Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2014)


There is but One Life…All is Sacred.

There is but One Light…Pure Consciousness.

There is but One Truth…Unconditional Love.

Through­out your jour­ney, in Life after Life, in year after year, and in day after day, you expe­ri­ence these Three-in-One Prin­ci­ples in this world of Spir­it-Mat­ter. Your Life is real­ly about your Jour­ney as Con­scious­ness in which you expe­ri­ence and make your world through the Twelve Facets of the One Light. You expe­ri­ence this Cre­ation with and through the Twelve Rays that form the Hier­ar­chies of Life-Con­scious­ness Spir­it. You live these Twelve mod­u­la­tions of the One Ener­gy of Spir­it in, through and by the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.

All Twelve Signs are active all the time, both around you in what I call the “Liv­ing Chart of the Now”, and as embod­ied and ener­gized through the var­i­ous facets of your being too. But these Twelve com­bine in delight­ful­ly dif­fer­ent ways to pro­duce what every­thing is…That every snowflake or tree or dol­phin or human or plan­et or star is unique…Every par­ti­cle or mote, from every Infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to this Galaxy and beyond in this Cos­mos, each is a tru­ly Indi­vid­ual instance and expres­sion of the One True Spirit.

In your year­ly jour­ney through the Signs, as the Sun illu­mines one facet of Spir­i­tu­al Truth after anoth­er, you can and should attune your­self to this unfold­ing Song of Life because it is your song too. Yes, you may be a “Gem­i­ni” or a “Leo” or “Scor­pio” as fig­ured by the day upon which you took your first breath, but you are much, much more than this, as you well know.

All the signs sing with­in you! And, you need to lis­ten when the Sun sings through each song for you again, because you can and should par­take of this if you wish to live a live that is Full, a life that is True, a Life as you are meant to live it, as one of the ones of the One.

Today the Song of Aries is giv­ing way to the next Song of Spir­it. Now is the time of Tau­rus and you need to bring out this Sec­ond Song of Spir­it that is also part of you.

You have met and answered again the ques­tion that is Aries: “Who are you? How do you present your­self, how do you look, what is your demeanor, what is your atti­tude, (and from which all of this comes), What is your Inten­tion?” The Ques­tion of Aries is the ques­tion of your Pres­ence, for it is from how you begin or start any­thing, from that form of Ener­gy-Mat­ter that your put forth in that first moment, from this all else will fol­low. Your Pres­ence is your Alpha, and it will lead to your Omega too.

You move through the Sec­ond Por­tal of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you must lis­ten to the Divine who is with­in you, to your High­er Self who is lead­ing you onward and upward. Now you must answer this most pro­found ques­tion: “What are you? What are you made of, what do you Pos­sess? What do you bring to this world, what will you Make of Your Self…What is the Val­ue of you?”

Your under­stand­ing and expres­sion of this Val­ue is to be found in your Ori­gin. At the heart of you, in your Inner­most, you are Spark of the Divine. You are a Self-Aware Con­scious­ness-Cen­ter that is slow­ly but sure­ly com­ing into the exer­cise of your true nature. You are a Being of Light who has descend­ed through these var­i­ous worlds of increas­ing den­si­ty in order to bring your light and under­stand­ing into this realm of Mat­ter-Forms, and by so doing you will lift them and your­self up and back towards the Light.

You are here to Cre­ate, to lift your­self and this Cre­ation to a high­er plane of being, and you do this because you are here for one true Rea­son, you have guid­ing you one Fun­da­men­tal and pre­cious Pur­pose, you are here because of Love…you are here to Love.

In all your forms, in all your Thoughts, Feel­ings and Actions, in all that you were, are and are yet to be, there is one Gold­en Thread that binds you to one anoth­er and to all Cre­ation too…

You are a pre­cious spark of the ONE.

You are a Divine Being in training…

You are here to live in Beauty…

You are here to Light the Way…

You are here to Sing one Song…

You are here to Sing of Love.