Daily Archives: May 18, 2014

Mars Turns Direct (May 19, 2014)


Get Ready…

Get Set…


I wrote of this turn­ing of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mars Direct (May 19 until April 17, 2016)

The Avatar of Desire moves for­ward again until April 2016. Now that you have had your 80 days to recon­sid­er your Aims and Actions, it is time to move for­ward again. But remem­ber to fol­low the Noble Path of con­scious inten­tion, for what you must under­stand is that you are the mak­er of your real­i­ty, Right Think­ing leads to Right Action!

Mars, who is the Avatar of your desires is mov­ing for­ward. Since March 1st you have had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion your Aims and Inten­tions, you have reviewed your Means and Meth­ods and you should now be pre­pared for what may come by your Self-mak­ing of you.

You will often find that your way is beset by dif­fi­cul­ties, that your path is blocked by cir­cum­stances that you see arrayed all around you, and so it is quite under­stand­able that you will expe­ri­ence them as exter­nal to your­self. You have come to quite nat­u­ral­ly believe that your dif­fi­cul­ties in the world are “out there”, and the solu­tion to your tri­als and tribu­la­tions must be found by chang­ing what is exter­nal to you. But you are Spir­it, you are in the end an Immor­tal, and you are here to learn to use your Super­nal pow­ers wise­ly, and that there is only one strug­gle that you can and must win as Spir­it, there is only one con­quest that you must mas­ter, you must Mas­ter yourself.

You have always been on the path of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior, for you are here to under­stand that the true and only strug­gle you will wage on Earth is with­in your­self. You are here to learn and grow, and it is by your own efforts that you will lift your Self-Aware­ness out of the dark­ness and into the Light of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty and Inten­tion. You are here to Become, to remem­ber who and what you are…and that means you are here to learn to love your­self uncon­di­tion­al­ly. And then, hav­ing more mas­tered your­self, you are to turn around and act with, by and through this loving-intention…for you are also here to love one anoth­er as you love your­self too.

Veiled by your vehi­cles of mat­ter that you live through upon the Earth, you can fall into the error of sep­a­ra­tion and denial that these illu­sion­ary bod­ies impart to you. But you are not this body, you are not your vehi­cle, and your high­er self will always call to you with whis­pers of your true nature and des­tiny. You are remind­ed to find your way back to the Light, to stay on the path that will take you near­er to your heart’s desire. You must pierce through these illu­sions of appear­ance, and you must strive to keep your aware­ness cen­tered in the Greater Real­i­ty in which you tru­ly abide as Spir­it, that you are to live as One with one another.

As you go for­ward now, always remem­ber that before you move out­wards you must equal­ly move inwards and con­nect to your source of Light and Love. That as you take anoth­er step ahead you need to remem­ber who you are and fol­low your high­er Inten­tions and Pur­pos­es in even the small­est of actions or activ­i­ties. For every­thing that you do, feel, think and dream of mat­ters in why and how you did them. These Inner Actions of Inten­tion that stand behind your out­er efforts, they all become part of the mak­ing of the real­i­ty that you will one day seem­ing­ly face “out there”…but it is all, of course, the inevitable result of how and why you act­ed as you did, long, long ago.

You are here to learn and grow.

Be a Spir­i­tu­al Warrior…

Act in Serenity,

Strive in Mindfulness,

Achieve your Heart’s Desire,

By the one and only path that is true for you,

Act by Love, Live in Love,

Just Love.