Daily Archives: April 27, 2014

New Moon — Solar Eclipse in Taurus (April 28–29, 2014)


The One becomes the Many.

The Divine “falls”, through realms of ener­gy and form,

Bring­ing Light and Love to Spirit-Matter.

It is all a play of Light & Shadows,

From Galax­ies and Worlds beyond the beyond,

To your Star and Moon, and you as well.

It is all a won­drous full­ness of Life and Light,

A spi­ral­ing, swirling, and sparkling dance of Spirit,

Of which you “see” but a little…so far.

With­in these emanating/reflecting/refracting ener­gies and forms,

You are embraced and sup­port­ed by your stel­lar companions,

In this lit­tle cor­ner of space, in this spe­cial world you call home.

Today/Tonight a spe­cial play of Light and Shad­ow will dance across your world. Twice a year the Sun, Moon and Earth align “just so”, and their shad­ows fall upon one anoth­er. It is a won­der­ful affir­ma­tion of how intri­cate­ly and won­der­ful­ly you can feel whole with the uni­verse. This spi­ral­ing dance of Light and Mat­ter forms a joy­ous affir­ma­tion that all of Cre­ation is of one Life, of one Spir­it which is you too.

This is the sec­ond eclipse and first Solar Eclipse of 2014. Here is what I wrote about this align­ment in the 2014 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Annu­lar Solar Eclipse (April 28–29)

The sec­ond eclipse of the year is an Annu­lar Solar in Tau­rus. The annu­lar type eclipse cre­ates the effect of a “Ring of Fire” around the Sun as the Moon’s dis­tance from the Earth does not com­plete­ly cov­er the Sun, and so a small por­tion of the Sun appears around the edges of the shad­ow formed by the Moon. The term Annu­lar comes from the word annu­lus which means “bright ring”.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble. It will only be vis­i­ble in the extreme south­ern hemi­sphere, most vis­i­ble in Antarctica.

The mes­sage of the Tau­rus Solar Eclipse is cen­tered again upon the fun­da­men­tal ques­tion of val­ue: where does your under­stand­ing arise as to how you val­ue your­self and how do you val­ue this world around you? The answer is that the true source of val­ue is to be found with­in your expe­ri­ence of your High­er Self, for in your heart of hearts you are Spir­it, in your core you are sim­ply pure Love.

Each New Moon pro­vides you with a bless­ing from Spir­it, lit­er­al­ly formed as an Inspi­ra­tion that is lov­ing­ly offered so as to lead you out from with­in. As the moon aligns with the Sun, a mes­sage is impart­ed, a drop of Divin­i­ty offered up, and the Moon will mod­u­late and bring this to you here on Earth. But dur­ing a Solar Eclipse, there is a even deep­er work­ing of Spir­it through Mat­ter, a greater play of Light and Shad­ow will dance before you now.

Every year, the New Moon of Tau­rus will bring you a refresh­ing reas­sur­ance that your true val­ue, your inher­ent worth, is beyond any­thing you can imag­ine or mea­sure on Earth. Yes, at any one time of man­i­fes­ta­tion, in any one life or even peri­od in a life, you might imag­ine a lim­it to what you can do or become (but even here you would be mis­tak­en, for you do not real­ly know yet what tru­ly lies with­in the depths of you). Your mea­sure is beyond mea­sur­ing because at the core of you is a Spark of the Divine, and this means you are Divine too. And it is this which forms your Peren­ni­al Promise of becom­ing more and more, of grow­ing, learn­ing and reach­ing for the beyond, for­ev­er and ever.

But at the Tau­rus Solar Eclipse your gift of Inspi­ra­tion elic­its a deep­er welling up of pat­terns that were laid down long, long ago. For the Moon is the Bear­er of your Past, (just as the Earth is your present, and the Sun your Avatar of ever-unfold­ing Tomor­rows). So as the Moon comes between you and your Star, she will cross over and shad­ow the mes­sage that is there. You will have to be a lit­tle stronger, a lit­tle more res­olute, and so pierce through these shad­ows of old fail­ures and fears that are elicit­ed by the Sun from the Moon, for these are the remain­ders, those hopes and promis­es unmet, in a far dis­tant time, these are those loss­es that broke your heart.

For your Jour­ney is not a straight line, and there will be ris­es and there will be falls. You will feel the full­ness of your strengths, but also live through the wan­ing of them too. You will find though that in the end that there is one source of strength, that there is one abid­ing pow­er which will stand with you through it all. For behind all your lives, and with­in each life there is the Beau­ty and Good­ness and Love that will nev­er fade.

Your Foun­tain-Source of strength is with you always, for your high­er Self will help you through. So at such a time of karmic pre­cip­i­ta­tion, when a welling up of old shad­ows is fold­ed into the Sun’s gift of the New, you need to remem­ber who and what you real­ly are, to lis­ten to your beloved there with­in you, your High­er Self, who will tell you once more, that you are beau­ti­ful, you are val­ued, you are love and loved…and you will Love and be Loved, for this is who you are.

Then you can turn and face the shad­ows, and redeem those bro­ken rem­nants of yesteryear.

You can for­give your­self and one anoth­er, for you are not yet what you will some­day be.

You will see through these tem­po­rary forms of matter…

Know­ing tru­ly you are more than these.

For you are Light and Love danc­ing out of shadows…

Draw­ing ever closer…

To the Cross­ing Point of the Light.