Jupiter Square Uranus & Jupiter Opposite Pluto (April 20, 2014)



The Way,

There is only one way…

You will, as you must and always should,

Stand in your Center.

Be True to who you are,

Be what you are here for,

Be the Heart of the Cross.


The Four Directions,

Point you to the Truth.

You must look within,

For there it will be found,

The Gold­en Immor­tal Chord,

The One True Path,

Your Way of Wis­dom, Light and Love. 


The Grand Cross

There is noth­ing unusu­al or rare about a Grand Cross. Yes, you have been here before, one way or anoth­er, in this life (and in many oth­ers). If we just exam­ine the Grand Cross­es formed by the plan­ets from Mars out to Plu­to in the last 100 years, (though some of these would be more and some less than exact), you would find about 10 Grand Cross­es. Of those, five were Car­di­nal, two were Fixed and three were Muta­ble Grand Crosses.

Of those Car­di­nal Grand Cross­es, the one most like “our own” of 2014, (it actu­al­ly involves the same four plan­ets!), is the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 1933, which had Plu­to in Can­cer (oppo­site to where it is in 2014), Uranus in Aries (the same as now in 2014), Jupiter in Libra (where Mars is in 2014), and Mars in Capri­corn (where Plu­to is in 2014).

The key or crit­i­cal fea­ture of the Car­di­nal Cross­es in 1933 and in 2014 is also the same. That key fea­ture is the prin­ci­pal square aspect of the pat­tern. (A square is formed when plan­ets are 90 degrees apart, which is one quar­ter of the cir­cle of 360 degrees. In a Grand Cross, formed by four plan­ets, two pairs oppose one anoth­er and each plan­et squares two oth­er plan­ets, as shown in the pic­ture at the top of this post).

The main square in 1933 and 2014 is formed by two of the out­er­most plan­ets, Uranus and Plu­to. In 1933, Uranus was form­ing a wan­ing square to Plu­to, and in 2014 Uranus is form­ing the wax­ing square to Plu­to, (and between these two squares they aligned to start a new cycle of their rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er dur­ing the 1960’s).

It would be quite right to view the cycle of Uranus and Plu­to in this man­ner: The wan­ing square of 1933 pre­pared the way for the plant­i­ng of New Seeds of Spir­i­tu­al Truth which were released when Uranus and Plu­to formed a con­junc­tion (like a New Moon) in the 1960’s. You should approach and live the Wax­ing Square you are expe­ri­enc­ing now as the “growth pains” of that seed­ing of New Inspi­ra­tion that was released in the 1960’s.

The Uranus/Pluto square is the crit­i­cal and key ele­ment to under­stand with­in the Grand Car­di­nal Cross for 2014. If you have time or wish to review what I have writ­ten about this before, you will cer­tain­ly want to read my series of post­ings about this impor­tant align­ment, as it has been one of the main spir­i­tu­al themes you have been expe­ri­enc­ing since Plu­to entered the Sign of Capri­corn in 2008. Here is a link to those arti­cles on Uranus/Pluto: The Uranus-Plu­to Square.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014 will form up exact­ly over the next sev­er­al days. Today Jupiter will square Uranus as Jupiter Oppos­es Plu­to. Then on April 21, the main ele­ment will be exact, Uranus will Square Plu­to once again. Then Mars will seri­al­ly align with the oth­er three plan­ets: on April 22 Mars will Square Jupiter and on April 23 Mars will oppose Uranus and also Square Pluto.

For today, let us look at these two alignments:

Jupiter Square Uranus & Jupiter Oppo­site Plu­to.

Here is what I wrote about this two-fold align­ment in May 2013:

For each of us has a part to play in this great dra­ma unfold­ing with­in and around us…and as I men­tioned above, the mes­sage and mod­u­la­tion of Jupiter this year can help you find your way.

For as you strug­gle with­in your own world to bal­ance Uranus and Plu­to, to weave togeth­er your Aspi­ra­tions for Greater Self-Real­iza­tion and Free­dom (Uranus) while also Cre­at­ing, Pre­serv­ing and Hon­or­ing your own and every­one else’s Sacred Space (Plu­to) too, it is per­haps from Jupiter in Can­cer that you can draw upon and find com­fort in the Age­less Wis­dom to help guide you in your Under­stand­ing and Actions.

For it is through Jupiter, The Lord of Truth and Wis­dom, who can show you the way to the Source of the Prin­ci­ples and Teach­ings which have always and will for­ev­er Inspire, Guide and Keep you upon the Noble Mid­dle Path. This Wis­dom Teach­ing has been passed down in many forms through the ages, and it will be ever obtained by those who tru­ly seek to serve, and as it is found­ed by and upon the Peren­ni­al Foun­da­tions formed from the very Ener­gies and Forms of Cre­ation itself, this Rock of Ages will always be there to guide you tru­ly in these days when an Age will End and a New World Rise.

Jupiter is in Can­cer and form­ing an align­ment to both Uranus and Plu­to, and this Gift of the Spir­it can inform and guide you as to how to inte­grate these pow­er­ful ener­gies trans­form­ing you and your world at this time.

To Uranus, who blazes with the Fires of Aries Ide­al­ism, where Impa­tient Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Unbri­dled Enthu­si­asms can often betray the inten­tion to do “what is right”, Jupiter offers the Waters of Can­cer which remind you that your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is born through and aris­es from the Foun­da­tions and Roots of your jour­ney which ulti­mate­ly con­nects you to all of your fel­low humans, and ulti­mate­ly to all forms of Life, and your need to be True to One­self must nev­er result in the Harm to another…

For “we are all relat­ed”, we are all ones of the One, and each Indi­vid­u­al’s Unique con­tri­bu­tion to the Song of Life must be Hon­ored and Free to Be…yet Each must also respect, sup­port and so join in pay­ing Homage and Fideli­ty to one and all…For as you must to thine own self be True, you must equal­ly be True to all your Broth­ers and Sis­ters too.

To Plu­to, who brings and bears the Will that Forms, Pre­serves and Trans­forms the Sacred Spaces of Spir­it, Plu­to can, when Unbound­ed in Capri­corn, wield this Pow­er in such a man­ner that what one intend­ed to Pre­serve is in fact Lost, what was Trans­formed is actu­al­ly Destroyed, because your Sacred Spaces become bro­ken by the Will that stands for Absolute Pow­er alone, where there is either Dom­i­na­tion or Sub­mis­sion and no Free­dom or Sacred Space remains.

To this Jupiter offers the Heal­ing Grace from Can­cer, that Plu­to’s Pow­er with­out Bounds, which was formed from and fueled by Fear, may be washed away by those Lov­ing, Car­ing and Nur­tur­ing Waters of Jupiter in Can­cer where­in is found the Root of your Being. It is found­ed for­ev­er, with­in the heart of each spark of the Divine, in the Love of the One for all of the ones of the One, and it is in fact this All-Embrac­ing Love which forms the Divine Sacred Space whose cen­ter is every­where, and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

For each Space is Sacred, and to harm anoth­er is to Harm Oneself…For you abide with­in the Greater Space of the One, and what you do the least of these, you do also to the One, to all oth­ers and so to your own self too.

Yes, Kar­ma is per­fect, what­ev­er you wish to cre­ate you must also Be and you will Become. Help one anoth­er to Grow the Sacred Spaces for each and every, for their Integri­ty is your own too. As always, keep your­self aligned to the Greater…Let Thy Will be Done.

As to all things, all chal­lenges and hopes, the answer lies with­in you…it is in your Mind that is Free from Fear, your Heart that is Uncon­di­tion­al in Love and your Will that is Cen­tered and Bound­ed with­in the Sacred­ness of Space.

It is from these, The Ancient Teach­ings, that your Hope and Path will be ever found and secured. When­ev­er you are in doubt or trou­bled by fear, remem­ber the Great Invo­ca­tion and repeat:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Stand in your Center.

Lis­ten to your Heart.

Be not afraid,

For you are here to Love

and be Loved.

That is the Way.

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