Sun Enters Aries — The Spring Equinox (March 20, 2014)


Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

You and your Earth have come around once more…

Through Twelve Man­sions of Spir­i­tu­al Energy.

You have walked The Cir­cle of Life that is your Becoming.

Through Four Rays of Being, by Fire-Earth-Air-Water,

In Three Ways of Mov­ing, of Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable,

By these Four and Three, Spir­it ever weaves the mean­ings of your Journey.

By these Twelve Ways, in these Twelve Lessons, and from these Twelve Truths,

You will Find and Ful­fill yourself. 

These are your Songs of Spir­it, these the Dances of your Life.

Today marks a New Beginning…

A New Sea­son of Life is here.

You and Nature poised and balanced,

Between Ener­gy and Mat­ter, between Spir­it and Form.

It is the Tip­ping Point of the Divine, and you are at

The Razor’s Edge between the Dark­ness and the Light.

Aries is here and your new Dawn of Days is full of the Promise of Joy­ful Beginnings…But before you can sal­ly forth, before you set off upon your New Adven­tures, chas­ing your Dreams, Singing your Songs and Lov­ing with all your Heart…Before you can do that, or any­thing what­so­ev­er, you must stand before the Mir­ror of Mean­ing. You need to look beyond the forms and veils and see exact­ly what it is that looks back upon you from in there.

Here in the Man­sion of Aries, in the First House of Spir­it, you must answer the Peren­ni­al Pri­mal Question…Do you know what and who you are? What do you see there look­ing back at you? Is it just a vehi­cle of flesh and bones, a col­lec­tion of ele­ments and com­pounds, fired by elec­tro-chem­i­cal impuls­es that ener­gize these earthy mate­ri­als to pro­duce a sen­sa­tion of “liv­ing mat­ter”, the bones-mus­cles-organs being pulled and pushed by tran­sient feel­ings and thought-forms? Is that what you are?

Look more deeply, beyond this vehi­cle of illu­sion, beyond the Veil of Earth that you required and took up as a cloak to wear while in this Realm of Mat­ter. Look beyond your­self, look beyond any life-form or object, beyond the small­est mote or the grand­est of galaxies…and what will you find? Open your Heart, lis­ten to the Voice of the Silence, what is there?

It is Spir­it, the Spark of the Divine, the Jew­el in the Lotus…That is what you will find, that is what you feel, that is what you will know. You will sense the Won­der and Love at the heart of Cre­ation. That there at the Heart of you and of all of Cre­ation is “The Pres­ence”, the Aware­ness that is Father-Moth­er, that behind and at the utter­most core of every and all there is quite sim­ply ONE.

There is no name, it is far beyond words or under­stand­ing, you per­ceive the Mys­tery that is there, for THAT is there…and you need to bow your head and acknowl­edge the Truth, I am THAT. I am the Pres­ence and that what is with­in me and in all of Cre­ation is this ONE. And so you will know, for it must sure­ly be, that from the begin­ning, and through all Forms, Lives, Worlds and Times, all is of this ONE and this ONE is all, and you and all are held by this ONE in LOVE…that is who you are.

And so from this Cen­ter of Cre­ation, being one of the ones of the ONE, you have sal­lied forth on your Jour­ney of Becom­ing. A Spark of the Divine, mov­ing from form to form, life to life, world to world as you unfold from with­in your Divin­i­ty and so lift your aware­ness by Tri­al and Error, by Learn­ing to Choose to Be what is Right and Good, as you unfold from unself­con­scious­ness to Cos­mic Con­scious­ness and Co-Cre­ator with your fel­low com­pan­ions in the Light.

Who are you? You are your own Cre­ation, you are your Kar­ma. By your thoughts and deeds, your Suc­cess­es and Tri­umphs, your Sins of Omis­sion and Com­mis­sion, what you are here today is what you have made of your­self over count­less lives and through innu­mer­able worlds. You are ancient and yet you are still as a child learn­ing how to play in these Fields of Fan­ta­sy. You are a Co-Cre­ator in the mak­ing, learn­ing to grasp the sim­ple but pro­found truth that you have made you what you are, and now you are mak­ing what you are to become.

And so now you need to face this brand new Day, this pre­cious New Year, this gift of Life…and what will you do, what will you become? What Dreams will you fol­low, what seeds will you sow, what paths will be blazed, how far will you reach…or will you stum­ble and fall? 

What mat­ters now is but one thing…Intention. First Things First, all else will fol­low. If you under­stand, if even but a lit­tle bit, the import and arc of your sto­ry, then you should know that it all comes down to this. For in each first step, in every Dream or Thought or Feel­ing or Action that you Cre­ate, in that moment of the Alpha is held Omega too. What you sow you will reap, what you give you shall receive, the Law of the Uni­verse is per­fect and true, it is your Sal­va­tion and Hope.

When you turn any cor­ner, when you enter any space what­so­ev­er, what did you bring to it? What effect did you have upon your world? Did you bring sooth­ing to those who were trou­bled, did you bring under­stand­ing to those who could not see, did you offer Love to those who felt lost?

Each moment counts, every thought, feel­ing and action will resound and rever­ber­ate in the Cho­rus of Karma…but first things mat­ter most of all.

How will you begin today? How will you begin your year?

You have the Pow­er to change yourself,

You have the respon­si­bil­i­ty to heal your World.

For you have made you, and you have made this World too.

Begin with Right Intention…

Begin with Right Think­ing, Right Feel­ing and Right Action.

Be Seri­ous and Playful,

Be Wise and Forgiving,

Be Joy­ous and Grateful,

But above all…

Be Lov­ing and Kind to one and all.

Be who you real­ly are.

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