Daily Archives: April 24, 2014

Mercury Conjunct Sun (April 25, 2014)


The Dance of the Plan­ets tells a story…

The Sto­ry of Spirit,

The Sto­ry of You.

One of the most impor­tant sto­ries they sing and dance for you con­cerns the unfold­ment of your mind. For in the order of the Hier­ar­chies of the Uni­verse, beyond, behind and above all there is the Divine, then there is Spir­it and then there is Con­scious­ness or Mind.

The weav­ing dance between the Sun (Spir­it) and Mer­cury (Mind) is full of much Beau­ty and Mean­ing for you. It is in their cycle of rela­tion­ship that you see the sto­ry of your know­ing, as they illus­trate the var­i­ous lessons of con­scious­ness that you must mas­ter as you seek to become ful­ly human, as you draw ever near to the Greater Aware­ness, as you become what you are des­tined to be, Awakened.

Their cycle, much as in the arche­typ­al cycle for you between the Sun and Moon, begins when the Sun and Mer­cury align, (like in a New Moon), in what is called their infe­ri­or con­junc­tion. The cycle will reach a point of rev­e­la­tion of mean­ing at their supe­ri­or con­junc­tion (just like a Full Moon). This cycle repeats about three times a year, seri­al­ly unfold­ing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Today you have reached anoth­er “Full Moon” for Mer­cury and you, for today Mer­cury is on the “far side” of the Sun and oppo­site to you. To under­stand the “answer” that is offered here you will need to look back to the last “New Moon” of Mer­cury with the Sun, which was in the mid­dle of Feb­ru­ary dur­ing Mer­cury’s ret­ro­grade. That align­ment in the infe­ri­or con­junc­tion released a “Seed of Mean­ing” that was formed in the Sign of Aquar­ius, and that Thought-Form has unfold­ed and devel­oped into the rev­e­la­tion of this moment. The rev­e­la­tion today is the answer to a ques­tion posed in Aquar­ius, and that answer is found in the rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus to Scorpio.

This seed of Aquar­ius for your mind con­cerns the nature of your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of your need, (because you are here for one true Spir­i­tu­al Pur­pose, which is to Grow, to Become, to unfold your Divin­i­ty), your need to con­stant­ly free your mind from the old (and out­worn) assump­tions that per­mit­ted you to rise to a cer­tain lev­el of under­stand­ing. That is because it is these very cer­tain­ties that will be unable to lift you beyond your present par­a­digm into the next or Greater Real­i­ty. The mes­sage of the Sun/Mercury align­ment in Aquar­ius is that you must con­stant­ly seek to chal­lenge your assump­tions, to be open to and inspired by your High­er Mind, and to move through and beyond the ordi­nary mind of dual­i­ties and self-cast shad­ows. By so doing, you can think out­side of the very “box of thought” you put your­self into, (which was of course a nec­es­sary “box” to thrive in that real­i­ty, but becomes your self-made mir­rored realm that only reflects what you expect to see and understand).

Yet, the prob­lem this cre­ates for you is equal­ly pro­found. For how can you let go of the sure­ty of the present form of believ­ing with­out know­ing whether what you are attempt­ing is a mark of the “genius” and gift from your Spir­i­tu­al Self, or a descent into delu­sion or worse? How do you “Parse the Par­a­digms”, how do you know what is real­ly Real? How will you know or rec­og­nize, (and so draw clos­er to) the Greater Reality?

As always, Spir­it shows the way, and this is where today’s mes­sage of mean­ing is offered to won­der­ful­ly illus­trate for you the way through. For the mes­sage of the rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus and Scor­pio for your devel­op­ing con­scious­ness is this: That you will come to appre­ci­ate and under­stand the Uni­ver­sal Truths and Val­ues (Tau­rus) that stand behind all these var­i­ous worlds of man­i­fes­ta­tion. That they are found in the Ancient Teach­ings which form the often­times hid­den core of Truth, found scat­tered through and through­out the many Meta­physics, Philoso­phies, Sci­ences and Reli­gions that have been passed down to you.

But that you equal­ly must know that any par­tic­u­lar man­i­fes­ta­tion of any such truth or real­i­ty struc­ture is only for a time, for all things, includ­ing Thought-Forms, are com­pos­ites and they can only be rel­e­vant and true for a time. Spir­it-Ener­gy moves into and through these lim­it­ing forms, but these forms must give way and pass the ener­gy along (Scor­pio). That the Great Truths are found in this flow of Con­scious­ness and Life which like you expands from realm to realm, from life-form to life-form. That as every­thing is Spir­it, every­thing is Divine-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness, the one under­ly­ing imper­a­tive for Every­thing is to grow.

But still you will won­der, how will I know what is truer and less true at any one time? How will you know if you are draw­ing clos­er to the light or head­ing into a deep­er dark­ness of under­stand­ing? First, you must always lis­ten care­ful­ly, to the voice of your High­er Self who can guide you here. And you should cer­tain­ly share and com­pare and con­firm with your com­pan­ions, to see whether they can appre­ci­ate and accept this greater way of see­ing-believ­ing-act­ing too…

The real answer lies in Spir­it, in what holds each of you with, to and for one anoth­er. It lies in the Ener­gy-Mat­ter that is the core expe­ri­ence of your Jour­ney through the Stars. In the end you will know that this new way of think­ing is truer by one qual­i­ty, by the One Cen­tral Truth, the only ques­tion to answer is:

Is it Lov­ing?

If your way of think­ing, if your thought or idea is more inclu­sive, more con­sid­er­ate, more com­pas­sion­ate and more just, if it is more bound to the Fun­da­men­tal Truth of Spir­it: That before you is just anoth­er you…Then you will know you are indeed head­ing towards the Light, you are ful­fill­ing your Des­tiny, you are grow­ing into your Divin­i­ty, and you are mak­ing your way Home.

Yes, today you will have a revelation…

A pre­cious answer to your prayer.

For you are a seek­er in a journey…

But you are not sure of get­ting there.

You seek for answers to many questions…

But the Truth is writ­ten in your Heart.

Just love one another…

Just lis­ten to your Heart.