Daily Archives: March 29, 2014

New Moon in Aries (March 30, 2014)


So it begins…

The Die is Cast,

The Seed is Sown,

And it is time to meet your Destiny.

The Astro­log­i­cal Year began 10 days ago, and as this Month of March Mad­ness ends you will now enter a most por­ten­tous and pre­cip­i­tous time. The Earth is at the Cen­ter of a Great Align­ment form­ing in the Heav­ens, and King­doms and Princes will clash over the old order that is pass­ing away…

And so you need to be Cen­tered and True to who and what you real­ly are. Beware of the Illu­sions of these Fad­ing Pow­ers and be not drawn into their twi­light dra­ma, their time is past. It is your time to believe in The One, to be Cen­tered in your Spir­it and the Love that is the Prime Mover of this mar­velous Cre­ation. It is time to man­i­fest a New World for the 21st Century.

This New World is not to be found in some exot­ic land or cor­ner of the known world, it is not here nor there. The New World is the Ever-Present True Real­i­ty, it is the Peren­ni­al Resur­gent Spir­it of Truth and Love. The New World is the Alpha and Omega, it is the First World and Last Word, it is “of, by and for the Spir­it”. The New World was, is and will always be here, at the cen­ter of the Uni­verse, here in your heart.

Your New Earth is always with you for it will always be there in your Heart. The New World is every­where, it is both imma­nent and tran­scen­dent, for it is real­ly all about you and this jour­ney of Spir­it. For it is you and all of count­less Seek­ers who are the Dream­ers and Mak­ers of the New Earth…and it will be so, for­ev­er and ever, amen.

At this moment in your jour­ney, in the Spaces of Space around you, a Plan­e­tary is hold­ing fast at each of the Four Direc­tions from which the Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies of Life and Con­scious­ness flow into your Uni­verse. At each “cor­ner” of your life there stand these Four Sen­tinels of Spir­it: Mars blaz­ing in the West, Jupiter secur­ing in the South, Uranus ris­ing in the East and Plu­to, rul­ing over one and all, holds the North. Great Chal­lenges await you and your world, for Awe­some Oppor­tu­ni­ties and Over­whelm­ing Dan­gers will be met on this path of des­tiny, for this is the moment when you and your world will rise or fall again.

For this New Moon of Aries is the har­bin­ger of the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014, the sig­na­ture event of this year and real­ly for many years to come. But do not be afraid, for you have met this chal­lenge before, many times before. This is not a unique nor is this an iso­lat­ed event, it is part of your Sto­ry of Becom­ing. But make no mis­take, this time and place is more impor­tant than many oth­er “moments” you will live through in this life.

This Ren­dezvous with Des­tiny holds and binds you to the past as it calls for you to make a bet­ter future. You live in a time that res­onates with the pains and promis­es of the 1930’s, when Uranus and Plu­to last squared one anoth­er. It is filled with the strug­gles and resur­gence of Spir­it that stirred souls in the 1960’s when Uranus and Plu­to formed their last con­junc­tion. These past align­ments cast for­ward the echoes of the tri­umphs and tragedies of then to now, that how those oth­er moments of mean­ing were under­stood and act­ed upon by you and your fore­bears is brought into what you face today. For it is those past Feel­ings, Thoughts and Actions which have cre­at­ed the Kar­ma and Real­i­ty that now is to be faced by you in this time of reck­on­ing. The ques­tion for you today is will you rise to the chal­lenge of Spir­i­tu­al Truth, do you under­stand what is hap­pen­ing, and what will you choose to do?

For all that mat­ters is here and now, for today is your Time. In truth the only time that real­ly mat­ters, the only Free­dom you will ever expe­ri­ence is in the NOW. This is your time to stand at the Cen­ter of the Four Direc­tions and choose to hold to the Sacred Truths that hold all of Cre­ation togeth­er in the One. It is always time, but nev­er more than now, to be cen­tered and at peace and choose to be a Con­scious Cre­ator of this New World, the New Earth that you will make as Moth­er-Father, just as you have done many times before. You are Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you cre­ate this Life and many Lives through your Dreams, your Feel­ings, your Thoughts and your Actions.

The Ancient Teach­ings, the Foun­tain-Source for all Reli­gions, Philoso­phies and Sci­ences, holds this as one of the most fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of this Jour­ney of Spir­it: That All of this Cre­ation is Alive, from the small­est mote to the Galax­ies and beyond, all of THAT is Con­scious­ness in Motion. All are at the core a Mon­ad, a Cen­ter of Con­scious­ness, and so Spir­it is found every­where as Con­scious­ness Cen­ters that are wend­ing their way through these Mat­ter-Forms. All that is seen and unseen by you is self-unfold­ing Life, and all of these count­less indi­vid­ual lives and com­bi­na­tions of  lives, which of course is what you are (for you are your own host of beings don’t you know), all these life forms which include your Beau­ti­ful Blue world, and the Galax­ies and even greater Enti­ties that lie beyond, all of IT is alive and each mon­ad only varies from the oth­er in terms of its degree of devel­op­ment of Consciousness.

All of Cre­ation is formed by this innu­mer­able host of “Ensouled Beings”. This is in fact where the very term “Zodi­ac” comes from. The Zodi­ac lit­er­al­ly means the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the ones who are “ani­mate”, that are filled with life as are you and all that sur­rounds you is the Liv­ing Spir­it too. From the least to the great­est, all are “alive”, includ­ing the Stars, the Suns and Plan­ets. They like you are Spir­it mov­ing through and up the Lad­der of Life…And this is why, since you and they are “broth­ers and sis­ters”, this is why they watch over and influ­ence you, as you too influ­ence them as well…Oh yes, you do have your effects upon them too, just ask your dear Moth­er Earth. For all are part of the One Great Life, and so it is the Law of this One­ness of Life that it fol­lows: “As above, so Below”.

So, what are you to do today, what are you to make of this New Moon in Aries today?

Yes it is just like any New Moon. It is a time to appre­ci­ate this Gift of Spir­it offered by the Union of your Star and your Moon. It is a time to receive and be grate­ful for the guid­ance and inspi­ra­tion that is there for you. So take some time today to pause, to con­sid­er your “Pres­ence” in your world.

Aries is the Les­son and Pow­er of Atti­tude and Inten­tion. That it is by the prop­er cre­ation of a “Per­sona of Pur­pose” that you may stride through your world in the most effec­tive and mean­ing­ful man­ner. To nei­ther Under­whelm or Over­reach but to hit the mark and be a con­sid­er­ate, lov­ing pres­ence in each space you enter into. For upon each turn­ing of a cor­ner, as you move into any space what­so­ev­er it will change. What change did you bring about, what was the effect of your pas­sage in this space? The ques­tion that will be asked of you as your life is weighed when you reach your end in this one: Did you con­tribute to the bet­ter­ment of your world or not? Did you bring Light to the Dark, Kind­ness to those in Pain, Strength to those who were Weak, Love to those who were Lost? 

But this New Moon is the her­ald of greater mat­ters that you must also take into con­sid­er­a­tion. For in the next sev­er­al days the Sun will align with all of the afore­men­tioned Watch­ers at the Cor­ners of your por­tion of Space. On April 1 the Sun will square Jupiter. On April 2 he will con­junct with Uranus. On April 3 he will square Plu­to. And on April 8 the Sun will oppose Mars.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross  of 2014 will become acti­vat­ed and made ready and so should you. You will need to stand in your cen­ter and face these Four Direc­tions, to lis­ten to the Truth of each and be the Self-Aware Con­scious­ness that can hold all four truths as One.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014 is here, and your world and you will face this Kar­ma. The Chal­lenges before you were put in motion long ago, and you are mere­ly reap­ing what you have sown, the Good and the less good. You and many oth­ers set this all in motion long ago…and that is your sal­va­tion too. For it is your Cre­ation and you can change what is and what might yet be by how you act in the NOW.

How and what you face today, tomor­row and over the next many weeks, months and even years to come is what you must under­stand. That is what you must decide, you need to con­sid­er how you will Act with right Inten­tion in this Time of Des­tiny. You must stand in the Cen­ter, you must look to the Four Direc­tions and lis­ten to what each Watch­er of the Way has to offer you:

From Mars in Libra you are to Act to restore Beau­ty and Justice,

From Jupiter in Can­cer you are to stand Cen­tered in the Truths that you Share,

From Uranus in Aries you are to Free your Mind and to Act with­out Fear,

From Plu­to in Capri­corn you are to Ful­fill your Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Be what you Are.

You are Spirit,

You are Light,

You are Love,

Be that.