Daily Archives: April 3, 2014

Sun Square Pluto (April 3, 2014)


The Four Sta­tions of the Car­di­nal Cross.

There you will find a way,

A way through and back to the center,

A way to remem­ber and live with what is sacred.

This is your awakening,

Your fate, as always,

in your hands.

You will Square the Cir­cle and be steadfast.

Being whole and com­plete, behold­en to Spir­it only,

Cen­tered in Truth and Will, by Action and through Love,

You will be a bea­con in the Dark­ness, for

You are here to help one anoth­er find your way…home.

Today the Sun aligns with Plu­to, and the Keep­er of the North­ern Gate is call­ing to you. This is the Third Sta­tion of Four, and after today you will need to pause and wait upon the final pass of the Sun through this Car­di­nal Cross when he aligns with Mars on Tuesday.

The Sun is your link to the Cen­ter of the Galaxy, it is your ever-renew­ing source for the lit­er­al­ly Cos­mic ener­gies that flow in, through and around you. The Sun is the out­ward source that brings the Love, Light and Life of the Divine into your lit­tle home cor­ner of this Cos­mos. Yet what is at the core of this most Lumi­nous Being is also at the core of you too. For every speck and mote, every ani­mal and human, every plan­et, star and galaxy, every form of Ener­gy-Mat­ter is the same…for “as above so below”. Every­thing has at its core the same pre­cious spark of the Divine as its foun­tain-source of Spir­it and link to the Divine. This is why all of life is One Life, all of Cre­ation is held as one Great Life by the Love of the Divine, for there is only One who is there at the core of every sin­gle space in all the spaces of Space.

The heart of each of the innu­mer­able life-forms that fill the spaces of Space is a con­scious­ness-cen­ter or Mon­ad. Each Mon­ad or Spark of the Divine is unfold­ing its poten­tial in its jour­ney through Time and Space, slow­ly but sure­ly mov­ing through its many lives, forms and worlds as it dis­cov­ers its nature and becomes ever more con­scious and aware. This Mon­ad or Spark is formed by the three Divine Prin­ci­ples: the Mind of God, the Love of God and the Will of God, which in your Solar Sys­tem are rep­re­sent­ed in their out­ward form by their Avatars, which are Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to. It is by and through these three that the High­est Part of you resides in “Heav­en”, where you are a com­plete Spir­i­tu­al Being: A Mind that is Free (Uranus), a Love that is Uncon­di­tion­al (Nep­tune) and a Will that is focused and Cen­tered (Plu­to).

Today you must pause and con­sid­er the third in this Trin­i­ty of Spir­it. Plu­to is the Lord of Will and Sacred Space, and you are here to learn this Inte­gral Truth: That you must strive to estab­lish your own space of self-real­iza­tion while you equal­ly learn that this means you must hon­or and respect the spaces of all oth­er life-forms with whom you jour­ney too. For you and they share in the One Mind, the One Love and the One Will of the Divine. Your Sacred Space depends upon every Spark of the Divine being secure with­in their own space of self too.

Your por­tion of space is defined and held by your Will, for you need your sacred space as your own Field of Man­i­fes­ta­tion, your own par­tic­u­lar Can­vas of Cre­ation. By your Will you deter­mine and define your Space as your own sacred ground. But you will of neces­si­ty encounter the many sacred spaces of all these oth­ers as you do so, for all of Space is filled with the Sacred spaces of oth­ers. For you to Mas­ter your­self, to have Self-Con­trol and Self-Deter­mi­na­tion, means that you must learn this Inte­gral Les­son, that your Sacred Space depends upon you hav­ing the respect for and hon­or­ing the Sacred Space of all oth­ers too…For the Law is the Law, “thou shall not trespass”.

As you encounter one anoth­er, as your spaces “meet”, you must learn how to join togeth­er as “you will it to be so”, by form­ing shared spaces of the sacred. You may not, you can­not “take” the space of anoth­er, nor should you allow anoth­er to “take” your space. But you will and must learn how to join with one anoth­er and cre­ate these share sacred spaces where­in you will trans­form your­self and the other.

For in this Pow­er of the Will, when you are cen­tered in your­self and hold the oth­er with right regard in their space, and you agree to com­bine with one anoth­er to cre­ate the “Sacred Space of the We”, well that is where the “mag­ic” will hap­pen. That is how you grow beyond your­self by leaps and bounds, that is how you renew, restore, rebuild, regen­er­ate and trans­form your­selves and move from one lev­el of being to the next. For when two or more are gath­ered togeth­er, unit­ed in a com­mon pur­pose and guid­ed by spir­i­tu­al integrity…that is when you become the Co-Cre­ators of Cre­ation you are des­tined to be.

The Sun align­ing with Plu­to reminds you that your own Self-Real­iza­tion and Ful­fill­ment, your own Can­vas of Cre­ation, is part of a greater Sacred Space that you are here to forge and grow with one anoth­er. Your Respon­si­bil­i­ty is to Ful­fill your­self, to become a Self-Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

As I wrote in the New Moon for Aries, the mes­sage that the Sun elic­its now from Plu­to is:

From Plu­to in Capri­corn you are to Ful­fill your Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Be what you Are.”

The Third Sta­tion of the Cross is call­ing to you now:

With a Free Mind,

Guid­ed by Uncon­di­tion­al Love,

And Focused through a Cen­tered Will,

You will heal your­self and one another.

You will make a New Earth together,

By hold­ing all the Sacred Cen­ters as they are,

Togeth­er in the One.