Daily Archives: April 1, 2014

Sun Square Jupiter (April 1, 2014)


The Four Sta­tions of the Car­di­nal Cross.

There you will find a way,

A way through and back to the center,

A way to remem­ber and live with what is sacred.

This is your awakening,

Your fate, as always,

in your hands.

You will Square the Cir­cle and be steadfast.

Being whole and com­plete, behold­en to Spir­it only,

Cen­tered in Truth and Will, by Action and through Love,

You will be a bea­con in the Dark­ness, for

You are here to help one anoth­er find your way…home.

The Sun will align in the next sev­en days with the four watch­ers who are sta­tioned at each cor­ner of the Zodi­ac. Though each con­tact the Sun will form does stand on its own, the true mea­sure and mean­ing of these four align­ments in the com­ing week will be found by under­stand­ing them through their inte­gral rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er. For each align­ment con­tains a mes­sage that only can be under­stood, and so ful­filled as a Liv­ing Truth, by the bal­ance and inte­gra­tion offered by each with one another.

By stand­ing in your Cen­ter, acknowl­edg­ing and hold­ing each as One with one anoth­er, then and only then will you under­stand the Spir­i­tu­al Truth that is being offered to you by these your stal­wart star­ry com­pan­ions. Heed this mes­sage today, and then hold it close as you wait for the three suc­ceed­ing mes­sages that will be put before you dur­ing the sev­en days that will follow.

Today the Sun in Aries squares Jupiter in Can­cer. The Sun is your pure poten­tial­i­ty, your ever-renew­ing source of spir­it that flows from the Cen­ter of Cre­ation, that dri­ves the sto­ry of your jour­ney, which is quite sim­ply and tru­ly that you are here for one thing, you are here to grow…you are here to quite sim­ply but won­drous­ly become so much more, you are here to unfold the Liv­ing Spir­it, your source and cen­ter, for­ev­er and ever.

The Sun sings the Song of Aries now, and you must hold to the core of this mes­sage which is that before you can be or do any­thing you must know this, you must under­stand your Inten­tion, you must be mind­ful of your Atti­tude, you must be cen­tered in your Pow­er of Presence.

For it is from each thought that you put forth, from every feel­ing that spills out from your heart, and from each action that you take…by these ener­gy-forms you shine like a star upon the spaces around you…and by so doing you changed your world. And what you will find is that as you sowed your seeds of spir­it, so shall you reap. You are this star-in-wait­ing, a foun­tain-source of ener­gies that stream forth from you, and those ema­na­tions will and must return to you, their cre­ator, some­day. You are the Cre­ator of you, and you are your Kar­ma, you are the Alpha and Omega of you…and what you need, what you most cer­tain­ly need, is the under­stand­ing of how and why it is you do what you do.

Jupiter is the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs and he is singing this year from the Song of Truth that is held in Can­cer. By Can­cer, you are nur­tured and secured by the roots of your ancient jour­ney that both binds you back to your ori­gins and points you towards your des­tiny. Your search for answers, to know the pur­pose and direc­tion of your life will not to be found “out there”. If you wish and want to under­stand where you are going, you need to under­stand what comes first, you need to under­stand from where you came, to hon­or and hold to that orig­i­nal intent of Spir­it, for that is how you are to find your way home again.

You need to under­stand what you tru­ly are and why you took up this long, long jour­ney of becoming…You need to refresh your­self at this Well of Remem­brance, to con­nect to your Ances­tors, to con­nect to your for­mer forms and lives and loves…you need to remem­ber who you real­ly are. This is what Jupiter in Can­cer will do for you now, he will offer this gift to bring guid­ance to your sense of Pres­ence and Pur­pose­ful direction.

The Sun is pulling you by the Fires of Aries, and you must be true to this call­ing and assert the prin­ci­ple of your ide­al­is­tic, indi­vid­ual Spir­it. You are indeed a “one of a kind”, and you must sing your own song of Spir­it as pure­ly and tru­ly as you can. Yet Jupiter is remind­ing you that you must always be guid­ed by the source and cen­ter­ing that was found­ed by your com­mon ori­gins, that you and every­thing and every­one are ulti­mate­ly and tru­ly of one Spirit.

Yes you are one and tru­ly unique…but you are even more tru­ly one of the ones of the ONE…and so you must be true to your­self and care for one anoth­er too…for this is who you tru­ly are. And you can only be true to your­self when you are joined by one and all who are able to add their songs to the cho­rus of spir­it too.

As I wrote yes­ter­day for the New Moon of Aries, this part of the mes­sage of the Sun illu­mi­nat­ing the Four Watch­ers of the Grand Car­di­nal Cross is this:

From Jupiter in Can­cer you are to stand Cen­tered in the Truths that you Share”.

Stand in your Center,

For it is there, at the roots of your being,

In the Cen­ter which you share with every other,

It is there that you will be embraced by the love,

That will hold you to one anoth­er forever.

You will feel the Sacred Truth,

Upon which your Core of Mean­ing is founded:

That before me is anoth­er who is just like myself,

We are of one fam­i­ly, upon one jour­ney, liv­ing in the One.

Be True to your­self and be Faith­ful to one another.

Love one another…

Care for one another…

Be Love.