Daily Archives: May 20, 2014

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2014)


You and your world sweep into the “Third Space” of the Super­nal Riv­er of Life, that band of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy called The Zodi­ac, mys­ti­cal­ly known as the Cir­cle of the “Liv­ing Ones”, which encom­pass­es your jour­ney around your star.

Each one of these twelve spaces holds a spe­cial mean­ing for you, each holds a truth of the Life Divine. In your annu­al cir­cuit you have come now to this Third moment of the First Quar­ter. Here in this first Trip­tych of Truth, here in the first of Four Turn­ings, you have before you the rev­e­la­tion of your core of con­scious­ness held in these pri­mal three:

Aries res­onates with the first breath, of Pure Aware­ness, “I am”

Tau­rus res­onates with the sec­ond breath, of Pure Being, “I am that”

Gem­i­ni res­onates with the third breath, of Self-Aware­ness, “I am that, I am.”

Your jour­ney in this life, and in life after life, is the saga of Spir­it becom­ing. It is a won­drous­ly pro­found jour­ney that start­ed for you eons and eons ago. It is the sto­ry of the unfold­ment of your Spark of the Divine which abides in your core. This is your Dia­mond Body of Infi­nite Love, your Ker­nel of Spir­it, and it is this Life-Atom which holds your Aware­ness-Pres­ence through count­less worlds, forms and through all your many, many lives.

Your jour­ney of spir­it began with you as an non self-aware, unself-con­scious yet pre­cious Spark of Spir­it embark­ing upon a series of embod­i­ments. Each of your sub­stan­ti­a­tions brought you to ever increas­ing­ly more com­plex forms of embod­i­ment, and each life elicit­ed from you a greater range of Aware­ness, and so each was anoth­er pre­cious step along the path of your Awak­en­ing too.

For many, many ages your jour­ney pro­ceed­ed through these increas­ing­ly refined lev­els of con­scious­ness, yet they always remained out­side of that most spe­cial qual­i­ty that you now take for granted…and it is this essen­tial qual­i­ty that sets you and all the beings who are ranged above you, (for you are part of a vast Hier­ar­chy of Light and Spir­it rang­ing from the bare­ly con­scious to the Super or Cos­mic Con­scious), as being quite apart from all that have as yet to reach this “Cross­ing point of the Light”, who have yet to meet this most awe­some moment in Con­scious­ness that you met ages and ages ago.

It is in this moment of awak­en­ing, this pass­ing of the Por­tal of Self-Aware­ness, that is cel­e­brat­ed by what is held in Gem­i­ni. For it is here that some­thing quite extra­or­di­nary hap­pened in your sojourn through this realm known as Human, (and of course this Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing con­tin­ues to hap­pen through­out all times and realms). This is the moment that is held in awe and with great rev­er­ence by all Mas­ters, Sages and Seers, for this is the crit­i­cal turn­ing point in the evo­lu­tion of the all the sparks of the Divine, and it also most tru­ly and lov­ing­ly con­firms the Nature of Spir­it and the Love of the One for one and all.

This moment res­onates with that fun­da­men­tal Truth of this Uni­verse, that real­ly there is One Life and One Spir­it, and it exem­pli­fies and hon­ors the Truth that all are part of a great Riv­er of Life and Con­scious­ness, and that each and every Con­scious-Cen­ter is Inte­gral to one anoth­er, each is con­nect­ed to and part of one anoth­er, and that each and every being is here to love one anoth­er, to help one anoth­er, and join with one anoth­er as we all con­tin­ue upon this same jour­ney in, by, through and even­tu­al­ly return with all these expe­ri­ences as our gifts that we offer up to the One.

Many myths and tales are told of this spe­cial moment. They are there if you know where and what to look for, for they are found in the sto­ries of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quet­zal­coatl and many, many oth­ers. It is most revered and lov­ing­ly told in the Orig­i­nal or Ancient Teach­ings in the sto­ry of the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appoint­ed time, when the Human­i­ty of that peri­od was ready for the next step for­ward in Con­scious­ness. It was their Des­tiny to impart to us the Light of Under­stand­ing, for as it had been done for them in anoth­er Cycle of Spir­it, they too now came to pass on this gift to us.

For it was then that the Light of Self-Con­scious­ness was impart­ed to us who were with­out self-aware­ness, we were the “mind­less ones” at that time, lack­ing in Self-Aware­ness. They passed on this Torch of Under­stand­ing, and our Inno­cence was lost, our time in “Eden” was at an end…

But this was the next nec­es­sary step that you had to take in your jour­ney, because now the pace of reach­ing the “promised land” increased, as it became pos­si­ble for you now to become Self-Con­scious­ly Self-Made and tru­ly respon­si­ble for lift­ing your­self towards your Divine Destiny.

You pass the Por­tal that is Gem­i­ni, where inno­cence was sur­ren­dered as your Spir­i­tu­al Flame was quick­ened. You enter the realm of the Promise-Keep­ers, of those who Know, who hold back the Dark­ness by their ded­i­ca­tion to Become and Pre­serve the Light.

You are the Awak­en­ing Ones…

Mov­ing into the Light.

You are Singing the Songs of Spirit…

The Truth shin­ing in your Heart.

You are mov­ing towards your Destiny,

By, with and through the Love of the One.