that it all comes down to this. For in each first step, in every Dream or Thought or Feel­ing or Action that you Cre­ate, in that moment of the Alpha is held Omega too. What you sow you will reap, what you give you shall receive, the Law of the Uni­verse is per­fect and true, it is your Sal­va­tion and Hope.

When you turn any cor­ner, when you enter any space what­so­ev­er, what did you bring to it? What effect did you have upon your world? Did you bring sooth­ing to those who were trou­bled, did you bring under­stand­ing to those who could not see, did you offer Love to those who felt lost?

Each moment counts, every thought, feel­ing and action will resound and rever­ber­ate in the Cho­rus of Karma…but first things mat­ter most of all.

How will you begin today? How will you begin your year?

You have the Pow­er to change yourself,

You have the respon­si­bil­i­ty to heal your World.

For you have made you, and you have made this World too.

Begin with Right Intention…

Begin with Right Think­ing, Right Feel­ing and Right Action.

Be Seri­ous and Playful,

Be Wise and Forgiving,

Be Joy­ous and Grateful,

But above all…

Be Lov­ing and Kind to one and all.

Be who you real­ly are.

Mercury Enter Pisces (March 17, 2014)


The weav­ing of your Ratio­nal and Intu­ition­al ways of know­ing comes back into focus once more as Mer­cury returns to the Waters of Pisces. He is com­plet­ing his ret­ro­grade round­about where­in he moved back­wards from Pisces into Aquar­ius. Now hav­ing turned direct on Feb­ru­ary 28 he once again reen­ters Pisces where he will remain for the next three weeks until April 7.

This loop­ing of Mer­cury between Pisces to Aquar­ius and back into Pisces offers you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bet­ter under­stand the Dance of Spir­it that will always serve to quick­en the unfold­ment of your Con­scious­ness. For you will find that your Growth of Con­scious­ness depends upon the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Intel­lect and your Intuition.

Your pow­er to con­tin­u­ous­ly expand your fac­ul­ty of Rea­son, to build the Men­tal Mir­ror­ing of your Real­i­ty as you under­stand it, is actu­al­ly found­ed upon the Inspi­ra­tion that comes from your Intuition…and as in all of your won­drous Spir­i­tu­al Pow­ers, your High­er Mind and Intu­ition are found­ed and formed in your High­er Self.

Your Rea­son and Intu­ition bal­ance and inform one anoth­er con­tin­u­ous­ly, as you seek to dis­cern the forms of Ener­gy-Mat­ter that you encounter as “sub­stan­tial” and “fac­tu­al” in your World. You draw upon your Imag­i­na­tion to dis­cern the Can­vas of Spir­it upon which life unfolds, and then by Obser­va­tion and Rea­son you form the Intel­lec­tu­al Mir­ror of that real­i­ty as artic­u­lat­ed in your Truths, Prin­ci­ples and Laws of Being for that World.

But your very rea­son­ing abil­i­ty at any one time becomes formed in and lim­it­ed by that very Real­i­ty it assumes to be the one or True Real­i­ty. Yes, it is true for you, this is how it must be at any par­tic­u­lar place and time. But there are many lay­ers, dimen­sions and “Real­i­ties” in this Universe…And your Spir­it, your High­er Self can­not rest until it has helped you to mas­ter them all. 

Your Spir­it will ever draw you to this Greater Real­i­ty with­in which you tru­ly exist, for it is where your High­er Self does for­ev­er reside. It calls to you by inti­ma­tions of some­thing greater, some­thing deep­er and more pro­found. The Inspi­ra­tions come to you in Dreams and Gen­tle Whis­pers of Spir­i­tu­al Intu­ition. These Mes­sages from your Muse per­mit you to slip beyond the con­fines of any one Par­a­digm of Rea­son and to Imag­ine a dif­fer­ent con­struct of Real­i­ty. You slip beyond the Rea­son and Rules of one Order of Being and, even if for just a short while, par­take of some­thing more sub­lime and per­haps some­thing more True.

You seri­al­ly move through time and space from one order of Real­i­ty to anoth­er. You Intu­it a New Order, and by your Rea­son­ing form the laws to live with­in it. Then, through Inti­ma­tions from your Immor­tal Self, you will Imag­ine and Dream beyond this, and you will form for your­self a New­er, Greater Real­i­ty. Then you will, by your Rea­son, estab­lish the Truths, Prin­ci­ples and Laws for this new Par­a­digm of Reality…and so on, and so on. This is the Spi­ral Jour­ney of your Becoming…

For you today, for your Under­stand­ing in any one life, you will find your own Intel­lect or Men­tal Dis­po­si­tion is best explained or artic­u­lat­ed by the con­di­tions in your own chart, by the place­ment of Mer­cury by Sign and House in your chart, as well as by the aspects that Mer­cury forms to the oth­er planets.

But it is also true that with­in you as around you there exists all of these Songs of Spir­it singing and sweep­ing through you. That is why you need to under­stand all of the Signs for your Mind and your Spir­it, to lis­ten to the mean­ings of Aries and Tau­rus, to under­stand the Songs of Gem­i­ni and Can­cer, and so here as well to hear­ken to the lessons that are so beau­ti­ful­ly offered by Aquar­ius and Pisces too.

While Mer­cury sweeps through Pisces you should let your mind slip beyond the bound­aries of what you expect. You need to dream a lit­tle more, to lis­ten for the whis­pers of your Soul, to hear the Winds of the Spir­it blow­ing through you and your world, to dream beyond the bor­ders of this world and dream of what might be…for you are here for one thing only, to grow.

You can Imag­ine a bet­ter you…

You can Dream of a bet­ter world.

And if you believe, if you have Faith,

It will be so.




Full Moon in Virgo (March 16, 2014)


The Twelfth Illu­mi­na­tion is here…

The Final Step before you begin, again.

For a New Year approaches,

And you must pre­pare the Way.

Twelve Signs, Twelve Moons will mark your Path,

As you the Pil­grim reach for that Promised Land.

The Alpha and Omega, togeth­er once more,

The Infin­i­tes­i­mal and Infi­nite, held as One.

The Sin­gu­lar­i­ty that is Spirit,

Eter­nal Now.

Twelve times around The Wheel of Life, Luna weaves those webs of des­tiny, she cir­cles in and out, up and down, as she will ever stand between Earth and what for you is the Incom­pre­hen­si­ble Infin­i­ty, those spaces of Space that sur­round you. She has but one call­ing, she is there to look after you, her child and hope, as she weaves and mod­u­lates those Awe­some ener­gies that sweep over, around and through you.

For Space is not an empti­ness, it is not a mere ves­sel or con­tain­er. Space is the Plero­ma, it is the Full­ness of Spir­it and Mat­ter, of Inner and Out­er Spaces and end­less Hier­ar­chies of Being beyond your Know­ing. And all of THAT is but the many, mir­ror­ing aspects of the One Life Divine, the one life which is your life too.

These Uni­ver­sal Forms and Ener­gies stream forth for you on Earth from the Shin­ing One, the Roy­al Regent you know as Sun, and then are mod­u­lat­ed in Form and Mean­ing as they stream between the Sun and his Court. The Sun with these oth­er Lords or Plan­e­taries cre­ate the Sacred Songs of Space that ring out in a Won­drous and Beau­ti­ful Majesty of Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion for you as they hold to their appoint­ed places and rounds in your Solar System.

Between them all there stands dear, dear Luna. She stands between those Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies that stream from the Lumi­nous One and his Court, she stands between them all so as to mod­u­late and medi­ate their gifts for you here on Earth. For the Moon is the Moth­er, and she will ever pro­tect, nur­ture and care­ful­ly atten­u­ate those awe­some offer­ings for you her chil­dren here on Earth.

She comes once more to her out­er­most post, out beyond your orbital path and so she is bathed there in the Fullest Light of the Sun. She stands out in that beyond, a Mag­ic Mir­ror of Solar Force so that you might not lose your way. For in each and every Sign you can go “too far”, you may burn so bright­ly with that Solar Force and for­get that there is but one true way, The Way, that Inte­gral Path of Whole­ness where all Twelve Rays are as One. You can­not be in Aries with­out being in Libra, you can­not hold in Can­cer with­out stand­ing in Capri­corn. And now you must com­plete the Cir­cle of Life, you must hon­or and live in Vir­go as you move through Pisces too.

So as the Solar Song sings through this time of Pisces, Luna brings you the gift of Bal­ance and Com­pen­sa­tion from the cho­rus that is Vir­go. The noblest gifts are to be found here in Pisces, for in this Twelve of the Twelve you stand at the Sum­ma Codex of Life, and you can Intu­it and Feel, per­haps even under­stand and so bow your head before the Great Mys­tery Revealed. That all of this Cre­ation, every mote and speck, every being and plan­et and star, all are sparks of this Life Divine, all are held togeth­er in the Love which is the Abid­ing Force that springs from the very Root of Cre­ation itself, and this same Uncon­di­tion­al Love comes from with­in you too.

But from these lofty Heights of Uni­ver­sal Love, Bound­less Joy and Infi­nite Com­pas­sion you may still stum­ble and fall, yes even here you may for­get to main­tain the most fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple. That you are a Sacred Cen­ter and there are lines and bound­aries you should not cross, (at least not until you are tru­ly ready and under­stand how, when and why this may be done). For with­out this under­stand­ing you can give too much, lose too much of your­self for anoth­er, and instead of mak­ing a sac­ri­fice you stum­ble and fall into being the very sac­ri­fice itself…and this is not the way, this is not your way to Beau­ty, Truth and Love at all.

So the Full Moon in Vir­go pro­vides the way of under­stand­ing now. That you must Love with Wis­dom, expe­ri­ence Joy with Understanding…and to do this you must live a Life that is marked by a Dis­cern­ing Compassion.

For you must not cast your Pearls (your Love) before swine. You must Live the Truth of being a Spark of the Divine and bring forth this very same expe­ri­ence by relat­ing in this man­ner with whomev­er stands before you.

Look to Luna, rid­ing high and illumined…

Your Medi­a­trix, your Mother.

She is there to show you the Way.

She offers the Gift of Beauty…because you must make your­self Whole.

She offers the Gift of Truth…because you must under­stand why you are here.

She offers the Gift of Love…because you are to be the Love that you are.

Jupiter Turns Direct (March 6, 2014)


As not­ed in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Direct (March 6 until Decem­ber 8)

Jupiter who has been ret­ro­grade since ear­ly Novem­ber moves for­ward again. You have had the last four months to con­sid­er the nature of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs. The focus of Growth and Under­stand­ing has been with­in one­self. Now with this renew­al of the way in which you relate to your world, you can move out to sub­stan­ti­ate this Greater Under­stand­ing in your build­ing of a bet­ter world.

Your Avatar of Truth, your faith­ful guide upon the path of Under­stand­ing is turn­ing once more. For the past four months you have moved inwards with Jupiter, as you explored the Foun­da­tions of your Beliefs that are formed in the realm of your Roots, in the Sign of Cancer. 

Your orig­i­nal Truths, formed and nur­tured in your Fam­i­ly of birth and/or of choice, and then fur­ther devel­oped with­in ever larg­er Cir­cles of Life Expe­ri­ence, have been revised, renewed and affirmed by your recon­nec­tion to source. You have affirmed what is tru­ly your core of con­vic­tions, and you should have dis­missed and let go of what had nev­er been true or is no longer true for you.

You have tak­en the path of Inner Growth for the past four months, seek­ing to find what is tru­ly cen­ter­ing and authen­tic, for you felt this need to know your Truth. Though you may wish and believe that you must always grow and expand out­ward­ly, the Truth of Spir­it is that before you can go out­wards you must go with­in. For how could you know or under­stand where you should go if you had not first under­stood from where you have come?

Your answer to the ques­tion, “where should I go, what should I do”, does not exist “out there”. Your answer, which lies with­in your Heart and Soul, is formed by the lev­el of Spir­i­tu­al Devel­op­ment and Awak­en­ing to which you have attained. Your degree of Spir­i­tu­al Matu­ri­ty forms what you are able to com­pre­hend and under­stand of your­self and your world. It is from this Lev­el of Matu­ri­ty or Wis­dom that you will under­stand from where you have come, and why you are here…and then, and only then, will you tru­ly know where are you going.

Today Jupiter turns, and it is time to apply what you have secured by your restored and renewed foun­da­tions. With your Self more tru­ly cen­tered upon what you stand for, you can bring into pur­pose­ful man­i­fes­ta­tion your Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths, you can do this with Conviction…and with Car­ing too.

For the Waters of Can­cer will have helped you to con­nect to one of the Abid­ing and Peren­ni­al Prin­ci­ples, to the Core of Spir­i­tu­al Truth:

“That we are all related.”

So guid­ed by Jupiter in Can­cer you will relate to your world from this under­stand­ing: That as regards with how you will con­duct your­self towards any oth­er, your first and most impor­tant prin­ci­ple will be, “there too am I”, and I will treat with them as I wish to be treat­ed too.

That all you wish for yourself,

Is to be Loved.

And all that you need do, is

Be Con­stant and True.

For this Love was given,

It forms the very Core of you,

All that you need fol­low, is

The Gold­en Rule.

Love one Another.

Care for and Love one another.
