Monthly Archives: May 2014

Venus Enters Taurus (May 28, 2014)


Time to pause…

To Slow things down.

For though your Love of Beauty,

And your Love for one another,

Will come with and to you in many ways,

With Venus in her home of Taurus…it must and will be Sen­su­al too!

Yes it is time to stretch your Aes­thet­ic and Social Tastes by find­ing and tak­ing more delec­table delights in all of your mar­velous sens­es. Venus in the Earthy sign of Tau­rus means you will need to Taste, Touch, See, Smell and Hear the Beau­ty that is your World.

Take more time to watch a Sun­rise, or if you pre­fer the glo­ry of the your Star as it sets. Watch the nuanced play of col­ors and shad­ows as your Day-Keep­er arcs through­out the day…Go for a walk in the for­est and smell the Earth and Wood, lis­ten to the cho­rus of the birds singing all around you, or go for walk on the Beach and taste the Salt in the air as waves break upon the shore…Then when the day is done, you might take some time to find your peace in the sub­tle play of Star Light and Moon­shine, to be sur­round­ed in the beau­ty that is your night­time too.

Turn to your friends or loved ones, and show how much they mean to you…Hold them, stroke them, caress them and enjoy this won­drous oppor­tu­ni­ty you have of being Immor­tals in these won­drous Mor­tal Frames. For you are here for this. You are here to Love, and to Love one anoth­er and you need and should delight in all the won­der­ful ways that you can express your love for one anoth­er. You are here to enjoy Beau­ty and Love so that you may bring hap­pi­ness to your­self and to those you love too.

Remem­ber, you are Beau­ti­ful and you are here to Love,

Just fol­low the Path that is in your Heart.

As the Nava­jo say:

In beau­ty, I walk.

With beau­ty before me, I walk.

With beau­ty behind me, I walk.

With beau­ty above me, I walk.

With beau­ty below me, I walk.

With beau­ty all around me, I walk.

With beau­ty with­in me, I walk.

It is fin­ished in beauty.

It is fin­ished in beauty.”

Sur­round your­self in Beauty,

Sur­round your­self in Love,

Hold one another,

In Beau­ty and in Love.

New Moon in Gemini (May 28, 2014)


Twelve New Moons,

Twelve Gifts of the Spirit.

Today is the next offer­ing from your Star and Moon,

For they meet every month, and in

Their Spi­ral Weav­ings around one another…

You will see sweep­ing before you,

The Arche­typ­al Dance, the Spir­i­tu­al Lessons of Life.

For that is what the Zodi­ac is, it is

The “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”.

They offer Guid­ance and Help along the path,

It is a Dream­ing-Being of Won­drous Meanings,

Of Promis­es made, of Inspi­ra­tions and Hope for you too,

All to Illu­mi­nate your steps upon the this Won­drous Path,

Your Nev­er-End­ing Jour­ney of the Self that is Becoming.

Each New Moon brings you a gift to help lift you on your path. Each of these twelve gifts is spe­cial and inte­gral to your ful­fill­ment of your des­tiny. For you are des­tined to become on Earth a ful­ly func­tion­ing Human, an Illu­mined being, Self-Awak­ened and so both will­ing and capa­ble of being a Self-Con­scious, Co-Cre­ator of this Cosmos.

But there is some­thing spe­cial about this Third Gift of Spir­it, some­thing that speaks to the impor­tance of a thresh­old you crossed over long ago. You passed through a Por­tal of Aware­ness, and that Quick­en­ing cre­at­ed the means by which you could begin to take up this stead­ier, self-made climb back to the stars. It is this Gift of Spir­it that is the Inte­gral Source of that which will ulti­mate­ly bring you to the promise of your even­tu­al Self-Mas­tery and Self-Determination.

For it is in this Third Stage of Unfold­ment that you are remind­ed of the gift that was impart­ed long ago by the “gods”, who walked among you and who were there to pass on to you the Gift that they too had once received from those who came before them. This Awe­some Gift (and Respon­si­bil­i­ty) is the Jew­el that is Self-Aware­ness. It was their Sacred Sac­ri­fice for you that began the Quick­en­ing of your Spir­i­tu­al Pow­ers of Rea­son, Intel­li­gence and Crit­i­cal Think­ing that put you firm­ly upon the noble path of becom­ing a Wis­dom-Keep­er too.

For it is the Gift of Gem­i­ni that brings to you the pre­cious fac­ul­ty of Self-Reflec­tive Aware­ness, and it is this abil­i­ty, “to think about think­ing”, to be able to “step out­side” of your­self and con­sid­er the why, how and what of your con­scious­ness, it is this that per­mits you to be able to com­pare and con­trast many points of view and to ulti­mate­ly see and under­stand this Uni­verse as it tru­ly is. That you will know that all the Beings or Life-Forms which in their total­i­ty form the very sub­stance of this Uni­verse, that all of THAT is to be expe­ri­enced as it tru­ly is, a Won­drous­ly Mul­ti-Faceted Jew­el of Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness that, for lack of a bet­ter word, you call God.

It is from this that you are able to encom­pass and under­stand that there are innu­mer­able points of views and per­spec­tives, and that you must come to expe­ri­ence and under­stand as many as you can if you are to know your­self and your world as you must…For you are here to grow and learn, to become a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Cos­mos, and to do this you must unfold your Divine poten­tial and become awak­ened, illu­mined and wise.

At any one time in your jour­ney, you will find your under­stand­ing shaped and mold­ed by your par­tic­u­lar point of view or par­a­digm. This win­dow on your world, this lens or facet through which you per­ceive is formed by many influ­ences, by your fam­i­ly, your soci­ety and cul­ture, by your edu­ca­tion­al and life expe­ri­ences, and many oth­er fac­tors too. No mat­ter what you may do at any one time, you will shine this point of view upon the phe­nom­e­na of the world around you, and just like a bright light, you will illu­mine what is “real” to you. But you will equal­ly cre­ate and cast a heavy shad­ow too. You will hide or obscure what you will then be unable to see or per­ceive, and it will remain for­eign to you. And it may if some­how hint­ed at, it may come to be expe­ri­enced as a very real threat to what is actu­al­ly your self-blind­ed, parochial view of Real­i­ty. That you will find that your Fears are formed in the Shad­ow that you cre­ate by what you do not yet under­stand or perceive.

The Gift of Gem­i­ni is here to remind you or what lies with­in you. That in order to Grow and Under­stand you must be open, and that you and your mind must ever be like a “child” at heart. You must remain agile and adept, con­stant­ly seek­ing, search­ing, ques­tion­ing (and self-ques­tion­ing). You must ever seek to keep adjust­ing, shift­ing and mov­ing your per­spec­tive so as to elim­i­nate your shadows…You must remain open in order to grow…You must remain eager to expe­ri­ence and know more…You must remain essen­tial­ly curious…about Every­thing.

You must ques­tion your­self and your assumptions…constantly. For it is by this that you will devel­op that more well-round­ed (hum­ble and wise) approach of a seek­er who keeps seek­ing, a know­er who under­stands there is more that is unknown. You will, as you grow into your Depth of Under­stand­ing learn to fol­low the Spir­i­tu­al Injunc­tion of those who Know and Serve, the so-called “Lone­ly Ones”. You will know, accept and so under­stand that there is only one Way and one Path, and so you will accept and under­stand that you must “Walk On”…

The Gift of the New Moon in Gem­i­ni is your Gift of Eter­nal Youth…

That with­in you is a Spark of the Divine…

An Abid­ing “Pres­ence” who watch­es over you…

Who Inspires and Guides your every step…

Along a Gold­en Path of Becoming…

This is your Jour­ney as a Spark of the Divine…

Find­ing your way back,

To your Home in the Stars.

Jupiter Trine Saturn (May 24, 2014)


This is the final of three beau­ti­ful align­ments of Jupiter with Sat­urn, and was men­tioned in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Trine Sat­urn (May 24) *also July 17, 2013 and Decem­ber 12, 2013 This is the third and last trine of Jupiter to Sat­urn until August 2026, bet­ter make the most of this one! The first align­ment was in July 2013 and the sec­ond was in Decem­ber 2013. When the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples makes this beau­ti­ful align­ment with the Avatar of your Real­i­ty, then you have arrived at what is known as “the sweet spot” of your unfold­ment. You can have a most won­der­ful expe­ri­ence, a bal­ance is found between your Opti­mism and Prag­ma­tism, between your Prin­ci­ples and your Reality.

Jupiter is the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples and Truths, of what forms your inten­tions, guides your con­duct and leads you out­wards into your ever-expand­ing expe­ri­ence of your­self in the world. For it is by what you believe to be true that you inform and give life to the real­i­ties of your world, and Jupiter rules this stream­ing forth of your Self-Expan­sion­ary energies.

Sat­urn is the Avatar of your Real­i­ty, and forms the present-day, tan­gi­ble man­i­fes­ta­tion of your Infi­nite poten­tial. It is both your well-earned, mate­ri­al­ized self-ful­fill­ment of your dreams, and yet it is also the painful reminder of your self-lim­i­ta­tions too. Though it is true that you can and will become what­ev­er you dream and imag­ine some­day, (per­haps much more than you are able to imag­ine now), you can only be some-thing and not every­thing at any one time in your journey…you must lim­it your­self to ful­fill your­self, you must “fall” before you can rise. Sat­urn rules this neces­si­ty of Spir­it mov­ing through Forms and Limitations.

But twice in 20 years, (which is the cyclic peri­od between Jupiter and Sat­urn meet­ing in their “new Moon”, as when they made their last con­junc­tion in 2000, and as they will make the next in 2020), Jupiter and Sat­urn will reach this par­tic­u­lar moment of bal­ance and beau­ty. It is here that you will find that the Jupi­ter­ian ener­gies of Growth are bent and focused through this most felic­i­tous, effi­cient and ele­gant of caress­es by the shap­ing lens that is Saturn.

For it is often true that you will find your­self at oth­er moments where­in these two plan­ets will get beyond this beau­ti­ful bal­ance. (But know this, irre­spec­tive of what is hap­pen­ing “out there”, you are here to learn how to grow with grace no mat­ter what, that you are here to mas­ter your­self, and when you have done this, you will be a Wise One, who knows and fol­lows the “weav­ing way”, and you will ever keep to the noble, mid­dle path that is there between Growth and Restraint).

But until then, there will be times where your faith, opti­mism and con­fi­dence will lead to a cross­ing beyond what is rea­son­able and wor­thy of you. You will stretch too far, reach over­much and fall into the error of excess and waste. And, it is also true that you will come to moments in your long jour­ney, and being worn and bat­tered by the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of your life that you look through eyes that are wea­ried and worn, and then you will fail to see the oppor­tu­ni­ties that are right before you, you will miss the gifts that your pri­or efforts brought to you, because you are blind­ed by your anx­i­eties, doubts and fears.

Yes, you need to savor this moment. Here is when Faith and Oppor­tu­ni­ty have come togeth­er, this is when you are in the “sweet spot”, and your rea­son­able efforts will be well reward­ed, your dreams may come true, and the world be a sweet­er place for you.

Yes, remem­ber this moment…

Where your belief in some­thing better…

Found the promise would be kept.

But then take from this time…

The deep­er wis­dom of this Knowing-Feeling…

That this is the Way it is meant to be.

This is the Way it will always be,

When you reach the cross­ing point,

When you pass the Por­tal of Wisdom,

When you move out of the Darkness,

And into The Light.

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2014)


You and your world sweep into the “Third Space” of the Super­nal Riv­er of Life, that band of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy called The Zodi­ac, mys­ti­cal­ly known as the Cir­cle of the “Liv­ing Ones”, which encom­pass­es your jour­ney around your star.

Each one of these twelve spaces holds a spe­cial mean­ing for you, each holds a truth of the Life Divine. In your annu­al cir­cuit you have come now to this Third moment of the First Quar­ter. Here in this first Trip­tych of Truth, here in the first of Four Turn­ings, you have before you the rev­e­la­tion of your core of con­scious­ness held in these pri­mal three:

Aries res­onates with the first breath, of Pure Aware­ness, “I am”

Tau­rus res­onates with the sec­ond breath, of Pure Being, “I am that”

Gem­i­ni res­onates with the third breath, of Self-Aware­ness, “I am that, I am.”

Your jour­ney in this life, and in life after life, is the saga of Spir­it becom­ing. It is a won­drous­ly pro­found jour­ney that start­ed for you eons and eons ago. It is the sto­ry of the unfold­ment of your Spark of the Divine which abides in your core. This is your Dia­mond Body of Infi­nite Love, your Ker­nel of Spir­it, and it is this Life-Atom which holds your Aware­ness-Pres­ence through count­less worlds, forms and through all your many, many lives.

Your jour­ney of spir­it began with you as an non self-aware, unself-con­scious yet pre­cious Spark of Spir­it embark­ing upon a series of embod­i­ments. Each of your sub­stan­ti­a­tions brought you to ever increas­ing­ly more com­plex forms of embod­i­ment, and each life elicit­ed from you a greater range of Aware­ness, and so each was anoth­er pre­cious step along the path of your Awak­en­ing too.

For many, many ages your jour­ney pro­ceed­ed through these increas­ing­ly refined lev­els of con­scious­ness, yet they always remained out­side of that most spe­cial qual­i­ty that you now take for granted…and it is this essen­tial qual­i­ty that sets you and all the beings who are ranged above you, (for you are part of a vast Hier­ar­chy of Light and Spir­it rang­ing from the bare­ly con­scious to the Super or Cos­mic Con­scious), as being quite apart from all that have as yet to reach this “Cross­ing point of the Light”, who have yet to meet this most awe­some moment in Con­scious­ness that you met ages and ages ago.

It is in this moment of awak­en­ing, this pass­ing of the Por­tal of Self-Aware­ness, that is cel­e­brat­ed by what is held in Gem­i­ni. For it is here that some­thing quite extra­or­di­nary hap­pened in your sojourn through this realm known as Human, (and of course this Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing con­tin­ues to hap­pen through­out all times and realms). This is the moment that is held in awe and with great rev­er­ence by all Mas­ters, Sages and Seers, for this is the crit­i­cal turn­ing point in the evo­lu­tion of the all the sparks of the Divine, and it also most tru­ly and lov­ing­ly con­firms the Nature of Spir­it and the Love of the One for one and all.

This moment res­onates with that fun­da­men­tal Truth of this Uni­verse, that real­ly there is One Life and One Spir­it, and it exem­pli­fies and hon­ors the Truth that all are part of a great Riv­er of Life and Con­scious­ness, and that each and every Con­scious-Cen­ter is Inte­gral to one anoth­er, each is con­nect­ed to and part of one anoth­er, and that each and every being is here to love one anoth­er, to help one anoth­er, and join with one anoth­er as we all con­tin­ue upon this same jour­ney in, by, through and even­tu­al­ly return with all these expe­ri­ences as our gifts that we offer up to the One.

Many myths and tales are told of this spe­cial moment. They are there if you know where and what to look for, for they are found in the sto­ries of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quet­zal­coatl and many, many oth­ers. It is most revered and lov­ing­ly told in the Orig­i­nal or Ancient Teach­ings in the sto­ry of the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appoint­ed time, when the Human­i­ty of that peri­od was ready for the next step for­ward in Con­scious­ness. It was their Des­tiny to impart to us the Light of Under­stand­ing, for as it had been done for them in anoth­er Cycle of Spir­it, they too now came to pass on this gift to us.

For it was then that the Light of Self-Con­scious­ness was impart­ed to us who were with­out self-aware­ness, we were the “mind­less ones” at that time, lack­ing in Self-Aware­ness. They passed on this Torch of Under­stand­ing, and our Inno­cence was lost, our time in “Eden” was at an end…

But this was the next nec­es­sary step that you had to take in your jour­ney, because now the pace of reach­ing the “promised land” increased, as it became pos­si­ble for you now to become Self-Con­scious­ly Self-Made and tru­ly respon­si­ble for lift­ing your­self towards your Divine Destiny.

You pass the Por­tal that is Gem­i­ni, where inno­cence was sur­ren­dered as your Spir­i­tu­al Flame was quick­ened. You enter the realm of the Promise-Keep­ers, of those who Know, who hold back the Dark­ness by their ded­i­ca­tion to Become and Pre­serve the Light.

You are the Awak­en­ing Ones…

Mov­ing into the Light.

You are Singing the Songs of Spirit…

The Truth shin­ing in your Heart.

You are mov­ing towards your Destiny,

By, with and through the Love of the One.

Mars Turns Direct (May 19, 2014)


Get Ready…

Get Set…


I wrote of this turn­ing of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mars Direct (May 19 until April 17, 2016)

The Avatar of Desire moves for­ward again until April 2016. Now that you have had your 80 days to recon­sid­er your Aims and Actions, it is time to move for­ward again. But remem­ber to fol­low the Noble Path of con­scious inten­tion, for what you must under­stand is that you are the mak­er of your real­i­ty, Right Think­ing leads to Right Action!

Mars, who is the Avatar of your desires is mov­ing for­ward. Since March 1st you have had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion your Aims and Inten­tions, you have reviewed your Means and Meth­ods and you should now be pre­pared for what may come by your Self-mak­ing of you.

You will often find that your way is beset by dif­fi­cul­ties, that your path is blocked by cir­cum­stances that you see arrayed all around you, and so it is quite under­stand­able that you will expe­ri­ence them as exter­nal to your­self. You have come to quite nat­u­ral­ly believe that your dif­fi­cul­ties in the world are “out there”, and the solu­tion to your tri­als and tribu­la­tions must be found by chang­ing what is exter­nal to you. But you are Spir­it, you are in the end an Immor­tal, and you are here to learn to use your Super­nal pow­ers wise­ly, and that there is only one strug­gle that you can and must win as Spir­it, there is only one con­quest that you must mas­ter, you must Mas­ter yourself.

You have always been on the path of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior, for you are here to under­stand that the true and only strug­gle you will wage on Earth is with­in your­self. You are here to learn and grow, and it is by your own efforts that you will lift your Self-Aware­ness out of the dark­ness and into the Light of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty and Inten­tion. You are here to Become, to remem­ber who and what you are…and that means you are here to learn to love your­self uncon­di­tion­al­ly. And then, hav­ing more mas­tered your­self, you are to turn around and act with, by and through this loving-intention…for you are also here to love one anoth­er as you love your­self too.

Veiled by your vehi­cles of mat­ter that you live through upon the Earth, you can fall into the error of sep­a­ra­tion and denial that these illu­sion­ary bod­ies impart to you. But you are not this body, you are not your vehi­cle, and your high­er self will always call to you with whis­pers of your true nature and des­tiny. You are remind­ed to find your way back to the Light, to stay on the path that will take you near­er to your heart’s desire. You must pierce through these illu­sions of appear­ance, and you must strive to keep your aware­ness cen­tered in the Greater Real­i­ty in which you tru­ly abide as Spir­it, that you are to live as One with one another.

As you go for­ward now, always remem­ber that before you move out­wards you must equal­ly move inwards and con­nect to your source of Light and Love. That as you take anoth­er step ahead you need to remem­ber who you are and fol­low your high­er Inten­tions and Pur­pos­es in even the small­est of actions or activ­i­ties. For every­thing that you do, feel, think and dream of mat­ters in why and how you did them. These Inner Actions of Inten­tion that stand behind your out­er efforts, they all become part of the mak­ing of the real­i­ty that you will one day seem­ing­ly face “out there”…but it is all, of course, the inevitable result of how and why you act­ed as you did, long, long ago.

You are here to learn and grow.

Be a Spir­i­tu­al Warrior…

Act in Serenity,

Strive in Mindfulness,

Achieve your Heart’s Desire,

By the one and only path that is true for you,

Act by Love, Live in Love,

Just Love.