Daily Archives: May 13, 2014

Full Moon in Scorpio – The Buddha Moon (May 14, 2014)



The Promise will be kept…

The Hier­ar­chy of Light will not fail…

And, you will nev­er, ever walk alone.

For you are embraced and protected…

By the Wis­dom, Grace and Love

Of the Awak­ened Ones.

Today is the Full Moon for the month of Tau­rus, this is the Full Moon in Scor­pio. It is at this time of the year that cel­e­bra­tions and cer­e­monies are held around the world. This is the Fes­ti­val known as Wesak, this is the Full Moon of the Buddha.

It is held that Sid­dhārtha was born at, achieved enlight­en­ment dur­ing, and final­ly left his mor­tal frame by such a full moon as tonight’s. Today, Seers, Teach­ers and Stu­dents will bow their heads and give thanks and praise to he who was the first to lift him­self out of spir­i­tu­al bondage, to become Self-Awak­ened, to become a tru­ly Self-ful­filled human. This achieve­ment, of human Apoth­e­o­sis, this is the goal of each and every human, and the Bud­dha is the lov­ing, benef­ic bea­con of inspi­ra­tion for one and for all.

Every Full Moon brings a Spir­i­tu­al mes­sage for you, a teach­ing that you need to under­stand and apply in your life as you seek to fol­low the one true path, the Noble Path of Awak­en­ing and Self-Ful­fill­ment. For you are on that path in one form-stage or anoth­er, you are here to grow and even­tu­al­ly become an Illu­mined One too. One day, you will join that com­pa­ny of Light and Love who guide and inspire all who yet sojourn upon this Earth.

The Seed that was plant­ed at the New Moon of Tau­rus two weeks ago now reach­es its moment of revelation…Two Ways, Two Paths and Two Truths of Being stand revealed by the Light of this Full Moon. One is of Tau­rus, the oth­er of Scor­pio. Each with­out the oth­er is real­ly only a half-truth, for each is part of the oth­er, each is inte­gral to the oth­er. The High­er Truth that embraces all of these Truths in the Riv­er of Life, this Cir­cle called the Zodi­ac, is that there is but One Way of Being, there is but One Way, The Path of Inte­gra­tion, the Noble Path of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty and Wholeness.

The Great Inte­gral Les­son of Taurus/Scorpio is con­tained in the ever-unfold­ing para­dox­es you encounter as you move from world to world and life to life. For you are an Immor­tal pass­ing through many mor­tal forms, and though each world and each life is pre­cious to you, you are there in that form for a short time in the end. The Bud­dha taught of this, he reit­er­at­ed a fun­da­men­tal truth about the con­sti­tu­tion of this Uni­verse, that most of Cre­ation is formed by com­pos­ites, and all of these are tem­po­rary and ephemer­al. There is noth­ing “per­ma­nent” in these mor­tal realms, and this includes your low­er vehi­cles or bod­ies which you require to dwell upon this Earth.

There is an immor­tal core that moves with you from life to life…but there will nev­er be again the you that you know now. For how could that be, as you might very well return in a vast­ly dif­fer­ent cul­ture, in a far dis­tant time, and most like­ly change your gender…How could you pos­si­bly be the “same”? But the “pres­ence” who is behind who you are, the watch­er who is ever watch­ing, guid­ing and inspir­ing you to your next great­est self-real­iza­tion, the one who is draw­ing you ever clos­er to your even­tu­al Awak­en­ing, that is your High­er Self, that is your Immor­tal Core, and that is who returns again and again and draws togeth­er the var­i­ous pieces of you to begin a New Life, and your Beloved does this with and for you in life after life.

The great les­son of the Bud­dha, is that he demon­strat­ed and spoke of this truth: that you are here to learn to live the weav­ing way of spir­it, to live as an Immor­tal in the these tem­po­ral realms by lead­ing with Love and non-attach­ment. You must move through these realms of Spir­it-Mat­ter, to bring Love and Light into mat­ter and so lift your­self and these forms high­er and high­er. But you must also know and fol­low the path that is formed by your Dia­mond Cen­ter, that you are an Immor­tal, and there is no form, no life and no world that will be your ves­sel forever…for your one and only Spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive is that you are here to grow. You must move in and out of all these realms, to form into, grow through and release your­self, again and again.

There is a prayer that is offered at such sacred cer­e­monies as will be wit­nessed tonight. It is the Great Invo­ca­tion that in some form or oth­er has been passed down since the first human on Earth became self-aware:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.