Daily Archives: April 14, 2014

Full Moon Total Eclipse in Libra (April 14–15, 2014)


The Mag­is­te­r­i­al dance of the Planets,

Sweeps through your Heav­ens above.

Singing and Danc­ing, their Songs of Spirit,

Offer­ing Gifts of Meaning,

By their Intri­cate, Inter­con­nect­ed Patterns,

Of Light and Grace and Love.

Tonight, your Star and Moon join with you on Earth, to put on a spe­cial show of mean­ing for you. It is a beau­ti­ful reminder of how intri­cate, inter­con­nect­ed and syn­chro­nized are the count­less lives of each and every being who share this Sacred Space you trav­el in, named for your Sun, what you call your “Solar System”.

Twice a year the Sun, Earth and Moon will come into align­ment with one anoth­er. Tonight the Moon will be posi­tioned so that the Earth­’s shad­ow will block the Sun’s light for a short while (and the Moon will glow instead with the reflec­tive light that arcs around the Earth). It is called a Full Moon Total Eclipse and here is what I wrote about it in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse (April 14–15)

The first Eclipse of the year is a total eclipse of the Moon in Libra. The shad­ow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon, and the Mes­sage of Mean­ing you would nor­mal­ly seek and find as revealed to you by Luna is obscured by some shad­ow formed by your present cir­cum­stance (Earth­’s shad­ow being the “Present” dims the Illu­mi­na­tion of the Moon). You will have to more deeply exam­ine the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble. The West­ern Hemi­sphere, both North and South Amer­i­ca, will be able to view this eclipse.

Every Full Moon is a mes­sage of rela­tion­ship, for it artic­u­lates the inte­gral mean­ing found between the Sun’s ener­gies that are being focused through one Sign being coun­ter­point­ed (and this is the point), coun­ter­bal­anced by the oppo­site Sign’s mean­ing held by the Moon.

As the Sun swings through any Sign there is ten­den­cy to empha­size that facet of Spir­i­tu­al Truth over any oth­er. There is a need, a neces­si­ty that Spir­it will respond with so as to bring in the oppos­ing ener­gy of point of view. There is the Desire of Spir­it to restore bal­ance and equi­lib­ri­um to this Jour­ney of Ener­gies, to this Sto­ry of Light and Love.

But when there is an Eclipse of the Moon, the mes­sage that is there is some­what hid­den, for some­thing has got­ten in the way…the Earth! The shad­ow of the present day (which is where you are on Earth), is some­what block­ing the mean­ing that is need­ed in order to bal­ance and inte­grate the Sun’s ener­gies with the Moon’s answer­ing song. You will need to dig a lit­tle deep­er, think a lit­tle hard­er to see and feel the Truth that dear Luna offers you now.

The Sun is in Aries, and those Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing, Inde­pen­dent and Self-Assertive ener­gies have been wax­ing strong­ly. That is why you have the need of the Moon, who rules your Mem­o­ry and the Past. The Moon is there now to bring to you the Gift of Remem­brance that is focused through the Way of Libra now:

That although your Song of Aries sings of you as a pre­cious one, a tru­ly unique Spark of the Divine (and you are that), you are also and equal­ly one of count­less, many oth­er ones too. That your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is only made True by your life that you share in as a life you live togeth­er, that you are here for one anoth­er, that you are here because of Love.

That it is in, by and through your rela­tion­ships that you have been formed into what you are, and it is through this intri­cate Dance of Spir­it, of won­drous inte­con­nect­ed rela­tion­ships, it is by this Liv­ing-Lov­ing expe­ri­ence that you will even­tu­al­ly become a Shin­ing Star in a Space filled with all your fel­low Stars.

The Full Moon of Libra reminds you…

That you are One,

And you are Many.

All held together,

By Love.