Daily Archives: March 4, 2014

Venus Enters Aquarius (March 5, 2014)


She is the Light-Bring­ing won­der of the Dawn…

Dear Venus ris­ing before the Sun,

Singing her songs of Love and Beauty.

Your Avatar of Heart and Soul,

Will shine by a dif­fer­ent Light today.

She sings now of Hopes and Dreams,

Of Kind­li­ness and Consideration.

For your Dreams are made of one another,

Your hopes and their hopes made One.

You are Spir­it Farm­ers plant­i­ng Futures,

In the ash­es of the Past.

Your New Earth, see her Rising,

As you turn and Praise the Dawn.

Venus is chang­ing her Song of Spir­it. For quite some time, since Novem­ber in fact, Venus has mod­u­lat­ed her sen­si­bil­i­ty so as to align with the melodies of Capri­corn. Nor­mal­ly Venus moves through a sign in about three weeks, so that was quite an expe­ri­ence for her and for you too!

Venus in Capri­corn graced you with appre­ci­a­tion and due rev­er­ence for those Ancient Val­ues and Ways of Lov­ing, and these will stand the Test of Time. But it is time for Venus to move beyond these clas­si­cal, time­less ways of Tradition…she hears a dif­fer­ent Song danc­ing through the Air. Venus leaves these trea­sures of Gold­en Ages, and you turn with smil­ing eyes wide open, sparkling with dreams of future days.

Your Avatar of Love and Beau­ty smiles and sings of New Tomor­rows, for Aquar­ius is final­ly here. Your best is not behind you, no you have not seen it yet. Your Future is there wait­ing, and your tomor­row will be met. It is there in the dreams you share with one anoth­er, with those you know as Friend.

And all that you have ever want­ed, and all that will mat­ter in the end, is that you can be your­self com­plete­ly, to be loved and known for who you tru­ly are. You will enjoy this Truest Free­dom as you must, with one anoth­er. That you are free to be your­self pre­cise­ly because you are with those who want and need only this of you, and you return the same with love for them. 

Venus ris­es and you will hear your Future,

The Light-Bear­er, singing Free­dom’s song.

A New Gold­en Age awaits,

You Mak­ers of Tomorrow.

Sing your Songs of Freedom,

Break­ing with the Dawn.