The Four Stations of the Cardinal Cross.
There you will find a way,
A way through and back to the center,
A way to remember and live with what is sacred.
This is your awakening,
Your fate, as always,
in your hands.
You will Square the Circle and be steadfast.
Being whole and complete, beholden to Spirit only,
Centered in Truth and Will, by Action and through Love,
You will be a beacon in the Darkness, for
You are here to help one another find your way…home.
The Sun will align in the next seven days with the four watchers who are stationed at each corner of the Zodiac. Though each contact the Sun will form does stand on its own, the true measure and meaning of these four alignments in the coming week will be found by understanding them through their integral relationship with one another. For each alignment contains a message that only can be understood, and so fulfilled as a Living Truth, by the balance and integration offered by each with one another.
By standing in your Center, acknowledging and holding each as One with one another, then and only then will you understand the Spiritual Truth that is being offered to you by these your stalwart starry companions. Heed this message today, and then hold it close as you wait for the three succeeding messages that will be put before you during the seven days that will follow.
Today the Sun in Aries squares Jupiter in Cancer. The Sun is your pure potentiality, your ever-renewing source of spirit that flows from the Center of Creation, that drives the story of your journey, which is quite simply and truly that you are here for one thing, you are here to grow…you are here to quite simply but wondrously become so much more, you are here to unfold the Living Spirit, your source and center, forever and ever.
The Sun sings the Song of Aries now, and you must hold to the core of this message which is that before you can be or do anything you must know this, you must understand your Intention, you must be mindful of your Attitude, you must be centered in your Power of Presence.
For it is from each thought that you put forth, from every feeling that spills out from your heart, and from each action that you take…by these energy-forms you shine like a star upon the spaces around you…and by so doing you changed your world. And what you will find is that as you sowed your seeds of spirit, so shall you reap. You are this star-in-waiting, a fountain-source of energies that stream forth from you, and those emanations will and must return to you, their creator, someday. You are the Creator of you, and you are your Karma, you are the Alpha and Omega of you…and what you need, what you most certainly need, is the understanding of how and why it is you do what you do.
Jupiter is the Avatar of your Principles, Truths and Beliefs and he is singing this year from the Song of Truth that is held in Cancer. By Cancer, you are nurtured and secured by the roots of your ancient journey that both binds you back to your origins and points you towards your destiny. Your search for answers, to know the purpose and direction of your life will not to be found “out there”. If you wish and want to understand where you are going, you need to understand what comes first, you need to understand from where you came, to honor and hold to that original intent of Spirit, for that is how you are to find your way home again.
You need to understand what you truly are and why you took up this long, long journey of becoming…You need to refresh yourself at this Well of Remembrance, to connect to your Ancestors, to connect to your former forms and lives and loves…you need to remember who you really are. This is what Jupiter in Cancer will do for you now, he will offer this gift to bring guidance to your sense of Presence and Purposeful direction.
The Sun is pulling you by the Fires of Aries, and you must be true to this calling and assert the principle of your idealistic, individual Spirit. You are indeed a “one of a kind”, and you must sing your own song of Spirit as purely and truly as you can. Yet Jupiter is reminding you that you must always be guided by the source and centering that was founded by your common origins, that you and everything and everyone are ultimately and truly of one Spirit.
Yes you are one and truly unique…but you are even more truly one of the ones of the ONE…and so you must be true to yourself and care for one another too…for this is who you truly are. And you can only be true to yourself when you are joined by one and all who are able to add their songs to the chorus of spirit too.
As I wrote yesterday for the New Moon of Aries, this part of the message of the Sun illuminating the Four Watchers of the Grand Cardinal Cross is this:
“From Jupiter in Cancer you are to stand Centered in the Truths that you Share”.
Stand in your Center,
For it is there, at the roots of your being,
In the Center which you share with every other,
It is there that you will be embraced by the love,
That will hold you to one another forever.
You will feel the Sacred Truth,
Upon which your Core of Meaning is founded:
That before me is another who is just like myself,
We are of one family, upon one journey, living in the One.
Be True to yourself and be Faithful to one another.
Love one another…
Care for one another…
Be Love.