Sun Conjunct Uranus (April 2, 2014)



The Four Sta­tions of the Car­di­nal Cross.

There you will find a way,

A way through and back to the center,

A way to remem­ber and live with what is sacred.

This is your awakening,

Your fate, as always,

in your hands.

You will Square the Cir­cle and be steadfast.

Being whole and com­plete, behold­en to Spir­it only,

Cen­tered in Truth and Will, by Action and through Love,

You will be a bea­con in the Dark­ness, for

You are here to help one anoth­er find your way…home.

Today the Sun aligns with Uranus. It is your sec­ond sta­tion of the Sacred Four, as you square the cir­cle in this Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014. Today you meet the watch­er of the East, and as the new day dawns you need but remem­ber one thing: there is only one thing you are here to be, one sim­ple task that your world and com­pan­ions need from you…that you sim­ply, pure­ly and authen­ti­cal­ly be you.

The Sun is your source of Life, the vital ener­gies which orig­i­nate in the ONE at the cen­ter of your Uni­verse are released for you by and through the Sun. All that was, is and will ever be in this great cos­mic cycle for you flows from this Source of Light and Love. The Sun is your keep­er of the Eter­nal Flame, your touch­stone to the Divin­i­ty that stands at the Crown of this Cre­ation. Mov­ing through Aries now, the Sun sings to you of your eter­nal youth, of your yearn­ing to believe and release again your true self, to greet each life and then each day in each life with fresh­ness and hope and the promise of new beginnings.

This Aries song will always be part of who and what you are, for though you may think of your­self as only a par­tic­u­lar Sun Sign, a Tau­rus or Leo or Capri­corn, know that all the Signs are tru­ly in and part of you in some form or anoth­er. You are all these sto­ries, you have all of these ener­gies, just formed into won­der­ful­ly pre­cious and unique com­bi­na­tions. You are the embod­i­ment of them all, for from you and through you all of the Sacred Twelve Rays shine forth.

With­in any life in your jour­ney through Time and Space, you are called to remem­ber and release the unique spark of the divine that you are. You are an answer to the need for the One to become man­i­fest in the many, and to the extent that you live out your true nature, to that same extent will the Song of Life be sweet­er for all. To the extent that you con­tribute your spe­cial­ness to that Song of Spir­it, that much clear­er will one and all hear the Har­mo­ny that holds Cre­ation togeth­er and rejoice in the Light and Love of the One.

This Unfold­ment of the One into the Many, what is known as “The Big Bang” or Cre­ation, is the One Spir­i­tu­al Flame becom­ing the many Sparks of the Divine. Each of those sparks pos­sess their own unique expe­ri­ence and expres­sion of this Divin­i­ty as they jour­ney through Time and Space. This unique essence, this “Swab­ha­va” of each of  those many ones of the One, this pre­cious Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is elicit­ed for you by Uranus, who in this realm is the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Freedom.

Uranus does not “cause” you to become Freer or Truer to who you are, for that pow­er is part of your Spir­i­tu­al Fire, it is inher­ent and irrev­o­ca­bly part of your nature. Uranus is the out­ward agent of this indwelling facet of your Jew­el of Spir­it. Uranus is one third of the Tri­une Divin­i­ty of Spir­it that is your High­er Self, it is your Free or High­er Mind, it is your Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness, (and know that this Tri­une High­er Self is part of each and every mon­ad). The oth­er two Divine parts of you, (and the Plan­e­tary Avatars for them), are your Spir­i­tu­al or Uncon­di­tion­al Love, held by Nep­tune, and your Spir­i­tu­al or High­er Will, held by Pluto.

From these three you are a com­plete Tri­une Deity in your High­er Self. You have as your Spark of the Divine the Mind, Love and Will of God abid­ing with­in you, always. For from the Least to the Great­est, from every speck and mote in this Cos­mos, from the most Infin­i­tes­i­mal up to the Grand­est Galac­tic Being, all have a mon­ad or Spark of the Divine as their Cen­ter of Being. Each Con­scious­ness-Cen­ter is in this Jour­ney of Spir­it, each has at its core a unique Pres­ence and Aware­ness that it car­ries through­out its Jour­ney through all the spaces of Space.

This Pres­ence, Aware­ness or Swab­ha­va is the spe­cial­ness that is you, and this is what you see in the eyes of your lover look­ing back upon you today, and it is what you will encounter again and again when you meet them in life after life. You look at them, and though you are in a dif­fer­ent world, in a new body, in a far dis­tant time and space, you look into their eyes and what you see gaz­ing back at you is that “Pres­ence”, for it is them again, it is that One that you rec­og­nize and who sees you too behind your form, and you know, you just know that you have found one anoth­er again, and your heart will leap for joy and you will remem­ber, and you will smile…

But in order for each mon­ad or con­scious­ness-cen­ter to unfold their poten­tial, each spark of the Divine will move through many worlds, abide in many forms and lives as they learn to devel­op and exer­cise their infi­nite poten­tial and pre­pare for their fuller par­tic­i­pa­tion in this Rib­bon of Light and Love, as they climb these Lad­ders of Con­scious­ness and Life. For Spir­it yearns for one thing only, to Grow. So all Sparks of the Divine yearn to be what they are to become, and so they unfold them­selves into Worlds and Lives of increas­ing­ly Freer Wills and Choice until they approach their greater Des­tiny, which is to become ful­ly Self-Con­scious Co-Cre­ators of Creation.

Through these series of Worlds, Forms and Lives, the Mon­ads or con­scious­ness-cen­ters become man­i­fest in var­i­ous vehi­cles of real­iza­tion which you know as “souls”. From the Divine you unfold a Spir­i­tu­al Soul or vehi­cle, and then a Men­tal, and then Emo­tion­al and in many worlds that require it a Phys­i­cal or Mat­ter Vehi­cle or Soul, the mon­ad forms for itself forms of sub­stan­tial being for that Dimen­sion in Time and Space. Yet those very vehi­cles of real­iza­tion will become your very imped­i­ment or lim­i­ta­tion over time. The Spark of the Divine must and will grow, and so it must be freed from any one Spir­i­tu­al-Men­tal-Emo­tion­al-Phys­i­cal Body in order to move into a more appro­pri­ate vehi­cle of Self-Real­iza­tion. And this is where, for you, Uranus will ever lend a quick­en­ing hand.

In par­tic­u­lar, what Uranus offers to you, and what he espe­cial­ly offers to you now is the gift of Self-Tran­scen­dence. That in your Jour­ney of Spir­it you have formed your world and vehi­cles of being that were good and nec­es­sary and ful­filled you for a time. But you will always be unfold­ing more of you over time, and you will need to move beyond these old­er forms into more expan­sive, freer forms of self-real­iza­tion. But how do you do this? How do you see beyond your own assump­tions of what is real and true? How do you come to believe, and then know and then live in a Greater Reality?

You can and you will, because you have done this from the begin­ning of your jour­ney. You can because the Divine is with­in you, and hav­ing reached the Human King­dom of Self-Aware­ness, the pace of Spir­i­tu­al Growth has quick­ened, and the High­er Self can more direct­ly reach you, inspire you and lift you out of the shad­ows and dim lit worlds and reveal to you your true abode in these High­er Realms of Light.

By whis­pers and inti­ma­tions at first, by hints and more than hints you will begin to under­stand, in life after life and with­in any one life, that there is more to this real­i­ty and of you than you imag­ined. You are able to think and believe and so become a more con­scious co-cre­ator of you and your world. You can put your doubts and fears where they belong, behind you, as you fix your gaze upon the New World that you and your com­pan­ions are now liv­ing and lov­ing into being.

As I wrote in the New Moon for Aries, the mes­sage that the Sun elic­its now from Uranus is:

From Uranus in Aries you are to Free your Mind and to Act with­out Fear.”

The Sec­ond Sta­tion is call­ing to you now…

Free your mind, let go of your fear.

Believe in Yourself.…

Believe in a Bet­ter World…

Lis­ten to the Winds of the Spirit,

Blow­ing through your World,


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