Daily Archives: March 2, 2014

Saturn Turns Retrograde (March 2, 2014)


As not­ed in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014, today marks the begin­ning of Sat­urn’s four and half month ret­ro­grade in Scorpio:

Sat­urn Ret­ro­grade (March 2 until July 20)

Sat­urn begins his year­ly ret­ro­grade, and once again he is tak­ing you inward in Scor­pio to con­sid­er what may be found there that might form the obsta­cle to a greater Union in your life. As before, the shad­ows of the past, your fears about rejec­tion or loss have to be faced and released here first, with­in your­self, for only then will you find it pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence your joy of a deep­er Union out there with one another.

The Lord of Real­i­ty is turn­ing around…

And you will turn with him too.

Once again you must face your Fear…

That bro­ken mir­ror of your Past.

For if you would make a bet­ter world…

Then you must start at the beginning,

You must start with the Real­i­ty of You.

Sat­urn is mov­ing through Scor­pio, and the par­tic­u­lar aspect of your real­i­ty that you will know is being test­ed con­cerns your Unions with one anoth­er. But what you must also under­stand is that because of this Sat­ur­nine chal­lenge, that it is here in your Unions where you can and may expe­ri­ence the most pro­found heal­ing and restoration…if you hear­ken to Sat­urn’s song.

That song of Sat­urn has shift­ed now, for while he is ret­ro­grade this “Real­i­ty Test” of your Unions will be focused back upon your­self. You will find that what you must and can do is dis­cern what you car­ry with­in you that has con­tributed to the dif­fi­cul­ties you have encoun­tered in your attempt to form or improve the Unions in your life.

There is per­haps no greater joy than Union, to slip beyond the lim­its forged by your mor­tal frame, to let go of being alone and sep­a­rate, and expe­ri­ence the sub­lime bliss of becom­ing one with anoth­er. There is noth­ing quite like this, when you tru­ly know and feel your one­ness with one anoth­er, and you each expe­ri­ence this most bind­ing yet total­ly free­ing expe­ri­ence of being accept­ed, under­stood and loved for who you are.

Yet, as much as this sub­lime Joy is the nec­tar of Spir­i­tu­al Union, the pain and sor­row of a Join­ing that has come undone, or the rejec­tion of a Union that might have been will tru­ly be felt as the great­est pain that you have ever experienced.

And you have had both of these, the Joy and the Pain, the Promise of Immor­tal­i­ty and the Fear of Death, and because you “remem­ber”, you bring these expe­ri­ences into your present in your Hopes and in your Fears.

You long to be one with anoth­er, but you may not cre­ate the nec­es­sary con­di­tions as you also hold back out of fear…And in so doing, you may bring about the very thing you were seek­ing to avoid. In your fear of being hurt again, you fail to cre­ate the space of Inti­ma­cy and Trust the Union requires…and what could have been can­not be. You try to pre­vent anoth­er expe­ri­ence of pain, which brings it back yet again. For if you act on the basis of Fear, then you will bring about the very thing that you do fear. 

And it is pre­cise­ly here that Sat­urn will offer you a help­ing hand. For you are here to grow and to learn to do bet­ter, and Sat­urn is “the teacher” who can take to the depths where awaits your High­er Self and the Union with­in. You will with Sat­urn’s help take out your dis­cern­ing Sword of Sev­er­ance, and with it you will cut these chords that bind you to your past pain and fear. You can do this for you now see that these fears are mere­ly the remain­ders of anoth­er life where you loved and you lost too. And you will under­stand that is “the way”, that this is the path that you must walk, and that this is what it means to be an Immor­tal in a mor­tal frame.

From this you can know and accept that there will many join­ings and sep­a­ra­tions, in life after life and through­out the span of any one life too. For how could there be one with­out the oth­er? But you can remain firm and resolved and go forth to join again and again in this and in all your lives because of that stead­fast Union which will remain. For there is always one who will not waver in their Uncon­di­tion­al Love for you, whose very essence forms the foun­da­tion behind each join­ing and sep­a­ra­tion you have in life after life, and is the real you behind all of your appear­ances, your Beloved High­er Self.

The les­son of Sat­urn here is that you should be fear­less because you are love and loved, always. That if you give into these fears of your past and pull back from the joy that could be made in a Union here and now, well that would be a tragedy. For that is you reject­ing your­self, that is you deny­ing your own true nature.

Sat­urn and your High­er Self will patient­ly show you that your fear of loss and rejec­tion is of the past, it is formed by the echoes of lives lived long, long ago. But you are not that same per­son as you were then, and Sat­urn with your High­er Self will help you now to face your fears, let them go and turn with Love to today and tomorrow. 

You will face your Fear…

You will know it for what it is,


You are an Immortal,

Pass­ing through many mor­tal lives.

Hold to the One Within,

Feel the Love.

Then turn to the one before you,

And Love.