You and your world sweep into the “Third Space” of the Supernal River of Life, that band of Spiritual Energy called The Zodiac, mystically known as the Circle of the “Living Ones”, which encompasses your journey around your star.
Each one of these twelve spaces holds a special meaning for you, each holds a truth of the Life Divine. In your annual circuit you have come now to this Third moment of the First Quarter. Here in this first Triptych of Truth, here in the first of Four Turnings, you have before you the revelation of your core of consciousness held in these primal three:
Aries resonates with the first breath, of Pure Awareness, “I am”…
Taurus resonates with the second breath, of Pure Being, “I am that”…
Gemini resonates with the third breath, of Self-Awareness, “I am that, I am.”
Your journey in this life, and in life after life, is the saga of Spirit becoming. It is a wondrously profound journey that started for you eons and eons ago. It is the story of the unfoldment of your Spark of the Divine which abides in your core. This is your Diamond Body of Infinite Love, your Kernel of Spirit, and it is this Life-Atom which holds your Awareness-Presence through countless worlds, forms and through all your many, many lives.
Your journey of spirit began with you as an non self-aware, unself-conscious yet precious Spark of Spirit embarking upon a series of embodiments. Each of your substantiations brought you to ever increasingly more complex forms of embodiment, and each life elicited from you a greater range of Awareness, and so each was another precious step along the path of your Awakening too.
For many, many ages your journey proceeded through these increasingly refined levels of consciousness, yet they always remained outside of that most special quality that you now take for granted…and it is this essential quality that sets you and all the beings who are ranged above you, (for you are part of a vast Hierarchy of Light and Spirit ranging from the barely conscious to the Super or Cosmic Conscious), as being quite apart from all that have as yet to reach this “Crossing point of the Light”, who have yet to meet this most awesome moment in Consciousness that you met ages and ages ago.
It is in this moment of awakening, this passing of the Portal of Self-Awareness, that is celebrated by what is held in Gemini. For it is here that something quite extraordinary happened in your sojourn through this realm known as Human, (and of course this Spiritual Quickening continues to happen throughout all times and realms). This is the moment that is held in awe and with great reverence by all Masters, Sages and Seers, for this is the critical turning point in the evolution of the all the sparks of the Divine, and it also most truly and lovingly confirms the Nature of Spirit and the Love of the One for one and all.
This moment resonates with that fundamental Truth of this Universe, that really there is One Life and One Spirit, and it exemplifies and honors the Truth that all are part of a great River of Life and Consciousness, and that each and every Conscious-Center is Integral to one another, each is connected to and part of one another, and that each and every being is here to love one another, to help one another, and join with one another as we all continue upon this same journey in, by, through and eventually return with all these experiences as our gifts that we offer up to the One.
Many myths and tales are told of this special moment. They are there if you know where and what to look for, for they are found in the stories of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quetzalcoatl and many, many others. It is most revered and lovingly told in the Original or Ancient Teachings in the story of the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appointed time, when the Humanity of that period was ready for the next step forward in Consciousness. It was their Destiny to impart to us the Light of Understanding, for as it had been done for them in another Cycle of Spirit, they too now came to pass on this gift to us.
For it was then that the Light of Self-Consciousness was imparted to us who were without self-awareness, we were the “mindless ones” at that time, lacking in Self-Awareness. They passed on this Torch of Understanding, and our Innocence was lost, our time in “Eden” was at an end…
But this was the next necessary step that you had to take in your journey, because now the pace of reaching the “promised land” increased, as it became possible for you now to become Self-Consciously Self-Made and truly responsible for lifting yourself towards your Divine Destiny.
You pass the Portal that is Gemini, where innocence was surrendered as your Spiritual Flame was quickened. You enter the realm of the Promise-Keepers, of those who Know, who hold back the Darkness by their dedication to Become and Preserve the Light.
You are the Awakening Ones…
Moving into the Light.
You are Singing the Songs of Spirit…
The Truth shining in your Heart.
You are moving towards your Destiny,
By, with and through the Love of the One.