Daily Archives: April 13, 2014

Mercury Square Jupiter & Mercury Conjunct Uranus & Mercury Square Pluto (April 14–15, 2014)


The ful­crum of 2014 draws closer…

Deci­sions, choic­es, challenges…they

Are all around you.

Behind, before, above and below you,

But most espe­cial­ly, the ones that count

Are always found within.

Many oth­ers will pull and push upon you,

You may become confused,

Or you may become disillusioned.

But all you need remember,

Is that always and forever,

There is a calm, qui­et sanctuary,

A source of love and light for you.

When­ev­er you become unsure,

As you seek The Way,

Just lis­ten to that gen­tle, lov­ing voice within.

Your true Self is there,

With you for­ev­er and always.

The kind­ly lov­ing “Voice of the Silence” is there,

And you will remem­ber, oh yes you will know,

What is right and what is wrong.

For in the end, there is no oth­er way,

To Love or not”,

That is the only question.

Remem­ber this one Truth,

Be at Peace and be assured,

You true Self, your Beloved will for­ev­er keep you,

Cen­tered, safe and loving,

In your walk among the Stars.

The Dance of the Plan­ets is build­ing to a most seri­ous and aus­pi­cious crescen­do. Though many voic­es will be heard preach­ing and pre­dict­ing the very worse, (and some­times more that this!), you should know that these align­ments are not excep­tion­al, they are most cer­tain­ly not “bad” (or “good” for that matter).

These kind or type of align­ments have and will hap­pen again and again. All that mat­ters for you, all that you are here to learn is how to Mas­ter your­self. For it is from your degree of Spir­i­tu­al Aware­ness, it is from your pre­sid­ing lev­el of self-con­scious­ness, self-con­trol and self-deter­mi­na­tion, that you fash­ion your life from what­ev­er is flow­ing around and from with­in you. For it is you who forges your Real­i­ty, and your Future too. Remem­ber, these ener­gies that sweep around you in the Star­ry spaces above are no more or less than the awe­some pow­ers that reside with­in you as well, “For as above, so below”. Be not afraid and choose to be who you real­ly are, always choose Love.

Remem­ber, no one can say when you will awak­en to the Greater Aware­ness, and so live in the Truer Real­i­ty that is with­in and around you too. But as you slow­ly begin to par­tic­i­pate more con­scious­ly in lift­ing your­self (and so your world) to a more cre­ative and lov­ing space, so too will these awe­some ener­gies that are the true you be put to a more cre­ative and lov­ing purpose.

What you have and need to do always, (as a more or less self-con­scious, self-aware spir­it that is learn­ing to be a con­sid­er­ate, lov­ing co-cre­ator of this Cos­mos of Won­der) is this:

You have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to choose how you will use your Pow­er, you have to stay focused and cen­tered and not be con­fused or dis­tract­ed by those who tell you that things “hap­pen to you”, that you have no choice, when in fact it is you as a Liv­ing Spir­it that is help­ing to make it all hap­pen. And know too, that when sev­er­al of you gath­er togeth­er with this greater spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing, well that is when the real “mag­ic” begins!

Though every day you need to draw clos­er to this Truth of your Spir­i­tu­al Iden­ti­ty, there are times in any life that will stand out and remind you that what will be the mea­sure of you at the end of this sojourn on Earth is this:

That what you gave is what you did receive. In this pre­cious time that you have to live here, every sin­gle moment, every thought you share, every feel­ing you express, every action you take…all of it is or will become your Future. You are your Kar­ma, and you with your com­pan­ions are the cre­ators who make your own heav­en or hell here on Earth.

Today the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014 is most cer­tain­ly acti­vat­ed as Mer­cury, the Lord and Avatar of Thought and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is align­ing exact­ly with three of the four plan­ets who now stand in those Car­di­nal Cor­ners, (and he will align with the fourth cor­ner held by Mars on Wednesday).

And, not only does Mer­cury align today with Jupiter, Uranus and Plu­to, but Plu­to is chang­ing direc­tion and “stand­ing still” too, turn­ing ret­ro­grade (until Sep­tem­ber 22), and that will bring into even greater focus the qual­i­ty and con­di­tion of your Will and Sacred Space.

More­over, not only is all of this “hap­pen­ing”, but today/tonight is also the day of the first Lunar Eclipse of 2014. Every month, at each Full Moon, you are remind­ed to stand back and con­sid­er the potent mes­sages and guid­ance that is offered to you by this pri­ma­ry dance of your Sun and Moon. But a Total Lunar Eclipse is a mes­sage that rein­forces the mean­ings of this moment, and reminds you by the beau­ty of this dance of Light and Shad­ows of the com­plex­i­ty and inter­con­nec­tiv­i­ty of your life here and what is hap­pen­ing “up there”.

Yes, this is quite a time, this is quite a month…but what you need to know, of course, is what does this all mean? Since I will exam­ine in more depth the mes­sages of the Grand Car­di­nal Cross when it is most exact between April 20–23, for today let us focus upon the par­tic­u­lar mean­ings of Mer­cury’s elic­i­ta­tions that are here in this moment. I will post anoth­er com­ment after­ward with regards to the Total Lunar Eclipse as well.

Where­as all 4 align­ments of Mer­cury with the Cross should be held as one com­plete mes­sage, as they only form a com­plete spir­i­tu­al mes­sage when inte­grat­ed and bal­anced by one anoth­er, it is help­ful exam­ine them sep­a­rate­ly, each as one melody in a four part har­mo­ny of truth.

The first melody of Spir­it is that of Mer­cury in Aries Squar­ing Jupiter in Can­cer. The Enthu­si­asm and Ide­al­ism of Mer­cury in Aries is most need­ful of tem­per­ing by the ancient, famil­iar and cen­ter­ing truths that flow to you now from your Spir­i­tu­al Roots by Jupiter in Can­cer. As you “lead” with your mind­ful inten­tions now, as you prac­tice the Art of the Pres­ence in Aries, you need to con­sid­er most care­ful­ly the feel­ings that bind you to one anoth­er, for you are all part of the fam­i­ly of human.

For as much as you need to stretch your thoughts into new spaces of self-expres­sion, you must equal­ly remain in touch with the con­texts of mean­ing formed by the lega­cy and efforts of those who came before you, as well as remain under­stand­able to your present-day com­pan­ions. For if you push your­self (and them) to far, you may slip beyond what is rea­son­able and sound, and your Ide­al­ism could cre­ate the very oppo­site of your well-inten­tioned meaning.

There is always present this ten­sion in Spir­i­tu­al Truth, between what is Ide­al or Right and what is Tru­ly the Good. That if the Law is such and such, then so be it, let it be done. But always between the Let­ter of the Law, between what is seem­ing­ly absolute and true, comes the inter­ces­sion of Love and Com­pas­sion in how one should Think and then Act. That as much as you must hold to the High­est Ideals, there is no high­er Truth than to Care and to Love one anoth­er. So you must find the tru­ly Spir­i­tu­al Way, the way between, to find what is right and lov­ing too.

The sec­ond melody of Mer­cury today is elicit­ed by his Con­junc­tion with Uranus who is also in Aries. Here you will find one of the most potent keys to the mys­tery of your Self-Tran­scen­dence, of how you are able to walk the path of Mind­ful advance­ment. For it is by Uranus, the Avatar of your High­er Mind that resides with­in your­self, it is by this that you are aid­ed in step­ping out­side of your nec­es­sary but self-lim­it­ing and self-made bound­aries of thought-forms. For these Thought-Forms have been cre­at­ed by you, and they form your per­cep­tion of what you see as your world, that is true. But these very Lens­es of Illu­mi­na­tion that you have formed will then also shad­ow and obscure from you what is the Greater Real­i­ty beyond your present know­ing too.

Through­out your jour­ney, you have to assume cer­tain para­me­ters, prin­ci­ples, ideas and beliefs in order to cre­ate your par­a­digm of life, and so you must. But that very par­a­digm will become its own prison of per­spec­tive that will hold you in a shad­owed world. That is until some sparkling, shock­ing, often­times upset­ting but won­drous burst from Uranus will reveal to you some­thing beyond what was known, expectable or accept­ed by you or your world…And it is then that you will have your Epiphany, the scales will fall from your eyes, and you rise into a greater, more inclu­sive under­stand­ing, once again.

The third melody of Mer­cury is formed by his Square with Plu­to in Capri­corn. Much as with Mer­cury to Jupiter, Plu­to here is mod­u­lat­ing the enthu­si­asm of Mer­cury by one of the three core prin­ci­ples of Spir­it. You are here to mas­ter your­self in order to devel­op and exer­cise your will, for by this you will cre­ate and live in Sacred Spaces with one anoth­er. Your most impor­tant task here is to main­tain Men­tal Self-Con­trol, hold­ing your own Mind as a Sacred Space, but at the same time to equal­ly treat all oth­ers with this same con­sid­er­a­tion, for of course their thoughts and men­tal space are sacred too.

If you mis­un­der­stand or mis­use your will with regards to your mind, you may be tempt­ed to bend anoth­er to your way of think­ing, and even go so far that in so doing you feel you have “won” or proven right when you force them to think as you. But all you have done is dimin­ish them and their will, and equal­ly cause dam­age to your own soul too.

For by think­ing and act­ing in this way you most cer­tain­ly reveal that you have failed to appre­ci­ate the very nature of how your Con­scious­ness formed, and you have failed to under­stand how it is that you will grow beyond your own lim­it­ed space of know­ing. The word Con­scious­ness lit­er­al­ly means “Togeth­er-Know­ing”. It means that the only way in which you are able to form your under­stand­ing, the only way you will advance your under­stand­ing is through and by shar­ing, blend­ing and inte­grat­ing your thoughts and sen­si­bil­i­ties with one anoth­er. You are made of one anoth­er and the only way to see beyond your own self-cast shad­owed thought-forms is by bring­ing into your own thought-forms the per­spec­tive and light that comes from many oth­ers too.

This Pow­er of the Will is most empha­sized now, for it is also today that Plu­to turns ret­ro­grade. I men­tioned this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014 where I noted:

Plu­to Ret­ro­grade (April 14 until Sep­tem­ber 22)

The Lord of Will and Sacred Space begins his annu­al peri­od of ret­ro­grade, and it is time once again to re-con­nect to the well-spring of your Sacred Space, to re-affirm one of your three Prin­ci­ple Spir­i­tu­al Gifts, the Pow­er of your Will. It is time to use this pow­er as it must and will be even­tu­al­ly mas­tered by you, to use this pow­er for what must come first, which is that you are here quite sim­ply to Mas­ter Your­self, to have Self-Con­trol and there­by Self-Deter­mi­na­tion. For only then can you com­bine with oth­er Cen­tered, Self-Con­trolled Com­pan­ions to cre­ate and build your shared Sacred Spaces together.

Yes, Mer­cury the Mes­sen­ger is acti­vat­ing the Grand Car­di­nal Cross today by form­ing a tri­par­tite link for you and these three of four Avatars.

From Jupiter the imper­a­tive to stay cen­tered with­in the Ancient Truths that have guid­ed your jour­ney from the beginning.

From Uranus the gift of Self-Tran­scen­dence that is there with­in your own High­er Mind.

And from Plu­to the pow­er to choose to ful­fill your respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­tect all Sacred Spaces, start­ing most impor­tant­ly with your own mind.

Now what remains is your Fourth Car­di­nal Cor­ner, and we will look at Mars when Mer­cury meets him on the 16th, Wednes­day, which is Mer­cury’s day.

Now, lis­ten for the whisperings,

Gen­tle stir­rings from within.

The Light is draw­ing closer,

The Path­way now is clear.

You are an Immortal,

Upon a Long Journey,

Lift­ing up your Soul.